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VOA流行美語 Unit 146: smack dab/ring a bell

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VOA流行美語 Unit 146: smack-dab/ring a bell

VOA流行美語 Unit 146: smack-dab/ring a bell

李華和Larry正在超級市場買菜。今天李華會學到兩個常用語:smack-dab和ring a bell.

(Ambience sound in supermarket)

LH: Larry, 你在笑什麼啊?

LL: Didn't you see that lady walk smack-dab into the fruit display? She knocked all of the oranges over. What a mess!

LH: 哎喲,那位太太把那水果攤撞翻了。真是的,你看,地上到處都是桔子。她是怎麼回事呀?你說她什麼來著?

LL: I said that she walk smack-dab into the fruit display. Smack-dab means exactly or right. That means she walked right into the fruit display.

LH: 噢,smack-dab是很精確,很準確的意思。你剛才是說,她一直對著那個水果攤走過去,結果把水果攤撞倒了。幸好她只是撞翻了一些水果,而不是撞到什麼有危險性的東西。

LL: Yeah, luckily the fruit display doesn't have any sharp edges. Once my friend walked smack-dab into a glass door and broke her nose.

LH: 我的天啊!你的朋友撞上一扇玻璃門,還把鼻子都撞傷了?難道他沒看到那扇門嗎?怎麼可能撞上去呢?

LL: Well, the door was really clean and it was in the evening, so she just didn't see the glass there.

LH: 那倒是可能的,玻璃門擦得很乾淨,而且又是晚上。你那朋友當時一定覺得很尷尬吧?

LL: Oh, she was humiliated.

LH: 要是我的話,我也會很不好意思的。

LL: Hey, Li Hua, what's that on your sweater?


LL: Well, I just noticed that you have a brown spot smack-dab in the middle of your sweater.

LH: 什麼?我毛衣上有一塊咖啡色的髒東西?哎呀!肯定是我早上吃巧克力時滴在衣服上的。你說的對,這還恰恰在我毛衣的正中間。

LL: Oh, it's not that bad. You can change into another sweater when you get home.


LL: Hey, Li Hua, does the name "Laura Wilson" ring any bells for you?

LH:Laura Wilson?不是那個上星期我們在網球場上碰到的那個金髮女孩嘛?她為什麼要為我打鈴呀?她和打鈴有什麼關係?

LL:Oh, no! If someone asks you if something "rings a bell," then he is asking if you remember it. I just got a phone message from Laura Wilson and I can't remember who she is.

LH: Larry, 你年紀輕輕,怎麼那麼健忘!Laura Wilson上星期在網球場上還跟我們說她準備去當職業網球手。

LL: Oh, now I remember who she is. Once you mentioned her plan to be a professional tennis player, then her name rang a bell with me.

LH: Larry, to ring a bell這個說法很有意思。你剛才問我,Laura的名字有沒有ring a bell,就是在問我記不記得Laura。那也就是說,要是我記得的話,那我腦子裡就會個鈴聲。

LL: It's a very vivid expression and easy to remember. Right?

LH: 對,我們和她說好下個週末一起打網球,你還記得嗎?Does that ring a bell?

LL: Yeah, that rings a bell. What time were we supposed to meet her?

LH: 我記得我們約好了下午4點種在網球場碰面的。

LL: That rings a bell, too. I had better write that down so that I don't forget again.

LH: Larry, 這個星期五是2月11號,怎麼樣,那是什麼日子啊?Does that ring a bell?

LL: It rings a bell, but I'm not sure why. Could you refresh my memory?

LH: Larry! 我真不敢相信你居然忘記了!

LL: I'm just kidding, Li Hua. Of course, I remember that Friday is your birthday.

今天李華學到兩個常用語。一個是smack-dab,意思就是不偏不歪、恰恰正好的意思。另一個常用語是ring a bell,也就是記得的意思。