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You've heard of clean eating, but have you heard of clean sleeping? Nicole Scherzinger recently credited her slim figure with getting plenty of zzzzs, while Gwyneth PAltrow says that when it comes to looking good, she prioritises sleep over what she eats - getting 10 hours a night when she can.
聽說過乾淨飲食(clean eating),那你有沒有聽說過乾淨睡眠(clean sleeping)?最近,妮可·舒可辛格表示她的好身材都是睡出來的,而格溫妮絲·帕特洛說道,在擁有好氣色這個問題上,她優先選擇的是睡眠,而不是飲食--可以的話,她每晚會睡10個小時。

But with 50% of over 59s suffering from chronic sleep problems, we asked sleep experts the best way to prepare for bed, if we plan to nod off at 11pm...


Reset your body clock

● Waking up too early or not being able to drop off are both signs that your circadian rhythm (or body clock) is out of balance.
● 起的太早或睡不著都是晝夜節律(或身體時鐘)不平衡的跡象。

● Your body clock takes signals from daylight and darkness, and a recent study showed that light therapy was effective in resetting the circadian rhythms for 57% of insomniacs. All you have to do is sit next to a lightbox, such as the Innolux Rondo Lamp (?79 from Amazon), for 30 minutes a day. If you wake too early, use the lamp in the evening. For late sleepers, 30 minutes in the morning should retrain your body clock.
● 你的身體時鐘從日光和黑暗中獲取訊號,最近的一項研究表明:光療有效地治療了57%的失眠患者、重置了他們的晝夜節律。你只需要每天坐在光箱旁30分鐘,比如坐在Innolux Rondo電燈旁邊(亞馬遜,79英鎊)。如果醒的太早,那就在晚上開燈。對於晚睡者而言,早上開燈30分鐘能喚醒你的生物時鐘。

8pm: Three hours to go

Aim to eat dinner at least three hours before you turn in, and try to have your biggest meal for lunch. "Keep evening meals light and not too spicy," says sleep consultant Maryanne Taylor. "If you do get hungry, you could have a light snack later in the evening - such as a piece of fruit - or a non-caffeinated drink."

Our bodies digest food best when sitting upright or standing. Lying down after a big meal means you're more likely to suffer from acid reflux, causing heartburn, indigestion and asthma. While you're asleep, your body recovers from the damage of the day - if you've eaten a big meal, your body will have to exert energy on digestion.

10pm: One hour to go

Have a little snack that could help you sleep. "The potassium in bananas has been shown to aid sleep, so they're a great late-night nibble," says Maryanne. Walnuts are also a good choice, because they contain their own source of sleep hormone melatonin, which may help you nod off faster.