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"布朗尼加分"口語課堂:該不該做a flash in the pan?

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大傢伙,歡迎您繼續和Rose一起學習地道的英語表達法。今天我們的故事主角是一個非常不自信的小女孩兒在朋友的要求下參加了一個tAlent contest才藝表演。不想卻大受歡迎。不過,這次經歷對小女孩兒的影響還真不好說。一起聽小故事,同時看看地毯,毛巾,針頭線腦的是如何被應用在習語中的吧。

"布朗尼加分"口語課堂:該不該做a flash in the pan?

My friend Marta wanted me to be in the talent contest with her. I didn't want to get onstage. I have no talent. But she said that I was a wet blanket and that I never wanted to do anything fun. I decide to throw in the towel and not to argue with the contest, Marta sang a Beatles song. Then it was my turn. Fortunately, I'd found one of my nephew's old puppets. I did a ventriloquist act. My friends who saw me onstage must have thought I had a screw loose. I was surprised that the audience laughed and seemed to enjoy my act. Then it was time for the winner of the contest to be named. I could see Marta, waiting on pins and needles, hoping to win. I could see that she was angry when my name was called. She didn't talk to me for a week. But now we've burid the hatchet and we are freidns again. But my victory was a flash in the pan. I have never been onstage before and since.

一個很強勢和一個很弱勢的人做朋友。“I”即便被說成是a wet blanket,也只是決定throw in the towel。這兩個短語的字面意思分別是“一條溼毯子”和“扔毛巾”,用於指代“掃興的人”和“拱手認輸”的意思。 比如: Don't bring Robert to the picnic. He's a wet blanket. 別帶Robert去野餐。他總是很掃興。The game is not over yet! Don't throw in the towel so soon! 比賽還沒結束呢,不要這麼輕易就拱手認輸。

一向低調,弱勢,突然站在舞臺上,也就難怪大家會認爲是had a screw loose了。這個短語字面意思爲,有一個螺絲鬆動了。也就是處於不正常的狀態,我們翻譯爲“精神不正常,出毛病的”。比如:He has a screw loose to quit such a good job. 他辭掉這麼好的工作,一定是精神不正常了。
文中的I,表演了一段口技,並大獲讚賞。但這一切只是讓“我”意外,驚訝,但“我”的朋友Marta可一個非常強勢又好勝心很強的人。所以在宣佈比賽結果時會on pins and needles,坐立不安,如坐鍼氈的,就不奇怪了。在得知我得了冠軍之後甚至一個星期不和我說話。好在,現在我們已經bury the hatchet, 埋了小斧子,不再互鬥,也就是“盡棄前嫌,言歸於好”。再比如:All right.

Let's bury the hatchet and be friends. 好了。讓我們擯棄前嫌,成爲朋友吧。

一次勝利並沒有改變什麼,僅僅是a flash in the pan,鍋裏的一個小火花。也就是我們常說的“曇花一現”。之前和之後,我都沒有上過舞臺。其實,現實生活中的一次成功常常可以改變很多人,讓人變的更自信,更有戰鬥力。機會還是需要自己爭取,自己創造。好了,聽一下本期的問題吧:Is a wet blanket a person who is fun to be with? 我們下期再見。