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Low Wages Are Poverty Wages


How would you like to put in full-time hours at your job, work hard to perform your job well, manage your household, and yet still spend time waiting in lines for general assistance and charity to pay for your basic expenses, including food and heat? If you are a member of the growing population of minimum- and low-wage workers, this could be you. And the problem affects all of us.



Low wages are not just for kids and teens anymore. They are for everybody. Steven Greenhouse wrote a piece for the Economy section of The New York Timesthat compared the demographics of low-wage workers in 1979 and 2013. The changes are shocking. The stereotype that low-wage workers are young, and are either just starting out or saving money for school is out of date and incorrect. In 2013, 20 percent of workers aged 25 to 34 earned low wages, up from 15 percent in 1979. In 2013, over 30 percent of workers ages 35 to 64 were making low wages.

低收入已經不再僅僅適用於兒童和青少年了。低收入是對每個人而言的。Steven Greenhouse 在紐約時報的經濟專欄中發表了一篇文章,文章對比了1979年和2013年低收入工作者的人口統計資料。變化驚人。認爲工作者收入低是因爲年輕、剛剛開始工作或者勤工儉學的傳統思想已經過時、不合實際了。2013年,年齡在25歲到34歲之間的低收入工作者比例高達20%,自從1979年增加了15個百分點。2013年,年齡在35至64歲之間的工作者,30%以上都處於低收入水平。

Education of the Low-Wage Worker


Education has long been considered the doorway out of poverty. Get a good education, and more opportunities will be available to you, as will more money. Therefore, it may come as a surprise that, according to Greenhouse's article, about 41 percent of low-wage workers today have some college education. Many factors contribute to this state of affairs, not the least of which is the recent recession.


The point is that it is getting more and more difficult to stay above the poverty line. Available jobs offer low wages, people put off finishing their educations because they cannot afford it, and health crises take any savings the family was able to stash away. People are asking for assistance with basics such as feeding their children, paying rent, keeping warm through an incredibly cold winter, and transporting themselves to work. The low wages available today do not support the cost of basic living.


Tell Us What You Think


Have you ever needed assistance in addition to your wages?
