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Ghosts by Daylight: A MeMoir of War and Love.《白日夢魘:追憶戰爭和愛情》

Janine dI Giovanni and Bruno Girodon were war reporters who met and fell in love in Sarajevo in 1993, just as the city was settling into the siege that would last nearly four years. It would be the longest siege of a capital city in the history of modern warfare. Emotional battles and how to survive them are the principal themes of Ms di Giovanni's beautifully written memoir about the pain of adjusting to normal life after being exposed to the intensity of battle.

Janine dI Giovanni和Bruno Girodon都是戰地記者,1993年他們在薩拉熱窩相識相戀,此時這座城市剛剛陷入長達近四年的圍攻之中。在現代戰爭史上,對首都城市發起的圍攻此為最長。在回憶錄中,di Giovanni女士以出色的筆觸描述了其經歷過激烈戰爭之後,為適應正常生活所經歷的種種痛苦。而情感交困,以及如何戰勝這種交困成為了本書的主題。

As journalists, the war part was easy. When they met both were involved with other people whom they swore they loved, but kept leaving out of fear of being confined. American-born Ms di Giovanni, who rose to become senior foreign correspondent for the Times, and the slender, flirtatious Mr Girodon, a French television cameraman, would meet up for trysts in foreign cities, never quite certain where, when or even if they would see each other again. From Sarajevo to Stuttgart, where they booked into a small wooden hotel and slept squished together in a twin bed, the encounters were as intense as they were brief.

作為記者,di Giovanni女士對戰爭部分的描寫信手拈來。他們相遇時,彼此身邊都有相愛的人,然而害怕自己會受情所困,卻又因此不斷逃離。di Giovanni女士出生在美國,當時已榮升為《泰晤士報》的高階駐外記者,而瘦削輕浮的男主角Girodon先生是法國電視臺的一名攝影記者。兩人在異國城市裡相遇幽會,永遠不清楚下一次見面將在何時何地,甚至能不能再見面都不得而知。從薩拉熱窩到斯圖加特,每一次相聚都短暫而激烈。在斯圖加特,他們定了一間小木屋旅館,共眠於一張咯吱作響的單人床。

月光下,遇到了錯的人! 第2張

There were endless phone calls and much of what the French call malentendu. Mr Girodon would go off saying he wanted to be alone, and then track her down in Mogadishu or Grozny. There were frenzied meetings in Dakar and Tora Bora and a night in Jalalabad when they split up and she cried into the small hours. After that they did not speak for a while. Ms di Giovanni went to Africa to forget him. But one night in Mogadishu, amid the gunfire, her satellite telephone rang. It was Mr Girodon at Kigali airport, recently returned from the death spots of Rwanda. "Let's have a baby," he said. "Let's get married"

彼此間電話持續不斷,然而大多數通話是法語所說的“malentendu(誤解)”。Girodon抽身離開時說自己想獨處,卻又追尋著di Giovanni的腳步來到摩加迪沙(Mogadishu,非洲索馬利亞首都))或是格羅茲尼(Grozny,車臣首府)。他們在達喀爾(Dakar,塞內加爾首都)和托拉博拉(Tora Bora,巴基斯坦邊境小鎮)的會面堪稱瘋狂,之後有一天夜裡在賈拉拉巴德(Jalalabad,阿富汗城市),面對分手,她痛哭至深夜。在那之後的一段時間,他們不再聯絡。di Giovanni為了忘卻他去了非洲,但是有一天晚上在摩加迪沙,炮火中,她的衛星電話響了。Girodon在基加利機場(Kigali,盧安達的首都),他剛從盧安達的死亡線上回來。他說,“我們生個孩子吧!我們結婚吧!”

Three miscarriages later the couple settled in Paris where they awaited the birth of their son. But having met in another life, in another world, they discovered that domesticity can be the toughest battle of all. Their new, married life in Paris was meant to be smaller, and so they shed much of their past. More difficult to let go of was the killing and violence they had witnessed, which had found a way of creeping inside them. Childbirth for Ms di Giovanni reanimated many of the fears she thought she had safely put away. She fretted that she would not be able to protect her child. She had nightmares. But in spring the nightmares ended and she saw that the baby was thriving. Adjustment was harder for Mr Girodon. He drank to blot out his nightmares. Alcohol made him depressed, though, and to drown the pain he drank more. He grew thin and stopped sleeping. Unable to continue alone, he checked into a clinic. Eventually the couple Giovanni

三次流產之後,這對夫妻在巴黎定居,等待兒子的降生。然而已經遭遇過另一個世界裡的不一樣的生活,他們發現居家生活根本就是最嚴酷的戰爭。在巴黎,剛剛開啟的婚姻生活註定無法長久,而且他們放棄了太多過去種種。更難以釋懷的是他們曾親眼所見的殺戮與暴力,這些東西悄悄在他們心中蔓延。對於di Giovanni來說,生孩子這件事重新喚起了太多恐懼感,而她原以為自己已經徹底擺脫。她對自己沒能力保護孩子而感到焦慮,噩夢不斷。但是到了春天,夢魘結束,她看到孩子在茁壯成長。調整自身這件事對Girodon來說更難做到。他酗酒好讓自己忘卻噩夢,然而酒精讓他陷入抑鬱,變本加厲借酒消愁。他變得愈發瘦弱,失眠,無法繼續獨自生活下去,繼而住進了醫院。最終這對夫婦勞燕分飛。

月光下,遇到了錯的人! 第3張

The very private Mr Girodon dreaded being exposed in a book, but he courageously defends his wife’s right to write her own story. “Ghosts by Daylight” is no misery memoir, but a powerful lesson. Two people can love each other deeply, have a child, but still, in the end, not make it together.
