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校園英語口語習慣用語 第51期:break up

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ing-bottom: 100%;">校園英語口語習慣用語 第51期:break up


break是動同,短語break up的意思是“弄破,弄碎,終止(某事物)”。


A: Good news! I hear our school will break up on January 10th.

A: 好消息!我聽說我們學校將於1月10日放假。

B: Is that true? Why will our school break up this year so early?


A: It's said all the teachers will have to attend a very important meeting.


B: That's great. We can have a long and good holiday. Where do you suggest we should go?

B: 太好了。今年我們可以過一個長長的快樂的假期了。你說我們假期去哪兒玩兒?