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美國習慣用語 第855:fast and furious

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隔了一個長週末去上班,我發現辦公樓對面一座20層的大樓好像一夜之間忽然消失了。老闆告訴我,一個爆破小組在幾天之內完成了全部的爆破,清掃和整理工作。這也讓我想到了一句習慣用語,那就是:fast and furious.

美國習慣用語-第855:fast and furious

這個短語由兩個簡單的單詞構成:fast快速的; furious憤怒的。連起來,fast and furious,意思變成了“飛快地,很快完成”。

上面說到,我們辦公室旁邊的大樓爆破瞬間就完成了。The demolition was fast and furious. It's as if the building just vanished overnight! 人間蒸發了。在下面的例子裡,一名青少年的天資被快速挖掘出來,讓我們來聽聽他爸爸對此怎麼評價:

例句-1:Ever since my son won the nationAl math competition, requests have been coming in fast and furious. Suddenly hundreds of kids and their parents want his advice, interviewers are begging for his story, and colleges across the country are offering him four-year scholarships.


一夜成名不一定是好事,我記得以前一個談話節目中,一個人談到了他中彩票之後的經歷。Once his name was announced on television, attention on him was fast and furious, 自從他的名字出現在電視上之後,對他的關注就撲面而來。




上面我們講到了fast and furious, 飛快的。冬天的阿拉斯加向來是非常寒冷的。 不過,今年的嚴寒似乎格外嚴酷。讓我們來聽聽看:

例句-2:The residents in Alaska are used to bad weather in winter. But they weren't prepared for all the snow they recently got. That's because the storm moved in fast and furious. Within a few short hours, towns became overwhelmed by mountains of snow.


我聽說,今年有些地方的積雪多達60英寸。還記得兩年前,美國首都華盛頓也經歷了同樣的大雪,天氣預報裡說要下大雪後,The sales at grocery stores were going fast and furious! 人們都去商店搶購商品,以儲備好食物以應對大雪的到來。