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15种日常食物 燃烧你多余的脂肪(图)

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1. Low-Fat Milk
2. Low-Fat Yogurt
3. Cheese

Secret fat-burner: Calcium
As it turns out, milk really does do a body good--as do yogurt and cheese! A review of more than 90 studies in the journal Nutrition Reviews revealed a strong link between high calcium intake and improved body composition.







15种日常食物---燃烧你多余的脂肪(图) 第2张

4. Oats
5. Barley

Secret fat-burner: Fiber
Enjoy a delicious barley side dish instead of white rice with dinner and you could be well on your way to shedding dangerous belly fat, according to a study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.





15种日常食物---燃烧你多余的脂肪(图) 第3张

6. Green Tea

Secret fat-burner: Catechins
"Catechins increase metabolism and the rate at which the liver burns fat," says Journal of Nutrition study author Kevin C. Maki, PhD. To reap those rewards, drink four to six cups of caffeinated green tea a day and log at least 180 minutes of exercise each week.





15种日常食物---燃烧你多余的脂肪(图) 第4张

7. Eggs

Secret fat-burner: Protein
Protein helps with weight loss in a number of ways. First, your body uses more energy (think calories) to break down protein foods than it does to break down other foods. Protein also helps you hang onto muscle mass as you're losing weight, and since muscle burns more calories than fat, you want to keep as much of it as you can. Finally, protein dampens hunger better than carbohydrates do, says Donald K. Layman, PhD, the Journal of Nutrition study's lead researcher, adding that decreasing carbohydrates also helped the protein group lose weight.




15种日常食物---燃烧你多余的脂肪(图) 第5张

8. Walnuts
9. Almonds

Secret fat-burner: "Good" fats
Plenty of studies point to nuts as a waist-friendly addition to your diet as long as you don't go overboard. Chalk it up to their fiber, their protein, and their "good" fat, which may increase the body's sensitivity to insulin, aiding weight loss. Walnuts are one of the best non-fish sources of omega-3 fatty acids, and almonds provide an extra benefit in the form of bone-building calcium.





15种日常食物---燃烧你多余的脂肪(图) 第6张

10. Salmon

Secret fat-burner: Omega-3's
Eating fat might sound like a crazy idea when you're trying to lose fat, but getting more omega-3 fatty acids from fatty fish like salmon could be just what the diet doctor ordered, according to a study in the British Journal of Nutrition. "Although the exact mechanisms are unknown, omega-3 fatty acids reduce fat mass," says Irene Munro, study author and researcher from the University of Newcastle in Newcastle, Australia. Other studies have found that omega-3 fatty acids make you feel less hungry and more satisfied up to two hours after eating a fatty fish meal. Aim to eat salmon or another oily fish, like mackerel, herring, or canned tuna, at least twice a week.


燃烧的秘密:ω- 3脂肪酸

当您试图减肥时,吃脂肪听起来似乎是一个疯狂的想法。但是,医嘱上的鱼类如大马哈鱼的ω- 3脂肪酸可不是医生的异想天开,《英国营养学杂志》说: “虽然确切的机制尚不清楚,ω- 3脂肪酸,可以减少脂肪。”研究报告的作者是来自澳大利亚纽卡斯尔大学的艾琳说蒙罗。类似的研究发现,ω- 3脂肪酸可减少饥饿感,让你在饱食了鱼肉之后感觉更好。制定计划吃鱼:鲑鱼或另外的油性鱼类,如鲭鱼,鲱鱼,金枪鱼罐头,至少每周两次。

15种日常食物---燃烧你多余的脂肪(图) 第7张

11. Apples
12. Pears
13. Sweet Peppers

Secret fat-burner Flavonoids
What do these three foods have in common? They all contain flavonoids, natural chemicals in plant foods that may have fat-fighting effects. Women who consumed the most flavonoids had significantly lower increases in body mass index over a 14-year period than women who ate the least, according to a study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. "Animal studies have shown that these flavonoids can increase energy [calorie] expenditure, increase glucose uptake into muscle, and increase fat burning," says Laura Hughes, MSc, the study's lead investigator and a nutritional epidemiologist at Maastricht University in the Netherlands.





这三种食物有什么共同点?它们都含有类黄酮,一种天然植物食品中的化学物质,可以消灭脂肪。《美国临床营养学》杂志在14年的观察期中发现,吃最多类黄酮的妇女,相比吃的最少的,显著降低了体重。” 同时,动物研究表明类黄酮可以增加热量消耗,肌肉对葡萄糖的摄取,和脂肪的燃烧,“休斯.劳拉说,硕士,首席研究员,荷兰Maastricht大学的营养流行病学家。

15种日常食物---燃烧你多余的脂肪(图) 第8张

14. Flaxseed

Secret fat-burner: Lignans
These shiny, nutty-tasting seeds pack a secret weight loss weapon: compounds called lignans. Consumption of lignans in postmenopausal women was associated with lower body fat and body mass index, according to a study in the British Journal of Nutrition. Try grinding and adding a tablespoon of flaxseed each day to cereals, yogurt, or salad dressing.




15种日常食物---燃烧你多余的脂肪(图) 第9张

15. Vinegar

Secret fat-burner: Acids
Researchers say vinegar turns on genes that produce enzymes that help the body break down fat. Interested in trying it? Slurp 15 milliliters (about a tablespoon) of vinegar daily, perhaps diluting it with milk or soda to make it less acidic and more palatable.


