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中日郵政銀行IPO的不同啓示 China and Japan postal bank IPOs tell tale of two markets

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中日郵政銀行IPO的不同啓示 China and Japan postal bank IPOs tell tale of two markets

Top executives at Postal Savings bank of China have had an exhausting summer. They were already busy meeting potential investors for a capital raising, ahead of an initial public offering next year, when they had to find Rmb74bn ($11.9bn) for China Securities Finance the de facto government fund used to buy Chinese shares, in an attempt to stabilise the mainland’s plunging stock market.

中國郵政儲蓄銀行(Postal Savings Bank of China)的高管們過了一個精疲力盡的夏天。他們本來就忙着趕在明年首次公開發行(IPO)前會晤潛在的投資者以籌集資本,但還不得不爲事實上的政府基金中國證券金融公司(China Securities Finance Corporation)籌措740億元人民幣(合119億美元)用於購買國內股票,以求穩定大幅下跌的中國股市。

It is easy to be cynical about the Postal Savings Bank’s imminent listing and that of its Japanese counterpart, Japan Post Bank, later this week. Both are government creatures, and their funds are meant to support national priorities. Beijing and Tokyo might view the partial privatisations as proof of their reformist credentials, but investors would do better to see the banks as lenders of last resort for projects that the private sector would balk at underwriting.

對於中國郵儲銀行即將上市,以及日本郵政銀行(Japan Post Bank)本週晚些時候的上市,人們很容易感到狐疑。兩家銀行都是由政府發起設立,它們的資金註定要支持國家重點事項。中日兩國政府可能將這種部分私有化視爲他們銳意改革的證據,但投資者最好還是將這些銀行視爲私人部門不願背書的項目的最後貸款人。

For China Postal Savings, this idea of national service means financing anything that the government deems important, including buying the bonds of other listed and unlisted banks. For Japan Post, serving the national interest is one reason for its IPO: the proceeds will go mostly to fund reconstruction in the Tohoku area, which was devastated by the tsunami as well as the Fukushima nuclear plant disaster of 2011.


However, while the banks have a similar background and rationale, their prospects as listed entities demonstrate how different their home markets are in their financial evolution.


Japan Post Bank shares are being mainly sold to retail investors, who have few more attractive alternatives after the government’s policy of quantitative easing depressed interest rates. Japanese government bonds yield virtually nothing and may soon trade on negative yields. In comparison, the 3 per cent dividend yield expected on Japan Post Bank shares looks generous. With the government pricing the shares at a wide discount to the bank’s assets, they look a safe buy at least on day one. Many fund managers also expect the wider Japanese stock market the best performing in the world this year to remain strong, as the Bank of Japan considers ratcheting up its support of financial markets, possibly by purchasing equity exchange traded funds.


But that very policy means almost every financial asset is artificially priced including the yen while most of the profits of Japanese companies are simply currency translation gains.


If Japan Post Bank’s shares are to continue to perform well, it will need to show that it can find new homes for its money. As the largest bank in the country, with 20 per cent of all deposits, it used to put at least half of the cash into Japanese government bonds. Now that the Bank of Japan is taking up more net new issuance of these bonds, Japan Post Bank’s role has become less important.


Investors may rightly wonder whether the bank has the skillset to put money abroad, or into riskier assets at home.


Low interest rates also mean the bank’s net interest margins will remain under pressure, at a time when the flow of funds into its coffers is set to slow largely as a result of poor demographics and the hollowing out of many of the villages it serves in Japan.


At first glance, Postal Savings Bank of China faces similar demographic and management challenges. But China is at a very different stage of development: a young economy trying to become more efficient.


Whether China Postal Savings will be similarly affected by these challenges, or rise to meet them, remains an open question. While most of China’s state owned enterprises are rarely run by managers who prioritise shareholder return, many are far less sleepy than their Japanese counterparts. In addition, Beijing is serious about instilling a sense of competition in its financial markets, which means its banks are no longer as hostile or indifferent to customers as in the past.


Innovations such as Alipay’s Yu’E Bao money market fund which offers savers a higher rate than bank deposits are already making a difference.



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