
首頁 > 英語學習 > 英語學習方法 > 17英語語法八大時態


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(一)定義:表示經常性或習慣性的動作,或存在的狀態,還表示主語具備的性格和能力及客觀真理。例:I get up at 6:30 in the Morning.



1、肯定句:主語+謂語+其他。She reads English everyday .

2、否定句:主語+don’t/doesn’t+謂語+其他He doesn’t get up at 6:30 in the morning .

3、一般疑問句:Do/Does+主語+V原+其他?Do you like English ? Yes ,I do ./No, I don’t .

4、特殊疑問句:特殊疑問詞+do/does+主語+V原+其他?Where does Jam work?


1、表示經常性或習慣性的動作,或存在的狀態,帶與表示頻率的時間狀語如:often , sometimes , usually,always , everyday year,month, once/twice a week (month , year , etc.) , seldom , on sundays等連用。

2、表示客觀真理,科學事實、格言警句。The sun rises in the east .

3、根據英文語法規定,當主句的謂語動詞是一般將來時,那麼時間或條件狀語從句的謂語動詞只能用一般現在時來表示將來要發生的動作。I'll tell him the news when he comes back.


Changjiang River is one of the longest rivers in the world.

5、在口語中,有些表示移動的動詞,其一般現在時可以表示按規定、計劃或時間表要發生的事,句中通常有一個表示未來時間的狀語。這些動詞有go,come,leave,arrive,return,begin,start,be等 The Browns come back tonight.

6、以here,there開頭的倒裝句,一般現在時可表示目前正在發生的動作 。Here comes the bus.

7、有少數動詞(如say,tell,hear等)可以用一般現在時表示過去發生的情況 I hear you want a servant.


Now the midfield player catches the ball and he keeps it.


1、一般情況下,動詞後直接加-s;如:help-helps ,clean-cleans ,give-gives等。






注:在一般過去時的句子中,謂語動詞可分爲兩類一類是be動詞,其形式爲was與第一、三人稱單數連用,were與第二人稱和複數人稱的主語連用。凡是由be動詞做謂語的句子,變否定句時,直接在其後加not,即wasn’t 或weren’t,變一般疑問句將was/ were放在句首,



1、肯定句:主語+動詞過去式+其他。I was in Beijing yesterday .

2、否定句:主語+wasn’t 或weren’t+其他。主語+didn’t + V原+其他。

3、一般疑問句:was/ were+主語+V原+其他?Did +主語+V原+其他?

4、特殊疑問句:特殊疑問詞+ was/ were+主語+其他?特殊疑問詞+did+主語+V原+其他?


1、表示過去某一時刻或某一段時間裏所發生的動作或情況,常與明確的時間狀語連用,如:yesterday,last week(month , year…),…ago,the other day ,just now ,at the age of…,in 1980等連用。如:At the age of ten ,she began to learn to play the piano .


When I was a child ,I often play the football in the street .

【注】①表示過去經常性或習慣性的動作或狀態,也可用“used to+動詞原形”的結構。My mother used to go to school on foot.這種結構的否定式和疑問式可用助動詞do,也可不用助動詞來構成:don’t use to=usedn’t to


I was glad to get your letter.


He said he wouldn’t go if it rained .

4、講故事、對過去經歷的回憶、雙方都明白的過去事件等一般用過去時,而且經常省略時間狀語。如:I happened to meet Rose in the street.

5、句型:It is time for sb. to do sth "到……時間了" "該……了"。

6、 It is time for you to go to bed. 你該睡覺了。

句型:It is time that sb. did sth. "時間已遲了" "早該……了" ,

It is time you went to bed. 你早該睡覺了。

句型:would (had) rather sb. did sth. 表示'寧願某人做某事'。

I'd rather you came tomorrow.還是明天來吧。

7、wish, wonder, think, hope 等用過去時,作試探性的詢問、請求、建議等,而一般過去時表示的動作或狀態都已成爲過去,現已不復存在。

比較:Christine was an invalid all her life.(含義:她已不在人間。)

Christine has been an invalid all her life.(含義:她現在還活着)

1)動詞want, hope, wonder, think, intend 等。例如:Did you want anything else?

2)情態動詞 could, would。例如:Could you lend me your bike?




1、由will +動詞原形構成,其will適用於各種人稱,與主語連在一起時,常常縮寫爲’ll。變否定句時,只需在will後加not,可縮寫爲won’t 。在疑問句中,will需提前,構成will+主語+動詞原形的結構。He will arrive here this evening .

2、shall+動詞原形(常用於主語爲第一人稱)I shall / will not be free tomorrow .

3、be going to+動詞原形(打算、準備做某事)He is going to fly to Lodon.


1、表示在將來某個時間將要發生的動作或存在的狀態,常與表示將來的時間狀語,如:tomorrow, next day(week,month,year....), this evening (weekend …), in the future , in a few minutes, the day after tomorrow ,by..., soon 等連用。

I will pay a visit to Shanghai next week .

2、用will構成的將來時,表示動作與人的主觀願望無關。“shall”用於第一人稱,“will”用於所有人稱。如:I will graduate from this school soon.

3、be going to +不定式,表示將來。

a. 主語的意圖,即將做某事。What are you going to do tomorrow?

b. 計劃,安排要發生的事。The play is going to be produced next month。

c. 有跡象要發生的事。Look at the dark clouds, there is going to be a storm.


I will go to the lab to get some chemicals(化學藥劑). So please wait until I return.


1)下列動詞come, go, arrive, leave, start, begin, return的一般現在時可以表示將來,主要用來表示在時間上已確定或安排好的事情。The train leaves at six tomorrow morning.

2)以here, there等開始的倒裝句,表示動作正在進行。Here comes the bus.

3)在時間或條件句中。例如: When Bill comes, ask him to wait for me.

4)在動詞hope, take care that, make sure that等的賓語從句中。

I hope they have a nice time next week.

6、用現在進行時表示將來:下列動詞come, go, arrive, leave, start, begin, return等現在進行時可以表示將來。 I'm leaving tomorrow.

7、shall和will 在口語的一些疑問句中相當於情態動詞。Shall一般與第一人稱連用,will與

第二人稱連用。Shall we go to the zoo next Saturday?/ Will you please open the door for me?

8、“be to +動詞原形”表示按照計劃將要發生的事情。

An angel came to tell her that she was to have this special boy.




1、賓語從句或間接引語中When I thought about it,I wondered what their reaction would be.

2、表示過去習慣性的動作During that period,he would do exercises every day.


They knew that we would never permit such a thing.

4、Be going+動詞不定式、be+動詞不定式、be about+動詞不定式,變成過去式後,都相當於過去將來時。 She was going to sell her old car and buy a new one.

5、過去進行時表示過去將來的概念,常用於位置轉移的動詞,如go,come,leave等。 He told me he was leaving in an hour.


They said they would let us know if they heard any news about him.


(一)結構:由 Be(am/is/are) +動詞—ing 構成。



作。常用時間狀語及標誌詞:now( at the moment ) , listen , look , this week , this evening , these days 等。Listen , Someone is playing the piano in the next room .

2、表示一種漸進的過程。My younger brother is becoming more and more insterested in English .

3、與always , all the time , forever等連用,表示說話人某種強烈的情感,如:讚許、批評;喜歡、厭惡等。 She is often doing well at school. (表示滿意)


She is leaving for Beijing next weak .


1、肯定句:主語+ be(am/is/are) +動詞—ing +其他。I am studying now .

2、否定句:主語+ be +not+動詞—ing +其他。I am not studying now .

3、一般疑問句:Be+主語+動詞—ing +其他?Is she studying now ? Yes ,she is ./No,she isn’t .

4、特殊疑問句:特殊疑問詞+ Be+主語+動詞—ing +其他?




1、表示過去某一時刻或某一段時間正在進行或發生的動作。動作發生的特指時間常用一個短語或時間狀語從句來表明,如:at this time yesterday,at 7:00 yesterday ,last night ,from seven to nine ,at that time以when或while引導的時間狀語從句等。

My family were watching TV at this time yesterday .

注意:(1)以when引導的時間狀語從句中,從句動作,主句用過去進行時,表示一個動作發生時,另一個動作正在進行。When he called me , I was having dinner .

(2)以while引導的時間狀語從句中,從句與主句的動作在過去某一時刻同時進行,while常譯爲“當……的時候,同時”。Tom was doing his hmework while hie sister was watching TV .

2、與always,constantly,forever等副詞連用,帶有感情色彩 He was always ringing me up.


Mr. Brown was coming to dinner.

4、有時用hope,think,wonder的過去進行時表示現在的想法,可以顯得客氣一點 I was wondering whether you could give me some advice.



----|-------------------------- |---------------------------|----------------------->

過去完成 過去 現在 將來


1、肯定句:主語+had+過去分詞When we got there, the football match had already started.

2、否定句:主語+had not+過去分詞He hadn’t worked for two years by then.

3、疑問句:had+主語+過去分詞…?Had he finished the work by last month?


1、過去完成時表示過去某一時刻或者某一動作之前完成的動作或狀態; 句中常用by, before, until, when等詞引導的時間狀語。

By the time she got up, her brother had already gone into the bathroom.

2、過去完成時的動詞還可以表示過去某一時刻之前發生的動作或者狀態持續到過去某個時間或者持續下去。Before he slept, he had worked for 12 hours.

3、在told, said, knew, heard, thought等動詞後的賓語從句。She said she had never been to Paris.

4、在過去不同時間發生的兩個動作中,發生在先,用過去完成時;發生在後,用一般過去時。 When the police arrived, the thieves had run away.

5、by the time “直到……時候”。指從過去某一點到從句所示的時間爲止的一段時間。 By the time we got to his house, he had finished supper.

6、表示意向的動詞,如hope, wish, expect, think, intend, mean, suppose等,用過去完成時表示“原本…,未能…”。 We had hoped that you would come, but you didn't.



35. — Listen, the music _____________sweet.— It's Yesterday Once More, my favorite.

A. sounds B. smells C. feels

37. — Hello, may I speak to Mr. Smith?— Sorry, he isn't in. He _____________the office.

A. has been to B. has gone to C. has been away

43. — Our classroom____________every day.— So it is. It's our duty to keep it clean and tidy.

A. cleans B. is cleaning C. is cleaned

36. “Have you ever been to Tokyo?” “Yes, I ______ there twice. It’s a modern city.”

A. have gone B. have been C. had gone

39. In order to make our hometown more beautiful, trees _______ around the city every year.

A. plant B. are planted C. will plant

35. To protect the environment, supermarket don’t _____ free plastic bags to shoppers.

B. show C. provide D. carry

41. --Let's discuss the plan, shall we?--Not now. I_____ to an interview.

A. go B. went C. am going D. was going

49. The task____ in an hour. Then we can go home and have a good rest.

A. was finished B. will be finished C. has been finished D. can't be finished

25. Let’s ____ for a walk, shall we?

A. to go B. going C. go D. gone

26. —Where were you last Saturday?—I ____ in the Capital Museum.

A. am B. will be C. was D. have been

29.—May I speak to the headmaster?—He ____ a meeting now. Can I take a message?

A. is having B. had C. has D. will have

32. I ____ Mr. Smith since he moved to Shanghai.

A. didn’t hear from B. don’t hear from C. won’t hear from D. haven’t heard from

33. Today, computers are really helpful. They ____ everywhere.

A. use B. are used C. used D. were used

25. My grandpa is sleeping. Will you please_____the radio?

A. turn down B. turn up C. turn on

28. They_____five days finishing the work.

A. Paid B. took C. spent

30. She_____ her hometown for many years. No one nearly knows her.

A. has been away from B. has left C. had left

32. Summer holiday is coming, Li Lei with his father_____to go to Shanghai.

A. Want B. will want C. wants

33. Lisa is a little poor at Chinese. I think she needs_____it every day.

A. practise to speak B. to practise speaking C. practise speaking

31. Jenny _______ in the kitchen when you called her at 5 o'clock this afternoon.

A. is cooking B. was cooking C. cooks D. Cooked

35. Hot water _______ in the students' flats from 5 pm to 7 pm now.

A. supplies B. is supplied C. supplied D. was supplied

36. If our government ____ attention to controlling food safety now, our health _____in danger.

't pay; is B. doesn't pay; is C. won't pay; will be D. doesn't pay; will be

37. — Both Li Lei and Han Meimei ____ fond of the TV program A Bite of China.

— I am also deeply moved by its stories!

A. is B. am C. was D. Are