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題目:Some people believe that developments in the field of artificial intelligence will have a positive impact on our lives in the near future. Others, by contrast, are worried that we are not prepared for a world in which computers are more intelligent than humans. Discuss both of these views and give your own opinion.


People seem to be either excited or worried about the future impact of artificial intelligence. Personally I can understand the two opposing points of view; I am both fascinated by developments in artificial intelligence and apprehensive about its possible negative effects.

On the one hand, the increasing intelligence of technology should bring some obvious benefits. Machines are clearly able to do many jobs better than humans can, especially in areas that require high levels of accuracy or calculations using large amounts of data. For example, robots are being developed that can carry out surgical procedures with greater precision than a human doctor, and we already have cars that use sensors and cameras to drive themselves. Such technologies can improve safety by reducing the likelihood of human errors. It is easy to imagine how these developments, and many others, will steadily improve our quality of life.

On the other hand, I share the concerns of people who believe that artificial intelligence may harm us if we are not careful. In the short term, it is likely that we will see a rise in unemployment as workers in various industries are replaced by machines or software programs. For example, self-driving vehicles are expected to cause redundancies in driving jobs, such as lorry drivers, taxi drivers and bus drivers. In the medium term, if intelligent technologies gradually take jobs away from humans, we may find that people become deskilled and lose their sense of purpose in life. A longer term fear is that computers become so intelligent that they begin to make decisions without human oversight and without regard for our well-being.

In conclusion, while intelligent machines will no doubt improve our lives in many ways, the potential risks of such technologies should not be ignored.

(295 words, band 9)

  雅思寫作實例講解 - “ AI 人工智能”怎麼寫?


備考雅思寫作一段時間的同學不會不知道,寫作分數想要 6.5 分 +,思路上有一個潛規則是 " 辯證 " ——

避免絕對化、避免單一視角考慮問題;要有全局觀,要能夠意識到事物的 " 多面性 "。

這樣説的意思,當然不是教你們把 "A coin has two sides" 這種蠢話寫在開頭啦

而是指在構思的時候,腦子裏最好 " 分裂 " 出兩種立場; 在論述的過程中,多少要體現這兩種立場背後的腦回路。


"AI 人工智能可以取代很多工作,造成很多社會問題,所以是個 negative development,你同不同意?"


" 對啊,AI 搶走了很多工作機會,比如收銀員啊、工人啊,這些本來就低收入的人會失業,然後犯罪率上升… "

按照這個路子走下去,你的大作文分數很難超過 6 了(能拿到 6 還需要語料充分,語法句型等無硬傷等前提)。




K 老師建議大家從尊重題目、或者尊重事實出發,而不是一開始就想着 " 套路 "。

比如剛才的人工智能話題,我們從 facts(事實),或者作為一個 " 社會人 " 的 common sense(常識)出發,至少能夠有以下的觀察:

第一,人工智能可以代替一些高重複性的工作(repetitive work),提高效率,減少錯誤。

第二,人工智能能幫助人完成一些需要高精密度的工作(works that require precisionand calculative power )。比如 K 老師經常看到這樣的新聞:相比純人工醫生,在 AI 的幫助下,一些疾病的確診率,或者手術成功率提高了很多個百分點。

第三,人工智能代替了一些工作,的確會造成一些人失業,特別是那些只有最基礎 skill 的人,比如收銀員。

第四,人工智能也能帶來一些新的工作,比如 machine learning 科學家,programmer 程序設計師等等。

這些事實在 K 老師心中屬於 " 常識 " 範疇,也是一個正常生活在社會上、對社會有着基本關注的人,應該知道的事實。當然,如果有同學不知道,也可以選擇藉助 K 老師的幫助,在較短週期內補充話題缺失。

話説回來,綜合以上我們會發現,面對最初的題目,就不太可能徹底認為人工智能 " 好 " 或 " 壞 " 了。那麼最終的結論,在這種權衡之後,便可以是一個更聰明、更 " 大局觀 " 的答案:

might be an inevitable trait of modern society, but not necessarily aweakness.


e some predict mass unemployment or all-out war between humans andartificial intelligence, others foresee a less bleak future.


這種 " 峯迴路轉 " 的權衡筆法,有兩大好處:



有心的同學一定拿出了小本本,並且心裏暗喜——這種 " 雖然問題不可避免,但這是大勢所趨 " 的調調,可以完美 fit in 任何和未來、和科技有點關係的題目啊!


KK 小結


這兩句話也是 K 老師在讀一篇關於 machine learning 的外刊社論時,從中摘錄出來的。

這種能夠將 " 權衡 " 過程顯性化的表達,其實非常能夠看出作者思維的深度,以及下筆時信手拈來的輕鬆。希望能夠幫同學們解決關於 " 辯證 " 的迷思。

有了句子做引子,相信很多同學已經能夠 get 主體段的展開方式了。



維基百科對於AI 的定義是any device that perceives its environment and takes actions that maximize its chance of successfully achieving its goals,也就是説AI 是指任何能夠分析環境,進而採取行動以實現某種目標的設備。




大家都知道,人開車容易注意力不集中,會有人為操作失誤 (human errors),而自動駕駛汽車 (self-driving cars) 的電腦系統不會犯困,並可以通過攝像頭傳感器 (cameras and sensors) 對路況有更全面的判斷, 它實現了降低事故風險 (reduce risks of accidents)、提升駕駛安全性 (enhance safety) 的作用,而這一點就可以作為我們人工智能利處的一個分論點。

人工智能在很多領域的應用往往都是因為相較於人,機器可以把工作做得更好 (better than humans at many jobs or outperform humans on a wide variety of tasks)。

在醫療領域, 很多對精準度要求比較高的手術 (high precision surgeries),例如腦部或心臟的手術,都已經在使用手術機器人 (surgical robots) 進行操作。

由於精準度比較高,可以減輕病人的手術創傷和不適 (reduce pain and discomfort), 病人的恢復也會更快 (faster recovery time), 大大提升我們的醫療服務水平 (improve the quality of medical treatment)。

當然,生活領域已經非常普及的掃地機器人 (robotic vacuum cleaner),它的積極作用是什麼呢?

把人們從繁瑣的家務中解放出來 (free people from the mundane household chores),給了人們更多的休閒時間 (more leisure time),從而提高了大家的生活質量 (improve people's quality of life)。



科技話題弊端的一個常用思路就是會導致失業問題 (rise in unemployment rate),人工智能也不例外。上面提到的自動駕駛汽車就會讓大批司機師傅失業,這會給這些家庭的生計造成影響 (affect

their livelihood),問題嚴重的話甚至會影響社會穩定 (social stability)。

接連被阿爾法狗打到痛哭的柯潔,也是人工智能弊端的一個體現(説句題外話,大家知道為什麼阿爾法狗叫做Alpha Go 麼,因為圍棋的英文名稱是the Game of Go,而Alpha 更是第一的意思)。人工智能的過於強大會讓心理素質沒那麼強的人一時無法適應 (won't easily adjust),瞬間覺得人生沒有了意義 (lose their sense of purpose in life),從此一蹶不振,消極生活 (fiddle their life away)。

除此之外,想必大家也聽説過霍金先生對人工智能的警告,他説人工智能可能是the worst event in the historyof our civilization(人類文明歷史過程中發生的最壞的事件),AI 一旦進化到比人類還要聰明的程度,會不會有一天突然做出對人類有害的決定,從而佔領地球呢?一切皆有可能。We must be fullyprepared!