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美國習慣用語 第859:on the firing line

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最近,我們的一個製片人製作的短片引起了軒然大波。短片談的是環境保護問題,而其中一位科學家認爲全球變暖只是一個噱頭。這種說法馬上引起了其他很多科學家和公衆的不滿,很多人表示了對這個觀點的反對,製片人也被批評報道偏頗,不夠嚴謹。她的處境讓我想到一句習慣用語。那就是: on the firing line。

美國習慣用語-第859:on the firing line

Firing line, 是射擊線,開火線的意思,那麼on the firing line, 在火線上,引伸出來意思就是處於容易被攻擊的位置上。

就像上面提到的例子:the producer of the show ended up on the firing line for presenting only one side of the argument. 製片人因爲只介紹了對全球氣候變暖的一種看法而受到批評。


例句-1:Last month, there was an terrible outbreak of people getting sick from contaminated spinach. Some Americans even died. Not long before, a similar incident happened with peanut butter. That's why the public became very angry at government officials. They'll probably remain on the firing line until citizens can be assured of the safety of our food.

這段話是說: 上個月,出現了一輪公衆因食用受污染的菠菜而患病的事件。這些蔬菜甚至導致有些人死亡。不久前,市面上還出現過有問題的花生醬。這激起了公衆對政府官員的憤怒情緒。在市民們重新對食品安全感到放心之前,這些政府官員可能會一直是大家批評的對象。

食品安全可不是小問題,政府確實應該對這種問題負責! 想起我租的公寓,租賃辦公室一直在提高租金。在租戶會議上,they were clearly on the firing line; they were grilled about why the renters had to pay more. 他們顯然變成了租戶的衆矢之的,人們紛紛質問爲什麼要沒完沒了地上漲租金。



例句-2:My wife controls the budget in the house. She says we have to cut down on spending. That means buying new clothing, going out to restaurants and taking a summer vacation are all on the firing line now. She's against any purchases until there's enough money to pay for them.


大家注意,on the firing line可以用來形容人的情況,也可以用來形容事,形容事的時候意思就是可能被取消。比如說,because of the huge tax bill, my plan to purchase the New iPad is on the firing line. 因爲得交好多稅,買最新版 iPad 的計劃很可能泡湯。