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Akela: Mowgli. What was the rule about your tricks?

Mowgli: It's not the wolf way.

Akela: No more tricks. Chin up, little one. We'll make you a fine wolf, yet.

Gray: What about me? Am I gonna be a fine wolf? Look at me howl!

Akela: In some packs, the runt gets eaten. Mowgli, behind me. Don't leave my side.

Shere Khan: Everyone comes to Peace Rock. So many smells to catch up on. But, um...I can't help but notice there's this strange odour today. What is it, this scent that I'm on? I almost... I almost think it was some kind of... man-cub.

Akela: Mowgli belongs to my Pack, Shere Khan.

Shere Khan: Mowgli? They've given it a name. When was it we came to adopt man into the Jungle?

Akela: He's just a cub.

Shere Khan: Does my face not remind you of what a grown man can do? Shift your hunting ground for a few years and everyone forgets how the Law works. Well, let me remind you. A man-cub becomes man... and man is forbidden!

Raksha: What do you know about Law?

Shere Khan: Raksha.

Raksha: Hunting for pleasure. Killing for power. You've never known Law. The cub is mine! Mine to me. So, go back to where you came from, you burned beast!

Akela: The tiger knows who rules this part of the Jungle. I'm sure he doesn't mean to come here and make threats. Especially during a Water Truce.

Shere Khan: No, I'm deeply respectful of these Laws that keep us safe. So, here's my promise. Nothing lasts forever. The rains will return and the river will rise. And when this rock disappears, that Truce will end. You want to protect him, fine. But ask yourselves, how many lives is a man-cub worth?



狼孩毛克利一直跟著狼群生活,他們都希望毛克利能跟狼一樣,這樣才能在叢林中生存下來。毛克利在和平巖旁邊喝水,但是他的行為就像人一樣,拿著一個碗狀的枯木喝水,被狼族首領逮到了,毛克利有點沮喪,狼族首領安慰他,說振作起來,我會把你訓練成上等的狼。chin up本意是引體向上,抬起下巴的意思。在這裡引申為振作起來,別灰心。

't help but notice

正逢和平巖出現,所有的動物都必須停止捕獵,和平共處。因為和平巖在河流底部,當和平巖出現時,說明水不充足;而森林法則中,喝水比食物更重要。當動物們齊聚河邊時,老虎也來到了河邊,也許是他積威已久,動物們都很害怕。老虎說,他聞到了一點陌生的氣味。can't help but notice不禁注意到的意思。

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因老虎的臉就是被人類的火把給毀了,所以他很恨人類,但是這片森林是由狼族首領統治,而且是和平時期不能廝殺;老虎只是來放狠話說,我臉上的疤痕難道沒有提醒你人類長大了能做出些什麼?remind of 提醒的意思。


老虎想讓狼族能把毛克利交出來,但是狼族首領拒絕了這個要求,並告訴老虎,毛克利屬於他們狼族;此時,情勢緊張起來,狼族首領說了一句,他敢肯定,老虎來只是為了裝個逼。mean to 是 打算,有意做的意思。