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如何振作起來 走出消沉的困境

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When you are depressed it is frequently found that you will not do things that will help you overcome your depression. If you find yourself starting to come down with depression then try to carry out as many of these as possible for a week and then see if you feel better and More optimistic in outlook.


如何振作起來 走出消沉的困境

1. Go For A Walk. When we are feeling down we tend to lock ourselves away and reduce our contact with the outside world. Try getting outside and go for a walk during the day. The change of scene will do you good and there will be other benefits such as sunlight and endorphins that will help improve your mood.

1.出去走走。當我們低落的時候我們趨向於把我們自己封閉起來並且減少和外部世界的交流。嘗試在白天出去走走。環境的改變會使你有所改觀,而且外面也有其他對你有益的東西比如陽光和還有能改善你情緒的安多芬。2. Listen to Some Music. When depressed I frequently found that I would either suffer in silence or listen to the news. Both of which don't really help. Put some upbeat music on. It doesn't really matter if it is pop trash, the more light hearted and fun the better. Listening to The Smiths is really not going to help here (although you might be able to empathize with Morrisey).

2.聽些音樂。當我消沉的時候我時常會選擇繼續在安靜中承受低落或者去聽些新聞。但是這兩種方法都沒有什麼實際用處。可以放一些樂觀的音樂。其實是不是非要那種流行音樂這一點不那麼重要,越輕鬆愉快越有趣越好。3. Don't Skip Meals. In modern society it is frequent to skip meals, especially breakfast. When depressed we tend to not bother about meals so much. It is important to have something each morning even if it is something small.

3.每頓飯都得吃。在現代社會總有人錯過幾餐飯,特別是早餐。當我們消沉的時候我們總趨向於不關心我們的飲食問題。每天早上都應該吃哪怕一點點東西,這一點很重要。4. Eat Good Food. We all know the advice about eating a rich and varied diet, 5 portions of fruit and vegetables a day etc. A lot of people find this hard however. What you need to do is that you include some of the following: bananas, turkey, whole-wheat bread, brown rice, tomatoes and of course some portions of oily fish. If this seems hard to accomplish then consider just introducing one item to your diet at a time. Making a major change in diet can be hard when you don't have the physical or mental energy that accompanies depresssion, so take small steps.

4.要吃得好。我們都知道每天應該吃得豐富多樣,要有一定的水果蔬菜攝入。不過很多人覺得做到這點很難。你需要做的事是給自己的食譜中加上:香蕉,雞肉,全麥麪包,糙米,西紅柿,當然還有一些魚類。這些如果要一起弄得話也許不是那麼容易,你可以考慮每次只加入一樣東西。在你低落的時候也許你沒有足夠的體力和精力來讓你的飲食有大的改變,那麼從細處一點一點來吧。5. Do Something Creative. There seems to be a link between depression and creativity. Try channeling yourself into creating something artisitc. It could be writing such as poetry, painting, modelling, photography, fashion, webdesign. The list is endless. Don't let inexperience put you off, you are doing this for you rather than for public acclaim.

5.做一些創造性的事情。消沉和創造力之間也許有某種聯繫。嘗試讓自己創作些有藝術涵養的東西。可以是寫詩,畫畫,做模型,攝影,設計時裝,網頁設計,可以做的事情很多很多。不要因為你的缺乏經驗而讓你退縮,這些東西是做給你自己看的而不是讓人家評價的。6. Research Something Have you ever wondered about your family tree, or the history of a building on the corner of your street? Why not embark on a voyage of discovery where you learn something new about you or your environment. There are plenty of things that you can do yourself and plenty of courses which local colleges might run. The later has the advantage that you can get out and meet people for a certain amount of time which is going to be a plus.

6.研究一些東西。你是否曾經對你的家族族譜有疑問?是否對你家邊上這座號稱有悠久歷史的建築物感興趣?為什麼不開始一次探索之旅,來發現你身上和周圍的一些新東西呢?你可以自己做很多事情,當地的培訓機構也有很多的課程。這樣做能讓你從消沉中走出來並有充足的時間和別人交流,這樣對你也是大有裨益的。10. Reward Yourself. When you have done one or any of the above, either partially or completely, allow yourself to feel pleased and congratulate yourself. This is such a simple thing that so many people don't do which is really important. Appreciate that you can and do carry out things for your benefit.


7. Talk. Find someone you can talk to. Someone close you can confide in can go a long way to dissipate depression and will provide the strength and support that you need. Try to find someone who is not going to judge you. You need someone who will listen rather than someone who is going to tell you what to do.

7.聊天。找個能跟你聊天的人。一個你親近並且信賴的人可以幫助你戰勝消沉,給你勇氣並在你需要的時候給你支持。找個不會去評價你的人。你需要的是一個會傾聽你的人而不是一個對你品頭論足的人。8. Plan. Create a list of 100 things you would like to do. These should encompass a whole range of things such as: have a hair cut, eat a cheese sandwich, go for a walk, get a better job, learn to juggle, run ten miles, take a trip in a plane, etc... Then over time cross out the things that you have managed to do.

8.計劃。列一個你想做的事情的清單。這些事情可以是:理髮,吃乾酪三明治,散步,找個好工作,學變魔術,長跑,旅行等等。然後隨着時間的推移把你成功完成的事情鈎掉。9. Consult your doctor. Speak to your doctor about your depression. I can guarantee you that your doctor sees many people every day who are suffering from depression and he or she will appreciate what you are going through. Tell the doctor what you are doing and planning to do to get yourself out of you low mood. Importantly be honest. Your doctor is there to help and if you are not honest they can't give you their expert diagnosis and recommendations for treatment.
