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       當我們負責翻譯的時候,總是會參加一些飯局。而負責招待的東道主通常會說一些咱們國家用來稱讚對方的話,當人買這些話在國外是沒有的。遇到這種類型的短語或者俗語,該怎麼說呢?我們對這一方面多做一些準備,可以在飯局上不用那麼緊張,同時也會給人們留下你知識淵博的印象。1. 海量 have a hollow leg   你想灌醉他?他可是海量,從來沒有醉過。   Want to drink him under the table? Well…you can never do. He got a hollow leg, you know. 2. 略勝一籌 be a notch above   論油畫,張先生比劉先生畫得好。但是,談到水彩畫,劉先生可就比張先生略勝一籌了。   In oil painting, Mr.Zhang paints better than Mr.Li.But when it comes to water colors,Mr.Liu appears to be a notch above Mr.Zhang. 3. 有頭腦 be a brain   他可是個有頭腦的人,決不會相信你的那一套。   He’s a brain, who wouldn’t be fooled into believing your babbling. 4. 很能幹 to have a lot on the ball   我知道李明很能幹,但我懷疑他是否真的願意到我們這兒來工作。   I know Li Ming has a lot on the ball. But I’m not sure if he likes to work here. 5. 有名無實 a poor apology   你剛纔提到的那個作家不過是個有名無實的人。他的作品太沒意思了。   The man you’ve just mentioned is but a poor apology for a writer. His writings are tedious. 6. 絞盡腦汁 to rack one’s brain   他已經絞盡腦汁了,可是仍未找到問題的答案。   He had racked his brain, but hadn’t been able to work out the answer to the problem. 7. 沒骨氣 have no guts.   真沒想到小高那麼沒骨氣,竟然嫁給了坑害過她父親的人。   I’m surprised to learn that XiaoGao had married the man who had once done her father in. She really has no guts. 8. 真了不起 really something   他真了不起,竟然一個人對付了那麼多的對手。   He overwhelmed so many of his opponents alone. He’s really something. 9. 曇花一現 a flash in the pan   那個歌星也只是曇花一現,出了幾張唱片就銷聲匿跡了。   That singer was only a flash in the pan. He disappeared into the air after having made one or two records. 10. 寡不敵衆 be outnumbered   她很勇敢,但終因寡不敵衆,被那幫人打暈過去   The girl was brave enough, but as being outnumbered, she was finally knocked into the middle of next week by the gang. 11. 單槍匹馬 play a lone hand   在投資時,他總喜歡單槍匹馬的去幹   When investing in a business, he always likes to play a lone hand. 12. 出師不利 get off one the wrong foot   他的主意不錯,可一開始就出師不利。   His idea was good, but he got off on the wrong foot when he started doing it. 13. 口才 the gift of gab   我幾乎沒見過像莉莉這樣有口才的女孩子。   Seldom have I met a girl who’s had such a gift of gab like Lee Lee’s. 14. 還嫩點兒 still wet behind the ears   想陷害我?你還嫩點兒   Attempt to do me in? You are still wet behind the ears.   (be wet behind the ears 的字面意思是“像剛生下來的嬰兒一樣,耳朵後的根毛還是溼的那”) 15. 糊塗蟲 a nitwit   你真是個糊塗蟲,怎麼能當他的面講他女朋友的壞話那?   You’re a real nitwit. Why should you badmouth his girlfriend in his face? 16. 飯量小 eat like a bird   她的飯量特別小,有一小塊麪包就足夠了。   She eats like a bird. A small piece of bread will be enough for her. 17. 痛失良機 Let something slip through one’s fingers   你真蠢!這樣一個發大財的機會千載難逢,你怎能眼睜睜的讓他跑掉那?   You can’t be more stupid! How could you let such a golden opportunity to make big money slip through your fingers? It was an opportunity that comes once in a blue moon. 18. 抓住機會 jump at the chance   這樣的好機會,你應該抓住   You should have jump at such a good chance. 19. 嘴硬 never say uncle   那個孩子的嘴特別硬,打死他都不肯認錯   That boy never says uncle. He wouldn’t admit he’s wrong for the life of him. 20. 有門道 have the means of   在掙錢方面,張先生可有門道了   Mr.Zhang has always had the means of making money.      通過以上20的常用短語的英文翻譯以及例句,不知道大家有沒有學到一些。這種零碎的小知識靠大家平時積累,希望大家可以準備一個筆記本,專門摘抄此類小知識。