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Better known by its More imaginative moniker of the Mooncake Festival, for millions of Chinese across Asia the Mid-Autumn Festival is a big deal, second only to Chinese Lunar New Year celebrations.

Throughout the continent, households celebrate in style in a variety of ways, with the releasing of sky lanterns, dragon dancing and the age old tradition of eating mountains of moon cakes. These ubiquitous bite-sized chunks of pastry are filled with everything from red bean paste, lotus seeds, almonds, egg yolk, minced meat, candied fruits or chocolate.

There are literally hundreds of varieties found throughout the region and in cosmopolitan areas such as Hong Kong and Shanghai, well-to-do folk can even munch on moon cakes of black truffle, caviar and foie gras.

Throughout continental Asia, Mid-Autumn Festival is a time for families to reunite and spend time together. Celebrations kick off with a special meal at home, akin to a western Christmas or Thanksgiving dinner before everyone steps out together, often in traditional dress, to enjoy local festivities such as dancing, music and bright lantern displays. Each nation and region has its own peculiar customs for moon worship with many quaint customs still going strong.


Zhongqiu: the Chinese mainland's Mid-Autumn Festival

In Chinese mainland the strong scent of incense wafts through the air and twinkling lanterns can be seen for miles around. Unsurprisingly it is in the rural heartland where the most colorful traditions still hold true.

In parts of Southern China the full moon is time for a little romance. Masquerades are held at Festival time to pair up single guys and girls from neighboring villages with the quaint yet symbolic dropping of a handkerchief.

One of the most spectacular aspects of Mid-Autumn Festival is the building of huge bamboo and stone towers, often rising over 50 feet high, which are then set ablaze after dark in order to ensure a good harvest.
最壯觀的一種中秋慶祝活動是用竹子和石頭壘成巨塔,高度通常超過50英尺,等到天黑後再將巨塔點燃,以求來年的好收成。Mid-Autumn celebrations in Hong Kong

Hong Kong is arguably the best place of all to be for the Festival. The teeming city goes mad for moon cakes and the famous city skyline is even more dramatic among thousands of shimmering lanterns and the glow of the full moon.

Seemingly every household in the city takes the kids up to Victoria Peak to see the cityscape and harbor view in all its glory. From here you can see a flotilla of boats ferrying couples around the harbor on romantic moonlight cruises. Throughout Kowloon there are special street markets, extravagant lantern processions (including the world’s largest structure made entirely of lanterns) and the famous fire dragon dances shows.
在香港,似乎家家戶戶都會帶著孩子到太平山頂觀賞城市全貌以及維港的華美夜景。在這裡你會看到一隊小艇載著佳偶們在浪漫的月光下徐行。整個九龍區遍佈著特別的街邊市場,還會上演華美的彩燈遊行(包括世界最大的造型燈)和著名的舞火龍表演。Mid-Autumn Festival in Singapore

Although not a designated public holiday in Singapore, the city celebrates in typically over-the-top fashion which is as ever, well stage-managed.

All the action takes place in Chinatown with an official opening ceremony and light up of shimmering lanterns. There are numerous troupes of lion dancers all jostling for position to the sound of deafening firecrackers and cheesy Mandarin pop songs.

This being Singapore, there is a huge moon-inspired street bazaar with the usual mix of tacky Chinese souvenirs and fabulous street food.
在新加坡還設有中秋主題大型夜市,可以買到一些廉價的中國紀念品和美味的街頭小吃。Chuseok in South Korea

Falling on the same date as the Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival, Chuseok is a big deal; hands down the most celebrated holiday on Korea’s calendar. For outsiders, it’s sometimes difficult to grasp the significance of this three-day event, as it is extremely family-oriented. If you have an in with a kind Korean family, this would be a great opportunity for an in depth look at Confucianism in action.
韓國的秋夕節是個大日子,正好與中國的中秋節在同一天;它毫無疑問是韓國最盛大的節日。由於該節日完全以家庭為單位慶祝,因此外來者很難領會到這個為期三天的節日的重要性。你若能與一個和善的韓國家庭同住,這幾天將是深入觀察儒家做派的絕佳機會。Mooncake Festival in Taiwan

Due in part to the creeping westernization of Taiwan society, there is a modern trend of spending Mid-Autumn Festival with a barbecue and a few beers under the light of the full moon. It is usually a small family affair but some towns and villages do organize large scale versions where the whole community gets together under twinkling lanterns to eat mountains of sizzling meat and moon cakes.
某種程度上是因為臺灣社會日漸西化,現在中秋節越來越流行在滿月下露天吃燒烤喝啤酒。雖然中秋節通常在小家庭裡慶祝,但有些城鎮或鄉村會組織大型燒烤活動,讓整個社群的人都聚到一起,大家在閃爍的燈籠下一邊大口吃烤肉,一邊品嚐月餅。Tết Trung Thu – Mid-Autumn Festival in Vietnam

The Vietnamese version of Mid-Autumn Festival has taken on a life of its own, including its very own unique and bizarre legend. It recounts the story of a woman who accidentally urinated on a sacred banyan tree and for her sins was transported to the moon to be stranded there for eternity. During festivities in Vietnam, lion dances are the main attraction with small dance troupes performing on street corners or going from house to house collecting ‘good luck’ money in exchange for a private show.


moniker: 綽號
ubiquitous: 無所不在的
hold true: 適用;有效
masquerade: 化妝舞會
teeming: 熱鬧的
jostle: 爭奪
tacky: 俗氣的
hands down: 無疑地