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Cece: Come. Eat. You need your strength.
Serena: I'm not hungry.
Eric: I'm saving room for later.
Cece: In times of great uncertainty, it's even more important that we continue our daily rituals.
Serena: You haven't eaten a Cheerio since you've been here.


I'm saving room for later: 我留著肚子吃後面的東西呢
Cheerio: 一種早餐吃的穀物的品牌

Tyler: My condolences.
Chuck: Skip the sympathy. This is business. My father met with you right before he died. I want to know what you told him that night.
Tyler: I worked for Mr. Bass, not you, and what I have--you're not the only party interested.
Chuck: I'm about to become very rich.
Tyler: Yeah, congrats.

My condolences: 深表哀悼。話說昨天下午開會中,突然接到好友電話,告知追求失敗的噩耗,我當時脫口而出這句my condolences.
Skip the sympathy: 收起你的同情心吧
congrats: congratulations的縮寫

Jenny: How you holding up?
Eric: Holding.

How you holding up:你還好吧,還撐的住吧。當別人處在困境或悲痛中,就可以用這句話來問候對方。注意Eric的回答holding, 就表示“還好,正熬著,正扛著呢”。

Nate: We should have just driven him to the door and dropped him off on the steps.
Blair: No one should see him like this. He needs to walk it off

walk off: 用走路來消除(痛苦等),這裡是說用走路來醒酒,讓自己清醒


Lily: Thank you, Dan, for being here for Serena and for our whole family.
Dan: Of course. I can't imagine it any other way.
Lily: You are a true gentleman. Your father raised you kids right.
Dan: Thank you.
Cece: Dear, they want to know about the wreaths, whether we should...

Your father raised you kids right: 你爸爸真是教子有方
wreath: 花圈

Chuck: What the hell are you doing here?!
Dan: Excuse me?
Blair: He's just upset and loaded. What are you doing at my father's funeral?

loaded: 簡單的說,就是喝醉了,詳細說明如下:theact of excessive consumption of alcoholic beverage which fuels theprimitive barbaric wild side of any human being. Usually loaded peopleresult in the following - stumbling around, say stupid things, andlikes to go streaking(裸奔), do animal calls(瘋狂打電話), and chase the opposite sex.

關於喝醉,還有如下說法:drunk, tanked, wasted, inebriated, hammered, intoxicated, 最後兩個程度最深,表示醉的已經很厲害了。

Rufus: You're back soon. I wouldn't have thought Bart Bass would be one to have a short funeral.
Dan: Chuck threw me out before it even started 'cause according to him, uh, my father "killed" his father.
Rufus: What? Why would he say that?
Dan: Well, I don't know, Dad. I mean, do you have any wild guesses, any thoughts?

throw me out: 把我轟出來了,語氣弱一點可以用kick me out(把我趕出來了)
wild guess: 胡亂猜想。別人問你“真的嗎,真的是這樣?”你回答“我瞎猜的,隨便亂說的”,英文就是It’s a wild guess.

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Dan: Did you, uh, did you think of going today?
Rufus: To the funeral? Nah.
Dan: Why not? I mean, you're one of Lily's oldest friends.
Rufus: No, I know. It's just better this way.

It's just better this way: 這樣就可以了,就這樣吧。

Nate: You're really sweet with him.
Blair: Me? Sweet? No.
Nate: No, you are. I mean, worrying about him, offering him food. It's downright maternal.
Blair: I'm not maternal. I've just been spending too much time with Cyrus, and I'm turning Jewish.

It's downright maternal: downright相當於absolutely, maternal表示母性的意思。這裡Nate說Blair“母性大爆發”,有時候中文裡我們也會說“母愛氾濫”,這裡的母愛英文對應的單詞就是maternal. 大家可以注意一下後面Blair的回答,我覺得蠻有趣的,調侃了Cyrus一下。

Cece: Excuse me, may I please steal my daughter for a moment?
Lily: Mother, if you want to talk, now is not the time.
Cece: What does chuck know?
Lily: Did you not hear what I just said? He knows something about you and Rufus. You should find out what.
Lily: Mother, I just came from burying my husband. I do not have the time, inclination or frankly, the mental capacity to go head-to-head with chuck.

steal: 這個單詞在聚會場景裡經常聽到,如果你要把某人從正在談話的人群里拉出來,就可以用這個句型。類似的還有Can you guys excuse us for a moment? / May I borrow her? / Can I have a word with you?(這句話通常是對方單獨一個人的時候使用)
now is not the (good) time: 現在不是好時機(通常潛臺詞是“我現在心情不好,不要打擾我”)
have the inclination to: 興致,傾向
go head-to-head with: 正面衝突



Eric: I just lost my stepfather. I don't want to lose my brother, too.
Chuck: When are you going to get it? We are not related.

We are not related: 我們沒有血緣關係

Cece: Andrew Tyler was just here.
Lily: Bart's P.I.? Don't tell me he was here to pay his respects.
Cece: No, he wanted me to pay him. He knows about the hospital in France.

P.I.: Private Investigator, 私家偵探
pay his respect: 這裡是哀悼死者的意思,通常也說pay last respect to someone. 這裡的私家偵探掌握了Lily的祕密,所以藉此要勒索他們,所以後面Cece說的pay是付錢的意思,這裡用了pay的兩個用法,大家可以注意一下。

Lily: You have to stop him.
Cece: Do I? I'm not sure.
Lily: You can't be serious. Well, after all this time, now you decide that the right thing to do is to tell the truth?
Cece: The truth is out. That changes everything, doesn't it?
Lily: No, it doesn't have to.
Cece: There could be no better time for a clean slate.
Lily: There could be no worse time, mother. This is the last thing I want to come out. Pay him.

The truth is out: 這裡的“洩漏”用out就可以搞定了,很簡潔的說法。後面出現的come out,表示真相大白,用人做主語的話,就表示坦白的意思。此外,come out還有一個特殊含義表示“出櫃”,就是某人坦白自己是gay的身份的話,英文就是he came out.
clean slate: an opportunity to start over without prejudice

Cece: What are you going to do about the fact that you're in love with Rufus Humphrey?
Lily: Well, I'm not sure I'm gonna do anything, At least not right away.
Cece: So you are in love with him? I was fishing.
Lily: Oh. Well, you caught idering the circumstances, I have tried with all of my strength tofight it. It is a curse I do not wish on my worst enemy. But I loveRufus.
Serena: So that's why chuck was so upset.
Lily: Serena. Let me explain
Serena: Don't bother. You love Rufus. You always have.

I was fishing: 我詐你的。fish做動詞,表示to catch or try to catch fish, 引申含義就是To seek something in a sly or indirect way.
You caught me: 被你看穿了。
You always have: 那句經典的”I love you. Always have, always will.” 很多臺詞裡都引用過。

Serena: Hey, you're gonna be fighting me for that neck pillow when your chin is on your chest and there's drool all over your shirt.
Aaron: How did you know that I drool?

drool: 可作名詞也可作動詞,流口水的意思。中文裡當你饞涎某件東西的時候,我們會說“看著都流口水了”,英文裡就是drool over something. 口水還可以說saliva和water, 不過saliva是醫學用語,相當於“唾液”。英文中說something is mouth-watering, 意思就是讓人垂涎三尺的意思。


流鼻涕是I have a running nose. 或者動詞snivel. 名詞的鼻涕叫做nasal mucus, nasal是鼻子的,mucus則是黏液。snot也表示鼻涕,但是就是有點粗魯,你說“你的鼻涕流下來了”,英文就是your snot is dripping down.

挖鼻子叫做pick nose, 鼻屎就是booger. 挖耳朵既可以說pick ear, 也可以用scratch your ear, 耳屎呢就是earwax. 挖耳朵的東西叫做earpick, 不過老外通常用棉花棒,那個叫做cotton swab或者Q-tip, 後者是一個著名的牌子。如果你要跟老外說挖耳朵的東西,建議你說後面那兩個。

打噴嚏叫做sneeze, 擤鼻涕叫做blow your nose或者wipe your nose.

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More towers than Trump, more bucks than Bloomberg, Bart bass definitely made his mark on Manhattan

美國的兩個大富翁,Trump就是Donald Trump了,做房地產起家,所以這邊說Bart擁有的大樓比Trump還要多。看過或者聽說過真人秀Apprentice的人,應該都會知道Trump,在節目裡他就是Boss,而那些候選人就是他下屬公司未來可能的領導人。至於另外一位Michael Rubens Bloomberg則是美國傳媒界的大亨,同時也是現任的紐約市市長。相關介紹大家可以看:


Lily: Charles, please. You need to be with your family.
Chuck: My family? I don't have a family.
Gossip Girl: If the lord is our shepherd, it looks like one of his lambs has lost his way, or maybe make that a black sheep.

Gossip Girl這段話裡提到的shepherd, lamb, black sheep都和聖經有關,引經據典,可以寫上一大堆,但這裡儘量說的簡單一點,主要資料來源於

首先,在希伯來(古代以色列)民族中,人民的生活主要依靠畜牧業。因此,羊是《聖經》中地位最為重要的一種動物。說到綿羊,我們總能聯想起那種溫順的形象,而山羊看上去就沒那麼好惹,所以在新約裡,山羊goat代表不聽話的人,綿羊sheep代表軟弱聽話的人。black sheep則是害群之馬的意思。

但是在舊約裡,goat是祭祀用品。祭祀時候用兩隻羊,一隻獻給耶和華,另一隻則放生,在曠野中任其自生自滅,帶走人們的罪。所以英文有個單詞scapegoat(替罪羊), scape就是escape的變體,表示逃走的羊,指的就是被放生的那隻羊。因為它帶走了人們的罪,於是它就是“替罪羊”。當然,goat本身也可以表示“替罪羊”的意思。

舊約中,摩西因為要帶領以色列人離開埃及而受到法老的百般阻礙。上帝因此發怒,要殺死所有在埃及出生的男嬰。以色列人殺了一隻lamb,把血塗在門楣上,以便讓上帝區別對待,因而得以倖免。這一天後來就成為逾越節(Passover)。lamb後來經常被用來表示耶穌,因為他像逾越節的羔羊一樣心甘情願地為拯救人類被殺害。因此“like a lamb”,“as meek as a lamb”,“like a lamb to the slaughter”這些成語都表達逆來順受、任人宰割的意思。

如果你跟我一樣,看到這裡,聯想起The Silence of the Lambs(沉默的羔羊)這部電影,然後疑惑為什麼要起這樣名字,那麼你可以看一下這個連結 (中間部分,有一段講“為什麼是羔羊”),可能會對你有幫助。

Eleanor: I was thinking something in a jacket, very Y.S.L.
Jenny: Okay, Mick and Bianca, 1971. Great reference.

已故時裝大師Yves Saint Laurent和他的品牌YSL,相信大家都不陌生了。他把pantsuit(配長褲的套裝)改良成Le Smoking, 中文叫做“吸菸裝”,那種長長的西服,配窄腿褲。他N年前就推出過了,也不知道是為了哀悼他的去世,還是因為時尚界的復古風,今年又重新流行了吸菸裝,不單單是那些一線品牌,連普通商場都隨處可見類似的衣服。

而Mick Jagger是the rolling stone的主唱,Bianca是他妻子,他倆結婚時穿的都是YSL的衣服,Bianca當時是真空上陣,穿著YSL的白色西裝,一反傳統,震驚四座。

關於YSL, 我找到了一篇英文的介紹,圖文並茂,有興趣的話可以作為閱讀資料看一下:http://clothesaholic.blogsp_06_01_

Both Bianca and Mick Jagger wore YSL at their wedding.

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