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Germany plans to send more than a thousand troops to the Middle East as part of its contribution to the coalition fighting Isis in its Syrian heartland, one of the country’s top defence officials has said.


Volker Wieker, chief of staff of the German armed forces, told the Sunday edition of the Bild newspaper that the country will deploy 1,200 troops to man aircraft and ships in the battle against Isis in the wake of the terrorist attacks in Paris, for which the jihadist group has claimed responsibility.

德國武裝部隊總參謀長福爾克爾維克爾(Volker Wieker)向《圖片報》(Bild)週日版表示,在巴黎發生恐怖襲擊(ISIS這個聖戰組織已宣佈對此事負責)後,德國將部署1200名官兵,在打擊ISIS的戰鬥中操控飛機和戰艦。

The move by Germany is rare for a military that has prefered to avoid sending soldiers abroad for anything other than peacekeeping and training roles.


Mr Wieker, who has held the role of general inspector of the Bundeswehr since 2010, confirmed earlier remarks by lawmakers that Germany’s contribution to the alliance would include deploying reconnaissance aircraft, as well as jets and a ship to escort a French aircraft carrier. Mr Wieker said Germany was in discussions with Jordan and Turkey over possible bases.


“From a military point of view, some 1,200 soldiers will be needed to operate the planes and ships,” Mr Wieker told the newspaper.
