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wedding ceremony 結婚典禮

wedding reception 婚宴

register office 結婚登記處


usher 引賓員

vows 婚誓

say one's vows 立下婚誓

wedding day 舉行婚禮的日子

wedding anniversary 結婚周年紀念日

bride 新娘

bridegroom or groom 新郎

officiator 主婚人

pastor 牧師

groomsman 伴郎

bridesmaid 伴娘

honeymoon 蜜月

wedding dress 婚紗、結婚禮服

wed in a civil ceremony 登記結婚

marriage certificate 結婚證

guest 來賓


wedding reception婚宴



wedding march婚禮進行曲

持花少女:flower girl

捧戒指的男孩:ring bearer

marriage after divorce 再婚

wedding march 婚禮進行曲

mixed marriage 涉外婚姻;跨國婚姻


Paper wedding 紙婚 一週年

Tin wedding 錫婚 兩週年

Crystal wedding 水晶婚15週年

China wedding 搪瓷婚20週年

Silver wedding 銀婚25週年

Pearl wedding 珍珠婚30週年

Ruby wedding 紅寶石婚40週年

Sapphire wedding 藍寶石婚45週年

Golden wedding 金婚50週年

Emerald wedding 翠玉婚55週年

Diamond wedding 鑽石婚60-70週年

  關於結婚的英語笑話:結婚的成本 The cost of marriage

The cost of marriage

A little boy asked his father, "Daddy, how much does it cost to get married?"

And the father replied, "I don't know son, I'm still paying."





People tend to pick spouses with similar educations. And movie stars do, too, despite additional options of wealth and fame. Karen Hopkin reports The tabloids love a good celebrity romance. But so do scientists. One has even used movie stars as models for understanding why people tend to marry partners with similar levels of education. The star-studded study appears in the Journal of Human Capital. [Gustaf Bruze, Marriage Choices of Movie Stars: Does Spouse’s Education Matter?] There are any number of reasons why individuals might wed their academic equals. The simplest being that they actually meet each other in school. It could also be that people with similar educational backgrounds wind up side by side in the workplace. Or maybe we’re more comfortable with someone whose earning potential is in our ballpark. To sort through the possibilities, Gustaf Bruze, an economist in Denmark, looked to the Big Screen. Thespians, he found, also tend to marry people with the same level of learning. So Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes each have formal education equivalent to completion of high school. Now, actors don’t usually meet their partners in school, and they’re not cast in movies based on their diplomas. Nor does their education level correlate with their box office earnings. So it can’t be about happenstance or about finance. Maybe it’s just that people with the same sort of education like the same movies—in this case, the ones they’re in.

人們傾向於尋找擁有相同文化背景的配偶。電影明星也是如此,雖然他們也會考慮財富和名聲等因素。Karen Hopkin 報道道。

小報喜歡名人的浪漫故事。科學家也是如此。一位科學家甚至用電影明星作為例子探究為什麼人們趨向於跟與教育背景相似的人結婚。這項有關明星的研究結果發表在人類資本(Human Capital)的雜誌上。(古斯塔夫•布魯茲,“電影明星的婚姻選擇:配偶的教育重要嗎?”)有很多原因可以解釋為什麼人們會選擇與自己文化背景相當的人。最可能的原因是他們在上學時認識的。也有可能教育背景相似的人工作在同一個崗位上,相互有接觸的機會。或者是可能當跟我們收入相當的人相處,我們會感到很舒服。為了從眾多可能性中找出最符合的,丹麥經濟學家古斯塔夫•布魯茲,從更寬的角度來看這個問題。他發現演員們也傾向於與與自己文化背景類似的人結合。湯姆•克魯斯和凱蒂•霍爾莫斯就是很好的例子,他們都是高中畢業的。現在演員們通常不是在學校認識的,他們也不是根據他們的文憑而演對應的角色。他們的受教育水平也和收入無關。所以這不可能是碰巧或者因收入而造成的。很可能擁有相同文化背景的人喜歡同一型別的電影,在這種情況下,他們都會選擇演那個電影。






