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Test 1

Section A


A. It is the first time they have been on a trip.

B. They cannot do what they like before.

C. They don't have to care about the time.

D. They have to travel by schedules now.


A. The man just makes a joke.

B. The man does not like sunbath.

C. The woman is going to learn swimming.

D. The woman has no idea how to swim.



M: We have time, don't we? Every time we've gone on a trip, we've always been tied down by schedules. This time will be different. We don't have to rush.

W: You're right. This is our first trip since you retired. We can travel as long as we like.

Q: What does the woman mean?




M: Aren't you going to swim? We drove fifty miles to come here not just for a sunbath.

W: Are you kidding? Don't you know I can't swim?

Q: What can we learn from the conversation?





Test 11

Section C

The term biological clock is (36) ______ to the means by which living things (37) ______ their activity patterns, without any (38) ______ cue, to the time of day, or the month, or the year. The biological clocks seem to be beautifully (39) ______ to the needs of living things. They are (40) ______ but little, if at all, by drugs, chemicals, or wide temperature difference-factors which may alter substantially the rates of all ordinary (41) ______ of the body.

The nature of the biological clocks' mechanism is still a (42) ______ . Two quite different theories can (43) ______ for them. According to the first of these theories, (44) ___________________________________ . This is believed to have evolved, aided by natural selection, as an adaptation to the rhythmic environment. It has now become independent of the environment. (45) ________________________________________________ . The setting of their biological clocks, therefore, involves a constant adjustment to subtle environment forces. But the search for the specific timing system has been futile thus far. (46) ____________________________________________________ .


36. applied

解析:be applied to意思是“被應用到……”。注意將y變成i再加-ed。

37. adjust


38. obvious


39. adapted

解析:不要漏掉-ed,be adapted to爲固定搭配,意思是“對……適合”。

40. affected


41. processes


42. mystery


43. account

解析:account for是固定搭配,意思是“解釋,說明”。不要少寫一個c。

44. 標準答案:each individual contains its own independent timing system

聽音關鍵:individual, contains, its own independent timing system

答案重構:1) Each individual has a unique timing system

2) All living things have their own independent timing system

3) The timing systems of all living things differ from one another

畫龍點睛:這裏的individual是指living things中的“個體”,如果拼寫沒有把握,可以借鑑前文出現的living things。如果改寫爲people或者human則會有意義上的偏差。

45. 標準答案:The other theory holds that living things react continuously to their rhythmic physical environment

聽音關鍵:The other theory, living things, react continuously, rhythmic physical environment

答案重構:1) The other theory holds that each individual responds constantly to the rhythmic physical environment

2) According to the second/other theory, living things reacts continually to their environment, which is rhythmic

畫龍點睛:共提到兩個理論,前面介紹了第1個,此空應該是另外一個。"the other theory holds"可以按照前文"according to the first of these theories"改寫爲according to the other/second theory。這樣,整個句子的結構就改變了,原來的賓語從句就上升爲一個主句。continually可以用後文中的constantly替換。rhythmic在前文出現過,應該寫得出來。 physical environment自然環境,實在寫不出physical,寧可不寫。

46. 標準答案:Not only has no independent timing system ever been discovered, but there has not yet been even a guess as to its nature

聽音關鍵:no independent timing system, discovered, guess, its nature

答案重構:1) Scientists have neither found any independent timing system nor guessed at its nature

2) No independent timing system has been found yet; furthemore, nobody has even tried to think about its nature

畫龍點睛:原句是not (also)結構,可以根據其含義改爲並列句。因爲原句的兩部分都是否定結構,可以用...形式引導。儘管independent timing system可能比較難,但是上下文中並不缺少該詞組,所以應該可以寫出來。此外,也可以根據句子結構的需要把discover與find替換,把guess改爲try to think about。



Test 10

Section C

Cyber Café (網吧) computer centers are found inmany cities around the world. Now, a few Americanhigh schools are (36) ______ these centers. AllStudents can use the Cyber Café. But school officialssay it (37) ______ helps students who have nocomputer or cannot use the Internet officials say thirteen percent of the students atthe school are from poor families. Many students have (38) ______ in the United States fromother countries only (39) ______ . Students in the school's (40) ______ for learning Englishspeak twenty-three other languages. The idea for a Cyber Café began three years ago. At thattime, officials were planning to (41) ______ the school building. Parents interested intechnology (42) ______ a Cyber Café. They wanted this center even though schools in the areahad suffered (43) ______ cuts. The community wanted to help. It wanted all students to havethe best chances to learn.

Officials in the area supported the idea. (44) _______________________________________________________________ . Over twoyears, the foundation collected more than one-hundred-seventy-thousand dollars.

(45) __________________________________________________________________________ addition, they can send and receive electronic mail. (46) _________________________________________________________________ . The CyberCafé also serves a social purpose. Visitors can stop by for a drink of coffee, tea, or hotchocolate.


36. opening


37. especially


38. arrived


39. recently

解析:根據第39題在句中位置可推測這裏大概需要一個副詞。recently ad. 近來,最近,是一個常用詞,不難聽出。

40. program


41. restore

解析:plan to do sth. “計劃做某事”,因此這裏要用動詞原形。restore vt. 恢復,修復,重建。

42. proposed


43. budget

解析:budget cuts“削減預算”;不要漏寫d。

44. 標準答案:So did parents, teachers, former students, and business community andsome organizations

聽音關鍵:So, parents, teachers, former students, business community, organizations

答案重構:1). Many other people and organizations also supported the idea

2) Parents, teachers, former students, and business community and some organizations alsosupported it

3) So did parents and other related people, and some organizations as well

畫龍點睛:首先要聽清楚So did這種句型。可以在聽懂句子意思的基礎上,把So did...句型所表達的含義根據前一句話的內容寫出來。而聽寫本句的難點是,後面並列的成分多,要儘量用縮略詞把所有項目寫出來。如果來不及,就用“等等”表達。可能的話,可以把聽到的內容歸類。

45. 標準答案:Students use the Internet to complete research, writing homework andrequired papers on the computers

聽音關鍵:use the Internet, complete research, writing homework and required papers

答案重構:1) Students use the Internet to complete research, and they can write homework and(required) papers on the Internet

2) The Internet can help students with their research, and the computer makes it easier forthem to do their homework and to write papers

3) Students can use the Internet and the computer for their studies: doing research, andwriting homework and papers


46. 標準答案:That is especially helpful for the many students who have family membersin other nations

聽音關鍵:especially helpful, the many students, family members, other nations

答案重構:1) This is helpful for/beneficial to students especially if they have family members inother countries

2) Many students have family members overseas/abroad, and they will find this especially helpful

畫龍點睛:在詞彙層面上,nations可以用countries替換,in other nations也就是overseas,abroad的意思。helpful for可以用beneficial to替換。在句法層面,可以把定語從句的內容提升爲一個並列分句,以便於把握其結構。