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New York University, in the midst of a review of how laborers were treated during the construction of its Abu Dhabi campus, has acknowledged that procedures intended to protect workers at its other major foreign outpost, in Shanghai, were not followed.

紐約大學(New York University)正在就該校阿布扎比(Abu Dhabi)校區建設過程中工人的待遇問題而開展調查。現在該校承認,針對該校在上海的另一個海外校區,旨在保護工人的相關規程沒有得到遵守。

According to a university spokesman, N.Y.U. hired a company to perform an array of services while the new campus was being built, including monitoring working conditions and publishing its findings in annual reports. But the company “did not perform as expansive a compliance review as N.Y.U. desired, nor did they produce the detailed report that N.Y.U. requested,” the spokesman, John Beckman, said in an email.

該大學的一位發言人透露,在新校園建設期間,紐約大學聘請一家公司開展了一系列服務,包括監督工作條件,並在年度報告中發表其調查結果。不過,紐約大學發言人約翰·拜克曼(John Beckman)在電子郵件中說,該公司“並沒有像紐約大學希望的那樣,開展廣泛的合規審覈,也沒有出具紐約大學要求的詳盡的報告。”


Several years ago, in response to criticism that it was building campuses in authoritarian countries without strong labor protections, the university created “statements of labor values” that pledged fair wages, reasonable hours and the right to resolve labor disputes, and forbade forced labor or employment discrimination.


During the construction of the Abu Dhabi campus, the engineering firm Mott MacDonald was hired to oversee compliance and to issue annual public reports about its findings. Those reports offered consistent praise for the way laborers on the vast new campus were being treated. But an investigation by The New York Times later found that many of the workers, who were largely South Asian migrants under contract to local companies, had been charged high fees to obtain their jobs, were forced to work overtime and were not being paid what they had been promised. Some were warehoused in squalid and cramped apartments, and some were beaten or arrested for going on strike.

在阿布扎比校區建設期間,該校聘請了工程顧問公司莫特麥克唐納(Mott MacDonald)開展合規監督,並就其監督結果發佈公開報告。這些報告對於規模宏大的新校園建設期間,勞工得到的待遇給予了普遍的讚譽。然而《紐約時報》之後開展的調查顯示,參與建設的勞工主要是與當地企業簽約的南亞移民,他們在獲取工作之前都被收取了很高的費用,被迫加班,拿到的報酬也沒有承諾的多。一些人擠在骯髒擁擠的公寓裏,還有一些人因爲罷工而遭到毆打或逮捕。

John Sexton, the president of N.Y.U., called such conditions “if true as reported, troubling and unacceptable.” The university, along with the Abu Dhabi government, which financed the campus and oversaw its construction, announced an inquiry, which is continuing.

紐約大學校長約翰·塞克斯頓(John Sexton)表示,“如果報道屬實”,這種情況“令人不安,是不能接受的”。紐約大學與阿布扎比政府宣佈開展調查,目前仍在進行當中。校園是阿布扎比政府出資並負責建設的。

N.Y.U. Shanghai, a joint venture with East China Normal University, is the university’s second major outpost. The real estate consulting firm Jones Lang LaSalle was hired in March 2012 to perform a variety of functions on the building site.

上海紐約大學(NYU Shanghai)作爲紐約大學在海外的第二座大型校區,是與華東師範大學共同開辦的。2012年3月,校方聘請了房地產諮詢公司仲量聯行(Jones Lang LaSalle)在建設現場開展一系列工作。

“After some miscommunications — for which we share responsibility — and delays — during which we nevertheless thought a report would ultimately be completed — it became clear that a report with the level of detail we wanted was not going to be forthcoming,” Mr. Beckman said in an email last week.


Anthony Couse, a managing director for Jones Lang LaSalle in East China, said there was no miscommunication. “Compliance review with the Statement of Labor Values was not part of our original scope,” he said. “During the summer of 2013 we were contacted by N.Y.U. about labor compliance monitoring; we carried out that monitoring, as agreed.”

仲量聯行華東區董事總經理顧東尼(Anthony Couse)表示,並不存在溝通不暢。“就勞工價值聲明開展合規覈查,並不屬於我們最初的職責範圍,”他說。“2013年夏,紐約大學聯繫我們覈查勞動規章的遵守情況。我們依照雙方的約定開展了覈查。”

He added, “The project is regarded as a success on several levels by both N.Y.U. and J.L.L.”


This summer the university hired the law firm Paul Hastings L.L.P. to perform a retroactive audit of working conditions at the Shanghai campus. The results, which will be made public, are expected by the end of the year.

今年夏天,紐約大學聘請普衡律師事務所(Paul Hastings L.L.P.)對上海校區的工作條件開展事後審覈。預計審覈將於年底完成,結果會對外公開。

Mr. Beckman added that “the conditions on the site for workers were in overall compliance with the Statement of Labor Values of N.Y.U. Shanghai.”


Faculty members in New York who have been scrutinizing the overseas construction projects said that information about the Shanghai campus had been all but impossible to get. An email thread between members of the local chapter of the American Association of University Professors and the university administration, in which the professors repeatedly asked which firm had been hired to monitor compliance and what standards it would employ, dated to 2011.

身在紐約負責監督海外建設項目的教師表示,幾乎無法取得關於上海校區的信息。美國大學教授協會(American Association of University Professors)當地分會的成員,與大學的行政部門之間的一些電子郵件討論可以追溯到2011年,其中教授們曾反覆詢問聘請了哪家公司做合規監督,採用的是怎樣的標準。

Three years later, Jeffrey S. Lehman, the vice chancellor of N.Y.U. Shanghai, wrote to members of a faculty advisory committee to say that “notwithstanding what we understood last summer,” Jones Lang LaSalle “was not able to produce a thorough review of compliance with the worker rights that are set forth in our statement of labor values,” and that Paul Hastings had been hired “to do the kind of thorough review that J.L.L. could not.”

三年後,紐大上海校區常務副校長傑弗瑞·S·雷蒙(Jeffrey S. Lehman)給一個教師顧問委員會的成員發郵件表示,“與我們去年夏天的理解不同”,仲量聯行“未能出具一份全面的文件,陳述我校勞工價值聲明中列舉的工人權益是否得到了遵守。”校方聘請了普衡律師事務所“開展仲量聯行沒能開展的全面審覈”。

Mr. Lehman added, “Paul Hastings is writing up their report and (not surprisingly) they say they have seen no red flags, no evidence of material noncompliance, etc., etc.”


Anna McCarthy, a professor of cinema studies who was a part of that three-year exchange, expressed frustration that an effective system of oversight was not in place while the campus was being built. “I’m not satisfied,” she said. “I really do think there needs to be a lot more transparency.”

電影研究教授安娜·麥卡錫(Anna McCarthy)參與了長達三年的電子郵件交流。她表示,在校園建設過程中,沒有建立有效的監管系統,這讓她很失望。“我並不滿意,”她說。“我真的認爲透明度應該高得多才行。”

The Shanghai campus, in that city’s Pudong neighborhood, and the Abu Dhabi campus, on Saadiyat Island, are part of what N.Y.U. calls the Global Network University, a constellation of degree-granting campuses and smaller study-abroad sites through which students and faculty members are encouraged to cycle. The concept has won admiration from many other colleges and universities, which have scrambled to establish overseas footholds of their own. It has also attracted criticism from students and faculty members, who say that development of this kind jeopardizes academic freedom and workers’ rights.

上海校區位於浦東新區,阿布扎比校區位於薩迪亞特島,這兩個校區都是紐約大學所說的全球教育體系(Global Network University)的組成部分。這一體系中包括一系列可以頒發學位的校區,以及規模較小的海外學習場所,校方鼓勵學生和教師在整個體系中輪換。這種設想在其他許多學院和大學中贏得了讚譽,它們也都在匆忙建立自己的海外分校。不過這種設想也受到了師生的批評,他們表示這種開發項目妨礙了學術自由和工人的權利。

The inquiry into conditions in Abu Dhabi, conducted by Nardello & Company, an investigative firm led by a former federal prosecutor, was to be completed this year. It is now expected in early 2015.

針對阿布扎比校區工作狀況的調查是由Nardello & Company開展的,這家調查公司的負責人是一位前聯邦檢察官。調查預計將於今年結束,結果將在2015年初發布。