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Calvin Ford, 29, knew as a child where he would probably wind up working as an adult. But he took his time getting there.

卡爾文•福特(Calvin Ford)今年29歲,當他還是一個孩子時,就知道成年後可能會到哪裏工作。但他卻並非一路按部就班地直奔那個工作崗位而去。

He spent his first few years after college in jobs in the Northeast and in Asheville, N.C. Then his wife landed a job in Denver. It so happened that Ford Motor Co. F +2.04% had an open job there.

大學畢業後的最初幾年裏,他在美國東北部和北卡羅來納州的阿什維爾做過幾份不同的工作。此後他妻子在丹佛得到了一份工作。非常湊巧,福特汽車公司(Ford Motor Co.)在那裏也有一個工作崗位在招人。

He applied, went through a standard new employee hiring process in Dearborn, Mich., and since January 2012 has been a zone sales manager based in Denver, working with Ford dealers in Wyoming and Idaho.


'I always knew that if I went to work at Ford, it was going to be my career,' says Calvin Ford, a great-great grandson of the company's founder.

卡爾文•福特是福特汽車公司創始人亨利•福特(Henry Ford)的玄孫,他說,我早就知道,如果我去福特工作,就將在那裏幹一輩子。

Calvin Ford is one of seven descendants of Henry Ford now working at the car company that bears the family name. Most are just starting their careers but a cousin, Bill Ford Jr., has been chairman since 1999 and Calvin's father has spent 39 years at the company.

亨利•福特目前有七名繼承了其姓氏的後代在福特汽車公司工作,卡爾文•福特是其中之一。他們中的大多數人只是剛開始在這家公司工作,不過小比爾•福特(Bill Ford Jr.)卻自1999年以來一直擔任該公司的董事長,而卡爾文的父親則在福特汽車公司工作了39年。

At a time when nonfamily Ford shareholders are showing signs of discontent with the Ford family's effective control via supervoting stock, more members of the family than ever are now working at the auto maker, say company officials. And several more young Fords could join the ranks over the next few years, family members say.


A Ford is unlikely to run the company soon. Current Chief Executive Alan Mulally, 67, has said he plans to stay through at least 2014. Last year, the company named Mark Fields as chief operating officer, making him the likely successor.

福特家族的成員不大可能很快接手這家公司的管理。該公司現任首席執行長穆拉利(Alan Mulally)今年67歲,他說自己計劃在這個崗位上至少幹到2014年。福特汽車公司去年任命菲爾茲(Mark Fields)擔任公司的首席營運長,這使他有可能成爲穆拉利的接班人。

A shareholder proposal this year to abolish the separate classes of stock got 33% of total share votes─equivalent to just over half the nonfamily voting shares and the highest percentage of such proposals at Ford.


'I think the [market] value would be higher if it was one share, one vote,' says John Chevedden, 67, of Redondo Beach, Calif., a Ford shareholder who, along with his father, supported the proposal to end the Class B super voting rights.

該公司67歲的股東比奇(Redondo Beach)說,我認爲如果公司的每份股票都享有相同的表決權的話,公司的市值會比現在高。比奇與他同爲福特汽車公司股東的父親都支持上述終止公司的B類股票所享有的超級表決權。

At Ford, which has been a publicly-listed company since 1956, descendants of the founder maintain effective control through Class B supervoting stock that gives them 40% of the common stock vote.
