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看青春美剧Glee1.14学英语 好你个头好

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看青春美剧Glee1.14学英语 好你个头好

Those spotlights in the auditorium don't run on dreams.
run on sth. 靠……运作
I made us his and her relationship calendars. 
his and her 情侣版
就是那种供情侣使用,有分男版女版的物品。英文里面就叫his and her。

And I guess chicks dig me,
chick 小妞
dig 觉得某人很迷人


It's More like I'm not over her.
be over sb. 忘记某人,对某人忘情
就想到Rachel给Ross的那同醉酒电话,I'm over you.哈哈,整得人家特纳闷~~

You no longer confuse me with your she-male looks. 
she-male 变性人

Mind flagging down that waiter? 
flag down 招呼一下,叫一下 To catch up to and catch the attention of somebody far ahead.

let's bury the hatchet. 
bury the hatchet 和平休战
为什么埋葬斧头就是和平休战的意思咧?印第安人有一种风俗: 在两个部落间的仗打完后,得胜的一方和打败的一方得聚在一起,把一把战斧埋到地下去, 以表示他们之间的战事已了,从此和平相处了。有点跟汉语里头“放下屠刀”感觉很像。

- What do you guys say when you answer the phone?  
- What up?  
- Who this be?  
- No,she's dead. This is her son. 

Alexander graham bell,inventor of the telephone, liked to say "ahoy,ahoy" when he answered the phone. 
ahoy 你好

Get the monkeys off our backs.
get the monkey off one's back 摆脱问题

New people, not tied down by anyone. 
tie down 束缚

You're like jagger,morrison. 
米克 贾格尔(Mick Jagger)是滚石乐队(the Rolling Stones)的主唱,摇滚乐有史以来最有影响力的主唱之一。
Jim Morrison是The Doors乐队主唱。

It's like you're inside my head right now.
I don't want to be a buzz-kill, 
buzz-kill 扫兴的人 Something that spoils or ruins an otherwise enjoyable event

I'm a senior now,so this year's kind of my victory lap.
victory lap 谢幕
赛跑选手在拿金牌后通常会绕场一圈以示庆祝。这一圈就叫做victory lap

I like to give impromptu concerts for the homeless. 
impromptu 即兴演出

I always had a soft spot for this song. 
have a soft spot for 有特别好感

but our deep respect For each other's talent will carry us through.
carry through 进行到底

Please,be my guest. 
be my guest 请便

Cut the butter,benedict arnold.
cut the butter 废话少说
Benedict Arnold是在美国独立战争的时候向英军投降的将军。

No homecoming. No valentines,no sock hop.
sock hop是一种兴起于20世纪50年代美国的舞蹈。
It'll be the kind of heartbreak that girls like me hold for the rest of their lives,like barbra in the way we were.
The Way We Were《往日情怀》是好莱坞出品的爱情片中少数具有浓厚政治意味的作品,也是当时具有知识分子味道影片中的代表作。背景为美国50年代美苏冷战时期,剧情描写芭芭拉.史翠珊 (Barbra Streisand)和罗伯特.雷德福(Robert Redford)两位男(哈伯)女(凯蒂)主人公,一个是在校担任青年政党联盟主席,另一个是热衷运动和写作的才子,他们在大学校园相识,而到相知相爱,最后却因为彼此间个性和政治立场的差异而分手。历经多年后两人再次重逢,回首往事,不胜感慨。

You're more of a drama queen than I am. 
drama queen 有戏剧性的女人,爱“作”的女人,小题大做的人

I'm not just some guy that you met at the music store that you can just blow off. 
blow off 忽略,挥之即去
