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Canada’s capital was on alert and in shock on Wednesday after a gunman shot and killed a soldier at an Ottawa war meMorial before entering parliament buildings and opening chaotic scenes unlike anything Canada has seen in recent times, politicians used chairs and tables to barricade themselves in a meeting room during the shootout in the corridors of parliament. Prime minister Stephen Harper was speaking at a meeting in the building at the time of the attack but was safely gunman was killed. US officials said the Canadian government had identified the man as Michael Ottawa Hospital reported that it had taken in four patients between 10.20am and 12.43pm. Apart from the soldier, they had “minor, non-life threatening injuries” but were released by the hospital by early the help of the FBI in the US, Canadian authorities said they were looking for any link between the dead gunman and known terrorist groups or sympathisers, although they said there was no immediate information about motivation.“Canada is not immune to terrorist attacks we have seen around the world. We will not be intimidated,” Mr Harper said in a press conference Wednesday night, adding that in coming days “we will learn more about the terrorist and any accomplices he may have had” attack came as Canada was on heightened alert about the risk of Islamist terrorism after another soldier was killed on Monday near Montreal by a man who Mr Harper said had been “radicalised”ce on Monday shot and killed Martin Couture-Rouleau, 25, after he drove and struck two members of the Canadian Armed Forces, killing one and injuring the other, in da is taking part in the US-led military operation against Islamist militants in Iraq and city’s downtown core remained on lockdown for most of the day as police and Parliament Hill security ordered people to stay in their offices away from windows with their doors locked. At 8:25pm, the Ottawa police lifted the lockdown, having determined “there no longer exists a threat to public safety in the area”wa police said they were investigating whether more than one individual was involved in the attack but earlier reports of a shooting at a nearby shopping mall were later said to be ers of Parliament were gathered in parliament’s Centre Block building for their weekly caucus meetings when a man entered the building and began firing on Wednesday member of parliament Craig Scott said on Twitter that Kevin Vickers, Canada’s Sergeant at Arms, had saved lives by shooting the man.


周三,一名枪手进入加拿大议会大楼并开火,首都渥太华全城震惊,戒备森严。这名枪手此前还在渥太华战争纪念馆枪杀了一名士兵。这起事件造成的混乱在加拿大多年罕见。议会大楼走廊里传出阵阵枪击声时,官员们不得不在一间会议室内用桌椅为自己搭建障碍物。枪击发生时,加拿大总理斯蒂芬•哈珀(Stephen Harper)正在楼内一个会议上发表讲话,不过他随后顺利逃脱。这名枪手已被击毙。美国官方表示,加拿大政府已确认这名枪手的姓名是迈克尔•泽哈夫•毕博(Michael Zehaf-Bibeau)。根据渥太华医院(Ottawa Hospital)的报告,这所医院在上午10点20分到下午12点43分之间接收了4名伤者。除了那位丧生的士兵之外,其他人都“只受了不致命的轻伤”,傍晚时已出院。加拿大当局表示,他们正在美国联邦调查局(FBI)的帮助下,追查这名被击毙枪手与已知恐怖主义团体或恐怖主义支持者之间是否存在任何联系。不过,他们表示目前并未找到任何有关作案动机的直接信息。周三晚上,加拿大总理哈珀在记者招待会上表示:“加拿大也无法置身于全球范围发生的恐怖袭击之外。不过,恐怖袭击吓不倒我们。”他还补充说,随后几天“我们将了解更多有关这位恐怖分子及其可能帮凶的情况”。在这起枪击事件发生之前,周一,在蒙特利尔附近曾有另一名士兵被人枪杀。当时,哈珀表示该起事件的枪手是激进分子。那次枪击事件已经令加拿大提高了对伊斯兰恐怖主义风险的警觉。周三枪击事件发生后,在当天的大多数时间里,渥太华市中心核心地带一直处于封锁状态,警方和国会山安保人员要求人们留在办公室,锁紧大门并远离窗户。下午8点25分,渥太华警方认定“该地区不再存在公共安全威胁”,并解除了对该地区的封锁。渥太华警方表示,他们正在调查是否还有其他人参与了这起袭击事件。不过,早先有关附近一家商场遭遇枪击事件的报道后来被证明并不属实。在周三下午召开的记者招待会上,渥太华警方不愿就是否在搜寻其他枪手的说法予以确认,也不愿确认嫌疑人是否是加拿大公民,只表示他们在努力确保国会山周边地带的安全。在被问到枪手的目标是否是总理或其他高官时,警方表示“目前确定动机还为时尚早”。不过,警方表示他们并未提前得到袭击事件的警告。加拿大皇家骑警(Royal Canadian Mounted Police)指挥官吉勒斯•米肖(Gilles Michaud)表示:“这事让我们也十分震惊。”