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美國男子半夜打獵 發現恐怖無毛殭屍

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If you go down to the woods tonight... you probably won't believe your eyes. A deer hunter in the U.S. posted a video said to feature the creature on the Wildgame Innovations website - and the piercing white eyes aren't the sort you would want to meet on a dark night. The hunter said he was lying in wait in the pitch black when a ghoulish spectre filled his sights。

美國男子半夜打獵 發現恐怖無毛殭屍

風靡全球的桌面遊戲“植物大戰殭屍”讓大家對形態古怪、造型可愛的“卡通殭屍”們產生了濃厚的興趣,可最新流出的一張男子半夜在森林中拍攝到的 “無毛殭屍”的照片卻怎麼也讓人愛不起來。據悉,美國路易斯安那州一名男子說他半夜到森林灌木叢中靜守等待獵物出現時,忽然發現一個兩眼放白光的物體在移動,該物體和普通在森林中碰見的動物大有不同,長相酷似電腦遊戲中才會出現的恐怖“無毛殭屍”。

Internet users agree the whole thing is merely a hoax - and one comment posted claimed the figure had been stolen from a video game he had seen two years the hunter insisted it is not a hoax. Conspiracy theorists will no doubt note the similarity between the figure's crouching pose and that used by Spider-Man, whose latest big-screen adventure has just begun shooting。

雖然“無毛殭屍”的驚悚圖片一放上網就博得了超高點選率,但是很多網民卻紛紛質疑照片的真實性。有網民認定這是合成照片,並舉證這個 “無毛殭屍”是2年前該網民玩的一個電腦遊戲裡的殭屍圖PS合成的結果。同時,也有人覺得這個驚悚物體根本不像是“無毛殭屍”而像是一個電影《蜘蛛俠》中的“蜘蛛俠”。雖然眾說紛紜,然而攝影師卻認定這張照片絕對是真的