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享有…的聲譽 enjoy a high reputation for...

蓬勃發展 boom; flourish; thrive

被譽為 be honored/crowned as

佔據重要地位 occupy a significant place; play a significant role

與…密不可分 be closely associated with

增進友誼 enhance friendship

位於、坐落於 be located in/at

雄偉壯觀 magnificent/glorious/spectacular

海拔 above sea level

幅員遼闊 have a vast territory

距離...公里 ** kilometers away from...

水域面積 water area

發源於 originate in

發祥地 birthplace

誕生地 cradle

流經 run through

注入 empty into

古代文明 ancient civilization

繁榮地區 prosperous region

棲息地 habitat

宏大 splendid, grand

氣候濕潤/温暖/乾燥/温和 moist/warm/dry/mild climate

乾旱 drought

風景獨特 unique scenery

蜿蜒 wind through

傳奇神祕 legendary and mystery

稀有的 scarce, rare

自然景色 natural beauty/scenery

絲綢之路 the Silk Road

文化遺蹟 cultural heritage

文物古蹟 cultural relics and historic sites

保存最完好的 best-preserved

瀕危物種 endangered species

景點 scenic site

旅遊景點/目的地 tourist spots;tourist destination

度假 take a vacation

開闊視野 broaden one’s horizon

翻山越嶺 climb mountains and hills


探親訪友 pay a visit to relatives and friends

掃塵 sweep the dust

買年貨 buy necessity for Spring Festival

歡度 celebrate... / the celebration of

驅除厄運 get rid of bad luck

年夜飯 the dinner on New Year's Eve

團圓飯 family reunion dinner

團聚 family reunion

紅包 red envelope

發紅包 hand out red envelopes

美好祝福 good wishes, blessings

中國菜 Chinese cuisine/food

飲食文化 food culture

色香味 color, aroma, and taste

菜系 cooking style

烹飪方法 cooking technique

傳統習俗 traditional custom

象徵 symbolize/signify

團結 unity

繁榮興旺 prosperity

儀式 ritual

禮儀 manners

優雅 elegance/elegant

農曆 lunar calendar

燈謎 lantern riddles

賞月 enjoy the moon;注意欣賞景色的賞,一般用enjoy
