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She had just finished saying it when Fernanda felt a delicate wind of light pull the sheets out of her hands and open them up wide. Amaranta felt a mysterious trembling in the lace on her petticoats and she tried to grasp the sheet so that she would not fall down at the instant in which Remedios the Beauty began to rise. úrsula, almost blind at the time, was the only person who was sufficiently calm to identify the nature of that determined wind and she left the sheets to the mercy of the light as she watched Remedios the Beauty waving goodbye in the midst of the flapping sheets that rose up with her, abandoning with her the environment of beetles and dahlias and passing through the air with her as four o'clock in the afternoon came to an end, and they were lost forever with her in the upper atmosphere where not even the highest-flying birds of memory could reach her.
The outsiders, of course, thought that Remedios the Beauty had finally succumbed to her irrevocable fate of a queen bee and that her family was trying to save her honor with that tale of levitation. Fernanda, burning with envy, finally accepted the miracle, and for a long time she kept on praying to God to send her back her sheets. Most people believed in the miracle and they even lighted candles and celebrated novenas. Perhaps there might have been talk of nothing else for a long time if the barbarous extermination of the Aureli-anos had not replaced amazement with honor. Although he had never thought of it as an omen, Colonel Aureli-ano Buendía had foreseen the tragic end of his sons in a certain way. When Aureli-ano Serrador and Aureli-ano Arcaya, the two who arrived during the tumult, expressed a wish to stay in Macon-do, their father tried to dissuade them. He could not understand what they were going to do in a town that had been transformed into a dangerous place overnight. But Aureli-ano Centeno andAureli-ano Triste, backed by Aureli-ano Segun-do. gave them work in their businesses. Colonel Aureli-ano Buendía had reasons that were still very confused and were against that determination. When he saw Mr. Brown in the first automobile to reach Macon-do-an orange convertible with a horn that frightened dogs with its bark--the old soldier grew indignant with the servile excitement of the people and he realized that something had changed in the makeup of the men since the days when they would leave their wives and children and toss a shotgun on their shoulders to go off to war. The local authorities, after the armistice of Neerlandia, were mayors without initiative, decorative judges picked from among the peaceful and tired Conservatives of Macon-do. "This is a regime of wretches," Colonel Aureli-ano Buendía would comment when he saw the barefoot policemen armed with wooden clubs pass. "We fought all those wars and all of it just so that we didn't have to paint our houses blue." When the banana company arrived, however, the local functionaries were replaced by dictatorial foreigners whom Mr. Brown brought to live in the electrified chicken yard so that they could enjoy, as he explained it, the dignity that their status warranted and so that they would not suffer from the heat and the mosquitoes and the countless discomforts and privations of the town. The old policemen were replaced by hired assassins with machetes. Shut up in his workshop, Colonel Aureli-ano Buendía thought about those changes and for the first time in his quiet years of solitude he was tormented by the definite certainty that it had been a mistake not to have continued the war to its final conclusion. During that time a brother of the forgotten Colonel Magnífico Visbal was taking his seven-year-old grandson to get a soft drink at one of the pushcarts on the square and because the child accidentally bumped into a corporal of police and spilled the drink on his uniform, the barbarian cut him to pieces with his machete, and with one stroke he cut off the head of the grandfather as he tried to stop him. The whole town saw the decapitated man pass by as a group of men carried him to his house, with a woman dragging the head along by its hair, and the bloody sack with the pieces of the child.
For Colonel Aureli-ano Buendía it meant the limits of atonement. He suddenly found himself suffering from the same indignation that he had felt in his youth over the body of the woman who had been beaten to death because she had been bitten by a rabid dog. He looked at the groups of bystanders in front of the house and with his old stentorian voice, restored by a deep disgust with himself, he unloaded upon them the burden of hate that he could no longer bear in his heart.
"One of these days," he shouted, I'm going to arm my boys so we can get rid of these shitty gringos!"


外國人當然認為雷麥黛絲終於屈從了蜂王難免的命運,而她家裡的人卻想用昇天的神話挽回她的面子。菲蘭達滿懷嫉妒,最終承認了這個奇蹟,很長時間都在懇求上帝送回她的床單。馬孔多的大多數土著居民也相信這個奇蹟,甚至點起蠟燭舉行安魂祈禱。大概,如果不是所有的奧雷連諾慘遭野蠻屠殺的恐怖事件代替了大家的驚訝,大家長久都不會去談其他的事情。在某種程度上,奧雷連諾上校預感到了兒子們的悲慘結局,雖然沒有明確這種感覺就是預兆。跟成群的外國人一起來到馬孔多的,還有奧雷連諾。 塞拉多和奧雷連諾·阿卡亞,他倆希望留在馬孔多的時候,父親卻想勸阻他們。現在,天一黑走路就很危險,他不明白這兩個兒子將在鎮上幹些什麼。可是,奧雷連諾·森騰諾和奧雷連諾·特里斯特在奧雷連諾第二的支援下,卻讓兩個兄弟在自己的工廠裡幹活。奧雷連諾上校是有理由反對這種決定的,雖說他的理由還很不清楚。布勞恩先生是坐著第一輛小汽車來到馬孔多的——這是一輛桔黃色的小汽車,裝有可以折起的頂篷,嘟嘟的喇叭聲嚇得鎮上的狗狺狺直叫;奧雷連諾上校看見這個外國佬的時候,就對鎮上的人在這個外國佬面前的卑躬樣兒感到憤怒,知道他們自從扔下妻子兒女、扛起武器走向戰爭以來,精神面貌已經發生了變化。在尼蘭德停戰協定以後,掌管馬孔多的是一個失去了獨立性的鎮民,是從愛好和平的、睏倦的保守黨人中間選出的一些無權的法官。“這是殘廢管理處,”奧雷連諾上校看見手持木棒的赤足警察,就說。“我們打了那麼多的仗,都是為了不把自己的房子刷成藍色嘛。”然而,香蕉公司出現以後,專橫傲慢的外國人代替了地方官吏,布勞恩先生讓他們住在“電氣化養雞場”裡,享受高等人士的特權,不會象鎮上其他的人那樣苦於酷熱和蚊子,也不會象別人那樣感到許多不便和困難。手執大砍刀的僱傭劊子手取代了以前的警察。奧雷連諾上校關在自己的作坊裡思考這些變化,在長年的孤獨中第一次痛切地堅信,沒把戰爭進行到底是他的錯誤。正巧有一天,大家早已忘卻的馬格尼菲柯。 維斯巴爾的弟弟,帶著一個七歲的孫子到廣場上一個小攤跟前去喝檸檬水。小孩兒偶然把飲料灑到旁邊一個警士班長的制服上,這個野蠻人就用鋒利的大砍刀把小孩兒剁成了碎塊,並且一下子砍掉了試圖搭救孫子的祖父的腦袋。當幾個男人把老頭兒的屍體搬走的時候,全鎮的人都看見了無頭的屍體,看見了一個婦人手裡拎著的腦袋,看見了一個裝著孩子骸骨的、血淋淋的袋子。