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PARIS — In France, the country of Sartre and Molière, literary knowledge is considered a sign of savoir faire, and all the more so, perhaps, if you are the person presiding over the country’s culture budget.


So an admission by the French culture minister, Fleur Pellerin, that she has not read a book in two years has provoked horror among some members of the cultural elite here.

因此,法國文化部長弗勒爾·佩爾蘭(Fleur Pellerin)承認過去兩年從未讀過一本書的事,讓這裡的部分文化精英感到震驚。


The awkward confession, in an interview over the weekend on the television channel Canal Plus, spawned a storm of criticism on social media and beyond, and even some demands for the resignation of a seemingly uncultured culture minister who had previously been lauded for her intellect and style.

佩爾蘭是週末在接受Canal Plus電視訊道的採訪(本文最初發表於2014年10月29日)時,尷尬地講出此事的。這番爆料在社交媒體及以外的地方遭到口誅筆伐,部分人甚至要求這位看似沒文化的文化部長辭職。而此前,這位文化部長曾憑藉其才智和風度贏得讚譽。

When asked to name her favorite book by Patrick Modiano, the French author who recently won the Nobel Prize in Literature, Ms. Pellerin laughed uncomfortably, unable to name any work by the celebrated writer.

當讓其說出最喜歡的法國作家帕特里克·莫迪亞諾(Patrick Modiano)的一本書時,佩爾蘭不自在地笑了。她說不出這名前不久剛獲得諾貝爾文學獎的著名作家的任何一部作品。

Only weeks before, Ms. Pellerin had applauded Mr. Modiano for conveying France’s literary influence and vitality “in the eyes of the world.” And earlier in the interview, she had gushed that she had shared a wonderful lunch with Mr. Modiano, found him nice and laughed a lot.


Mr. Modiano, the 15th French writer to win the Nobel for literature, has published 30 works, including moody and concise fictional works set in Paris during World War II.


Making matters worse, to some cultural observers, Ms. Pellerin said she had no problem admitting that she had not had much time to read a book for pleasure in two years.


“I read a lot of notes, a lot of legal texts, the news, A.F.P. stories, but I read very little,” she said.


The exchange was seen as an embarrassment among some members of the cultural cognoscenti, who have been basking in France’s cultural supremacy, with a flurry of new museum openings and the Nobel Prize, at a time when the economy and government are struggling.


At the French site of The Huffington Post, Claude Askolovitch, a writer, said Ms. Pellerin’s oversight was no less than “barbaric” and called for her to resign, arguing that what he described as her crude indifference to France’s Nobel laureate made her unfit for the job.

作家克勞德·阿斯克洛維奇(Claude Askolovitch)在《赫芬頓郵報》(The Huffington Post)法文版網站上發表文章稱,佩爾蘭的疏忽說“野蠻”也不過分,並要求她辭職,他辯稱,佩爾蘭不加掩飾地漠視法國的諾貝爾獎得主,因此不適合做文化部長這份工作。

“Barbarism is here,” he said. “If one can be culture minister without reading, then we are mere technocrats and budgeters.” He chided her for prioritizing the reading of ministerial memos over the uplift provided by great literary works.


Others, however, were more forgiving and commended Ms. Pellerin for showing a candor all too rare among politicians.


Defenders noted that until recently, Ms. Pellerin had been a junior minister in charge of promoting small and medium-size businesses, innovation and the digital economy, and that such savvy trumped literary knowledge at a time when the economy was sputtering and culture budgets were stretched thin.


“One can salute her frankness, understanding that the life of a minister leaves little time for the calm required for reading, and even salute the spontaneity of Fleur Pellerin,” said an article in Le Point titled “Fleur Pellerin hasn’t read Modiano! So what?”

《觀點》(Le Point)雜誌上一篇題為“弗勒爾·佩爾蘭沒讀過莫迪亞諾又怎樣?”的文章寫道,“我們應該向她的誠實致敬,要明白部長的生活留不出多少空閒時間,沒有閱讀所需的那種沉靜。我們甚至應該稱讚弗勒爾·佩爾蘭的率性。”

Even before, Ms. Pellerin, 41, had become an object of some fascination among the French. Born in South Korea, she was adopted by a French family when she was 6 months old. She graduated at the top of her class at the École Nationale d’Administration, the training ground for future French presidents and prime ministers. Colleagues say that before working 14-hour days as a minister, Ms. Pellerin was a prolific reader of fiction and nonfiction, and that she is equally at ease admiring a Picasso painting as she is listening to a hip-hop track.

現年41歲的佩爾蘭,在此之前就曾讓法國人驚歎過。她生於韓國,6歲時被一個法國家庭收養。她以班裡第一名的成績畢業於法國國家行政學院(École Nationale d’Administration),而那裡是未來法國總統和總理的訓練場。同事們表示,在成為部長每天工作14小時之前,佩爾蘭熱衷於閱讀小說和非小說類書籍,而且她既能安然欣賞畢加索的油畫,也喜歡聽嘻哈音樂

On Twitter, the interview provoked equal expressions of humor, righteous indignation and bemusement at all the fuss. “Fleur Pellerin incapable of citing a book by Modiano, do you mean that she hadn’t read Wikipedia that day, like three-quarters of Twitter?” wrote Matteu Maestracci, a journalist for the radio broadcaster France Info.

這次採訪也在Twitter上也引發了各種不同的反應,包括幽默、義憤,還有對這番大驚小怪的啞然失笑。“弗勒爾·佩爾蘭連一本莫迪亞諾的書都說不上來?是說她那天沒有像四分之三的Twitter網友一樣,看看維基百科嗎?”法國新聞廣播電臺(France Info)記者馬修·馬埃斯特拉奇(Matteu Maestracci)寫道。

One Twitter user, Henri Rouquier, for his part, tried to insert a sense of proportion. “France has finally confronted its biggest problem at this time of national crisis: Fleur Pellerin has not read Modiano,” he wrote.

一位Twitter網友昂立·盧奇埃(Henri Rouquier)想提醒我們不要小題大做。他寫道,“在經歷全國性危機的時候,法國終於遇到了最大的問題:弗勒爾·佩爾蘭沒有讀過莫迪亞諾。”

Outside France, Ms. Pellerin might receive even more sympathy. Although revered at home, Mr. Modiano, until recently, was largely unknown abroad. One of his novels, “Rue des Boutiques Obscures,” released as “Missing Person” in English, won the prestigious Prix Goncourt in 1978, but has sold just 2,425 copies in the United States.

在法國之外,佩爾蘭或許還會得到更多同情。儘管莫迪亞諾在國內備受推崇,但直到最近,他在國外基本上都默默無聞。他的一本小說《暗店街》(Rue des Boutiques Obscures)在1978年贏得了赫赫有名的龔古爾獎(Prix Goncourt),但該書的英譯本《失蹤的人》(Missing Person)在美國卻只賣出了2425本。