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's the total circulation of this newspaper?這份報紙的總髮行量是多少呢?

2.I'm looking for the classified sectionHave you seen it?我在找分類的部分。你看到了嗎?

brother-in-law is a reporter on The New York Times staff我的姐夫是紐約時報的一名記者。

e was an article in today's paper about the election今天的報紙上有一篇關於選舉的文章。

e wasn't much news in the paper today今天報紙上沒有多少新聞。

long have you been taking this magazine?你看這本雜誌多長時間了?

you read the article about the rescue of the two fishermen?你讀過那篇關於營救兩名漁夫的文章嗎?

don't you put an advertisement in the paper to sell your car?你爲什麼不在報上登個廣告賣你的車呢?

9.I got four replies to my ad about the bicycle for sale我收到了四份關於自行車銷售的廣告。

son has a newpaper routeHe delivers the morning paper我兒子有一條新報路線。他遞送晨報。

e were you yesterday afternoon?你昨天下午在哪?

12.I was at home all afternoon我下午一直在家。

13.I was writing some letters to friends of mine我正在寫信給我的朋友。

were you doing at about o'clock yesterday afternoon?昨天下午點左右你在做什麼?

15.I was listening to the radio我正在聽收音機。

were you doing when I called you on the telephone?我打電話給你時,你在做什麼?

you called me,I was eating dinner當你打電話給我的時候,我正在吃晚餐。

I saw MrJones,he was talking with John Smith當我看到瓊斯先生的時候,他正在和約翰·史密斯交談。

e you were writing letters,I was reading a book當你寫信的時候,我正在讀一本書。

e we were having breakfast,John was talking on the telephone當我們吃早餐的時候,約翰在電話裏說話。

you guess what I was doing this morning?你能猜到我今天早上在做什麼嗎?

22.I can't remember what John was doing yesterday afternoon我不記得約翰昨天下午做了什麼。

23.I've forgotten what he said his address was我忘記了他所說的地址是什麼。

24.I've forgotten what time he said he had dinner last night我忘了他什麼時候說吃晚飯了

called us just as we were having dinner他們打電話給我們的時候我們在吃飯。

26.I get out of bed about o'clock every morning我每天早上七點多起牀。

r getting up,I go into the bathroom and take a shower起牀後,我進了浴室洗澡。

,I shave,brush my teeth and comb my hair然後,刮鬍子,刷牙,理頭髮。

r brushing my teeth,I put on my clothes刷牙後,我穿上衣服。

r that,I go downstairs to the kitchen to have breakfast之後,我下樓去廚房吃早餐。

r eating breakfast,I go back upstairs again吃完早飯後,我又回到了樓上。

,it's usually time to wake up my little brother然後,通常是叫醒我弟弟。

can't dress himself yet because he's too young他不能自己穿衣,因爲太小了。

34.I wash his face and hands,and then I dress him我幫他洗臉和手,然後給他穿衣服。

tries to button his own shirt,but he can't do it他試着自己按扣子,但他做不來。

little brother takes a bath before he goes to bed at night我弟弟晚上睡覺前洗澡。

always forgets to wash behind his ears他總是忘記把他耳朵後面洗洗。

38.I'm always tired when I come home from work下班回家,我總是很累。

bedtime,I take off my clothes and put on my pajamas睡前,我脫下衣服穿上我的睡衣。

40.I get into bed at about : and go right off to sleep大約點半,我上牀準備睡覺。

's a beautiful country with many large lakes這是一個美麗的國家,有許多大湖。

part of the country is very mountainous這個國家的這個地方有很多山。

land in this region is dry and parched這個地區的土地乾燥。

g the northern coast there are many high cliffs沿北部海岸有許多高懸崖。

e are forests here,and lumbering is important這裏有森林,伐木很重要。

scenery is beautiful near the Pacific Ocean太平洋附近的風景很美。

mountain range has many high peaks and deep canyons這個山脈有許多高峯和深谷。

kind of climate do you haved?Is it mild?你那邊什麼氣候?溫和嗎?

far is it from the shore of the Atlantic to the mountains?從大西洋岸到山上有多遠?

the coastal plain good for farming?沿海平原是否適合農業?