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跟着Gwen學英語之每日早讀 第504期

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Nature does not grow old as fast as man;

Each year the Double Ninth comes round.

跟着Gwen學英語之每日早讀 第504期


跟着Gwen學英語之每日早讀 第504期 第2張

跟着Gwen學英語之每日早讀 第504期 第3張

跟着Gwen學英語之每日早讀 第504期 第4張


1. grow old


2. double 輔音連綴。

3. ninth

跟着Gwen學英語之每日早讀 第504期 第5張


1. The Double Ninth Festival 重陽節

The Double Ninth Festival, also named the Chong Yang Festival, is celebrated on the ninth day of the ninth month of the Chinese lunar calendar.

2. 詞鏈兒: come round 甦醒; 周而復始; 造訪

同 come around

拓展: come round的五種常見用法:

drop in; pay a visit 順便拜訪

Come round when you have time.有空來玩。


Sue was coming around, but she still felt dizzy.

change in opinion 改變看法

I used to believe otherwise,but now I've come round to your point of view.以前我並不這樣想,但現在我已轉而同意你的觀點了。

recover from ill temper, etc.冷靜下來(不再耍脾氣)

Tom came round when Dick told him the whole story.當狄克把事情的全部經過講出來之後,湯姆變得心平氣和了。

happen or appear again and in regular order有規律地出現;到來

Christmas will soon come round.聖誕節不久就要來臨了。

The holidays have come round again.好了,假期又來到了。


請用 come round 隨意造句

《重陽節》(Double Ninth Festival),又稱重九節、曬秋節、“踏秋”,中國傳統節日。重陽節,爲每年的農曆九月初九日,是中國傳統節日。“重陽”也叫“重九”,因爲《易經》中把“九”定爲陽數,九月九日,兩九相重,故曰“重陽”;九在數字中又是最大數,所以賦予有生命長久、健康長壽的寓意;古人認爲重陽是一個值得慶賀的吉祥日子。古代民間在重陽節有登高祈福的習俗,慶祝重陽節一般包括登高、曬秋、賞菊等活動; 於重陽之日享宴高會(舉行敬老宴),感恩敬老。慶祝重陽節一般會包括出遊賞秋、登高遠眺、觀賞菊花、遍插茱萸、吃重陽糕、飲菊花酒等活動。每年的農曆九月初九日,與除夕、清明節、中元節三節統稱中國傳統四大祭祖的節日。


毛澤東 1929年10月

許淵衝 譯

Nature does not grow old as fast as man;

Each year the Double Ninth comes round.

And now the Double Ninth comes round.

How sweet are yellow flowers on the battleground.

See autumn reign with heavy winds once every year,

Unlike springtime.

Far more sublime,

The boundless sky and waters blend with endless rime.


