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Amid generally positive reviews of his jabs at Hollywood and #OscarsSoWhite, the host of Sunday’s Oscar ceremony, Chris Rock, is being taken to task for some of his material involving Asian-Americans.

克里斯·洛克(Chris Rock)在週日主持奧斯卡頒獎禮時,對好萊塢和“奧斯卡太白了”(#OscarsSoWhite)大加抨擊,這讓他收穫了不少好評。不過,他也因為有關亞裔美國人的言論面臨指責。

Introducing the accountants from PricewaterhouseCoopers, which tabulates the vote results, Mr. Rock instead brought onstage two boys and a girl of Asian heritage, whom he named Ming Zhu, Bao Ling and David Moskowitz. As they clutched briefcases, they visually illustrated the stereotype that Asians are diligent workers who excel at math.

在原本應介紹來自普華永道負責計票的會計的環節,克里斯·洛克卻將三名亞裔孩童帶上舞台,他們分別叫做朱明(Min Zhu,音)、凌寶(Bao Ling,音)和大衞·莫斯科維茨(David Moskowitz)。手提公文包的形象直觀地展現了對亞裔的刻板成見:精於數學的勤奮員工。

“If anybody’s upset about that joke, just tweet about it on your phone that was also made by these kids,” Mr. Rock added, a punch line interpreted as a reference to child labor in Asia.


But that seeming awareness of how fine the line was between satire and slur, only added insult to injury, Lowen Liu wrote on the Slate site. “Even if the second beat tries to turn things around, it still allows the teller to make an Asian joke and then excuse himself from the telling. He pulls the rug out from under the audience only to hide underneath it.” (Sacha Baron Cohen, in character as Ali G, later also made a swipe — involving Minions and “little yellow people” — that many found offensive.)

但這種看似有意在諷刺和詆譭之間打擦邊球的話語,實際上不僅會傷害人,還帶有侮辱性,羅文·劉(Lowen Liu)在Slate上寫道。“儘管第二個笑話試圖扭轉局面,但講述者仍然將亞洲人當作笑料,並試圖為自己開脱。他打了觀眾一個措手不及,但最終目的是保護自己。”(後來,Ali G的扮演者薩沙·拜倫·科恩[Sacha Baron Cohen]關於“小黃人”的言論也引發了風波,很多人覺得受到了冒犯。)

Constance Wu, the “Fresh Off the Boat” actress, tweeted her disappointment: “To parade little kids on stage w/no speaking lines merely to be the butt of a racist joke is reductive & gross,” she wrote.

美劇《初來乍到》("Fresh Off the Boat")的女主角吳恬敏(Constance Wu)在推特上表達了她的失望:“讓小孩子列隊似地站在台上,也不給他們説話的機會,只是為了講一個種族主義笑話,這是一種退化,也很惡劣。”

So did the actor Jeffrey Wright, who tweeted that the “joke needed recalibrating,” among other more stringent comments.

在其他更為嚴苛的評論中,演員傑弗裏·懷特(Jeffrey Wright)也寫道:“這個玩笑需要重新改正。”

In a new study, the University of Southern California Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism found that at least half of the movies, television and streaming series released over the last two years had no speaking or named Asian-American characters; when they are represented, it is rarely in leading roles.

南加州大學安娜堡新聞與傳播學院(he University of Southern California Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism)新近的一項研究發現,最近兩年發行的所有電影、電視劇、網絡劇中,至少有一半沒有出現代表亞裔美國人的角色,即使角色中涉及亞裔美國人,也基本不是主角。

Even well-known Asian-American actors like Ken Jeong are still asked to do stereotypical accents, as he and others detailed in a recent New York Times story. “It’s getting a little bit better, but it’s just not great,” Mr. Jeong said of onscreen representation. “We have a ways to go.”

即使是鄭肯(Ken Jeong)這樣著名的亞裔演員,也依然被要求用典型的亞洲口音表演,在《紐約時報》最近的一篇報道中,他和其他演員詳細談了這一點。“情況已經有所好轉,但遠沒有那麼徹底,”鄭肯在討論熒幕形象時説。“我們還有很長的路要走。”

Asian and Asian-American performers, like the South Korean actor Lee Byung-hun and the TV star Mindy Kaling, were on hand as Oscar presenters or prominent guests on Sunday. And the academy president, Cheryl Boone Isaacs, called on her colleagues to “take action” because “our audiences are global and rich in diversity, and every facet of our industry should be as well. ”

亞洲演員和亞裔美國演員們作為頒獎者和嘉賓出席了週日的頒獎禮,如韓國演員李炳憲(Lee Byung-hun)和電視明星明迪·卡靈(Mindy Kaling)。美國電影學院主席謝莉爾布恩伊薩克斯(Cheryl Boone Isaacs),呼籲她的同事應該“採取行動”,因為“我們產業的每個方面,都應該像我們的觀眾構成一樣具有全球性和多樣性。”

But many critics said Mr. Rock’s jokes seemed like a missed opportunity to highlight the fact that inclusion goes beyond black and white. (There were no jokes aimed at Latinos, but there was also no indication by the awards show that they were proportionately missing from the big screen, though the statistics say they are.)


The actor Daniel Dae Kim tweeted that the first reference to any ethnicity other than black took 30 minutes, when “someone mentions ‘pho.’ I thought #diversity was more than that.”

演員金大賢(Daniel Dae Kim)發推特説,在足足談論了30分鐘黑人之後,才有人談到其他種族,還是在“提起‘pho’(越南河粉,用以指代越南人,編注)的時候。我想種族多樣性應該不僅是這些。”

As the writer Mina Kimes noted on Twitter, the joke “ would’ve stung less if there were more Asians on stage tonight.”

正如作家米娜·凱姆斯(Mina Kimes)在推特上所説,這些玩笑“也許不會顯得那麼刺耳,如果今晚的舞台上有更多亞洲人。”

In response to the ceremony, the writer Jaya Sundaresh created her own social media movement, urging followers to use #onlyonepercent “to reflect the fact that Asian Americans have rec’d only 1% of Oscar noms in its history.”

為了迴應這場頒獎禮,作家賈亞·桑達瑞什(Jaya Sundaresh)發起了一場社交媒體運動,號召關注自己的粉絲使用“只有百分之一”(#onlyonepercent)的標籤,反映歷史上只有百分之一的奧斯卡提名給了亞裔演員這個事實。

An antidote to the one-liners came from the Pakistani journalist and filmmaker Sharmeen Obaid Chinoy, who picked up her second Oscar for documentary short, this time for “A Girl in the River: The Price of Forgiveness,” a film about an 18-year-old girl who survived an attempted “honor killing,” only to see her attackers set free.

莎敏·歐貝·池諾(Sharmeen Obaid Chinoy)對這些調侃作出了最好的反擊。作為巴基斯坦記者和電影製作人,她因為記錄短片《河中的女孩:寬恕的代價》,剛收穫了自己的第二座小金人。這部紀錄片講述的是一名18歲的少女從一場有預謀的“名譽殺人”(指女性被一個或以上家族、部族或社羣男性成員以維護家族名聲、清理門户等理由殺害,編注)中倖存,最後卻只能眼睜睜看着這些襲擊者逍遙法外的故事。

“The Pakistani prime minister said he would change the law on honor killings after watching” her film, Ms. Obaid Chinoy said in her acceptance speech. “That’s the power of film.”
