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新加坡大選的五大焦點 Five flashpoints in Singapore's general election

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新加坡大選的五大焦點 Five flashpoints in Singapore's general election

Singaporeans head to the polls on Friday in what some observers have suggested is the city-state’s most important election since independence.


Opposition parties are fielding candidates in all of the country’s 29 electoral divisions — the first time the People’s Action party has faced such a challenge in its half-century of unbroken rule over the tiny Southeast Asian nation.

反對黨在全國29個選區均派出候選人蔘選,這是人民行動黨(People’s Action party)在連續統治這個東南亞小國半個世紀以來首次遭遇此類挑戰。

Here are five issues looming in voters’ minds.




This is “the mother of all issues in this election”, according to Eugene Tan, political analyst and associate professor at Singapore Management University. “Immigration is the one topic that many, many Singaporeans are worried about.”

這是“此次大選所有問題中最重要的一個”,新加坡管理大學(Singapore Management University)政治分析師、副教授陳慶文(Eugene Tan)表示,“移民是很多新加坡人關心的一個話題。”

The loosening of immigration controls has helped drive the economy and propelled the population from 4.4m in 2006 to 5.5m in 2014. But that has put pressure on infrastructure and created domestic friction over jobs, even though the unemployment rate is still only 2 per cent.


Overcrowding, buoyed by 1.6m foreigners, has chafed with locals, a fact that Lee Hsien Loong, prime minister, has acknowledged. “We cannot close our doors completely. [But] if we let in too many foreign workers, our society will come undone,” he said.

160萬外國人造成的過度擁擠激怒了新加坡本地人,該國總理李顯龍(Lee Hsien Loong)也承認這點。他表示:“我們不能徹底把大門關閉。(但)如果我們讓太多外國務工人員入境,我們的社會就亂了。”

Analysts at Bank of America Merrill Lynch note that Singapore’s “non-resident population growth has slowed to 2.9 per cent in 2014, down from an average of more than 10 per cent during 2005-2010”.

美銀美林(Bank of America Merrill Lynch)分析師指出,新加坡“非居民人口增速在2014年放緩至2.9%,低於2005年至2010年期間逾10%的平均水平”。

Check on ruling party’s power


The 2011 election was noted by observers as a “watershed election” when the dominance of the PAP was tested for the first time in Singapore’s half-century of statehood.


Although the PAP won 81 of 87 seats, its vote share fell to 60.1 per cent — the lowest in history and well below the 67 per cent of 2006 — giving opposition parties their first significant toehold in parliament.


“Do I believe that it is healthy for a handful of people from the same political party deciding what is best for Singapore? The answer... no,” said He Ting Ru, a 32-year-old Cambridge university-educated solicitor standing on the Workers’ party ticket.

劍橋大學(Cambridge university)畢業的32歲律師、工人黨(Workers’ party)候選人之一何廷儒表示:“我是否認爲由同一政黨的少數人來決定什麼對新加坡最有利這種情況是合理的?我的答案是……否定的。”

While the PAP is almost certain to retain power on Friday, aided by a favourable block-voting electoral system, many observers believe a viable opposition in parliament will check the PAP’s near-autonomy — something against which Mr Lee has cautioned.


“For every one more ‘checker’ in parliament there will be one less doer, thinker and leader in the government to serve the nation and the people,” he said.




Singapore has long been an oasis of political stability and economic predictability, but its stagnating economy, and concerns over China’s stock market slump and neighbouring Malaysia’s political troubles have emerged as fresh worries.


Singapore’s industrial production contracted 6.1 per cent in July against a year earlier, compounding the 4 per cent fall seen in June. While it remains a vibrant financial centre, manufacturing still accounts for 17 per cent of gross domestic product.


The government recently pared back its 2015 GDP growth forecast to 2-2.5 per cent from 2-4 per cent previously.


In neighbouring Malaysia, worries over religious radicalisation and the scandal engulfing Prime Minister Najib Rajak have made an unwelcome addition to the mix. After being ejected from Malaysia in 1965, Singapore has outgrown its neighbour but it is still closely linked through its reliance on water supplies from the north.

在鄰國馬來西亞,對於宗教激進化的擔憂以及總理納吉布拉扎克(Najib Rajak)捲入的醜聞也是新加坡不願看到的問題。自1965年脫離馬來西亞後,新加坡的經濟增速一直超過馬來西亞,但新加坡對馬來西亞水資源供應的依賴仍讓兩國緊密聯繫在一起。

“If Malaysia is troubled, unstable or divided, it will affect our economy, our society and our security too,” said Mr Lee.


Pensions and housing


Known as the Central Provident Fund, Singapore’s system of financing pensioners is based on mandatory savings by households, which are in turn micromanaged by the state. CPF allows account holders to make withdrawals for housing, medical and education fees — something some opposition parties oppose.

新加坡的養老保障體系被稱爲中央公積金制度(Central Provident Fund),它基於家庭強制儲蓄,並受政府的微觀管理。該制度允許賬戶持有者爲住房、醫療和教育支出提取公積金,一些反對黨反對這點。

A minimum S$161,000 (US$113,000) must remain in a CPF account when a person reaches the age of 55, placing a clamp on the assets of poorer Singaporeans.


More than 80 per cent of Singaporeans live in flats built by the country’s Housing and Development Board, with more than 90 per cent of those owner-occupied. However, many of the opposition parties complain that the fixed prices of HDB flats — known as Build-To-Order flats — are too high for poorer Singaporeans.

超過80%的新加坡人居住在由該國建屋發展局(Housing and Development Board)建造的組屋中,其中超過90%房屋爲自住。然而,多數反對黨抱怨稱,對於較爲貧窮的新加坡人而言,建屋發展局建造的組屋——被稱爲預購組屋(Build-To-Order)——偏貴。

Singaporeans who qualify — and who are prepared to endure multiyear waiting lists — can obtain government subsidies of as much as S$60,000 to buy BTO flats on the far outskirts of Singapore. Prices range from S$75,000 (US$53,000) for a 36 sq m two-room flat in Sembawang near the Malaysian border, to S$576,000 for a five-room flat in more central Clementi.




Singapore’s 5.5m people are crammed into 720 sq km, making it the most densely populated sovereign state after Monaco. The squeeze has placed strains on the country’s infrastructure, with the metro system, for example, suffering several high-profile breakdowns in recent years.


“When infrastructure doesn’t work like it should, Singaporeans get very annoyed about it. They don’t seem to accept it like in, say, the UK or Australia,” said David Black, managing director of Blackbox Research, a market research group.

市場研究機構Blackbox Research董事總經理大衛布萊克(David Black)表示:“當基礎設施運行不暢時,新加坡人感到很惱火。他們似乎不會接受這種事情,不像英國或澳大利亞。”

A July poll from Blackbox found that “the recent spate of train disruptions, including a major breakdown during rush hour that affected close to 250,000 commuters” had weighed on voters’ confidence in the government’s ability to handle transportation issues.


Overcrowding on trains has also raised Singaporeans’ ire, which some have blamed on the island’s growing population. The government has responded by building new lines and adding hundreds of new buses to the roads.



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