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Great bosses change us for the better. They see more in us than we see in ourselves, and they help us learn to see it too. They dream big and show us all the great things we can accomplish.


Great leadership is dynamic; it melds a variety of unique skills into an integrated whole.


Great leaders inspire trust and admiration through their actions, not just their words.


Great bosses believe in their people, and this belief drives them to create an environment where people thrive. Let’s explore some of the driving beliefs that set great bosses apart from the rest of the pack.


1. Growth should be encouraged, not feared.

1. 他們鼓勵員工成長,而非牴觸

Average bosses fear their smartest, hardest-working employees, believing that these individuals will surpass them or make them look bad. They hesitate to share information or to enable authority. Exceptional bosses, on the other hand,love to see their employees grow. They are always grooming their replacements and doing whatever they can to create leaders. Research shows that the number-one thing job seekers look for in a position is growth opportunity and that 80% of all job growth occurs informally, such as in conversations with managers. Exceptional bosses want their best employees to maximize their potential, and they know that good feedback and guidance are invaluable.


2. Employees are individuals, not clones.

2. 他們視員工爲不同的個體,因人而異

Average bosses lump people together, trying to motivate, reward, and teach everyone in the same way. Exceptional bosses treat people as individuals, respecting the fact that everyone has their own motivation and style of learning. Something different makes each employee tick, and the best bosses will stop at nothing to figure out what that is.


3. Employees are equals, not subordinates.

3. 他們視員工爲平等個體,而非下屬

Ordinary bosses treat their employees like children; they believe that they need constant oversight. These bosses think that their role is to enforce rules, make sure things run their way, and watch over people’s shoulders for mistakes. Exceptional bosses see employees as peers who are perfectly capable of making decisions for themselves. Rather than constantly stepping in, exceptional bosses make it clear that they value and trust their employees’ work and only intervene when it’s absolutely necessary.


4. Work can and should be enjoyable.

4. 他們認爲工作是一件樂在其中的事

Ordinary bosses see work as something that everyone has to do, whether they want to or not. They believe that their role is to make sure that their employees don’t slack off or grow lazy. They say things like, “If it weren’t for me, nothing would ever get done around here.” However, exceptional bosses love their jobs and believe that everyone else can too. They give people assignments that align with their strengths, passions, and talents. They celebrate accomplishments and douse people with positive feedback when they do good work.

在普通領導者眼裏,工作是每個人不得不做的事情,無論他們是否真心想做。 這些領導者認爲,他們的任務是確保員工隨時上緊發條。 他們經常說類似這樣的話,如:“要不是我,你們什麼都幹不成。”然而,出色的領導者熱愛他們的工作,並相信其他人也可以一樣熱愛自己的工作。 他會結合員工的優勢和才情佈置任務。 他會慶祝員工取得的成就,並在他們表現優異時給予積極的反饋。

5. Diversity, not like-mindedness, bears fruit

5. 他們崇尚多樣化的思想,喜歡有創見

Average bosses want their employees’ ideas to align with their own, and because of this, they try to hire like-minded individuals. They encourage their employees to think similarly and reward those who “just put their heads down and work.” Exceptional bosses actively seek out a diverse range of individuals and ideas. They expose themselves and their companies to new ways of thinking.

普通領導者希望員工的想法與自己的一致,因此,他們會僱用志同道合的人, 鼓勵員工想自己所想,獎勵那些埋頭苦幹的人。而出色的領導者則會積極招納各式各樣的人才, 他們喜歡給自己和公司引入新的思維方式。

6. Motivation comes from inspiration, not agony.

6. 他們認爲動力源於激勵,而非痛苦所致

Ordinary bosses think that strict rules and rule enforcement drive employees to work effectively. They believe that people need to fear layoffs, explosions of anger, and punishment in order to operate at 100%. People then find themselves in survival mode, where they don’t care about the product, the company, or the customer experience; they only care about keeping their jobs and appeasing their boss. Exceptional bosses motivate through inspiration—they know that people will respond to their infectious energy, vision, and passion, more than anything else.

普通領導者認爲嚴格地按章辦事會提高員工的工作效率。 他們認爲這樣員工會因爲擔心被處罰或被解僱,害怕領導生氣,從而會實心實意地努力工作。 而這樣一來的結果是,員工們普遍發現自己處於一種生存模式中,他們不關心公司及其產品,也不關心客戶滿意度, 他們關注的只是如何保住飯碗以及取悅上級。 傑出的領導者則會激發員工的動力,他知道員工總會受到他的激情和遠見卓識的感染。

7. Change is an opportunity, not a curse.

7. 他們視改變爲契機,而非詛咒

Ordinary bosses operate by the motto, “This is the way we’ve always done it.” They believe that change is unnecessary and that it causes more harm than good. Exceptional bosses see change as an opportunity for improvement. They constantly adapt their approach and embrace change to stay ahead of the curve.

普通領導者的座右銘是:“這是我們一貫以來的做法”,他們認爲沒必要改變,改變有益無害。傑出的領導者則視改變爲一個進步的契機。 他們不斷調整方法,並通過不斷變化來保持領先。

Bringing It All Together.


If you’re currently a boss, is this how your employees would describe your beliefs? If not, you’re leaving money, effort, and productivity lying on the table. You’re also probably losing some good employees, if not to other jobs, then at least to disengagement and lack of interest.

如果你剛好也是一個領導者,你的員工是否也是這樣來描述你的信仰的呢? 如果不是,那麼說明你已經把財富,努力和生產力都扔在了一邊。 而且可能你正在失去一些優秀的員工,如果說他們還沒有考慮跳槽,至少也慢慢與公司脫軌並對工作失去了興趣
