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j.com//tags-6420-0.html" target="_blank" >padding-bottom: 67.33%;">如何用地道英語變着法說"回想"

I want you to cast your minds back to the first time you met. 我要你們回憶初次見面的情景.

cast your mind back (to something): to make yourself think about something that happened in the past 回顧;回想

如何用地道英語變着法說"回想" 第2張

In retrospect, I think that I was wrong. 回首往事,我覺得當時我錯了.

The decision seems extremely odd, in retrospect. 回想起來,這個決定顯得極其荒謬.

in retrospect: thinking about a past event or situation, often with a different opinion of it from the one you had at the time 回顧;回想;追溯往事

如何用地道英語變着法說"回想" 第3張

to look back on your childhood 回顧自己的童年

look back (on something):to think about something in your past 回首(往事);回憶;回顧

如何用地道英語變着法說"回想" 第4張

We spent a happy evening reminiscing about the past. 我們一晚上回憶往事,感到很愉快.


如何用地道英語變着法說"回想" 第5張

He recalled that she always came home late on Wednesdays. 他回想起她星期三總是很晚回家.
