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mail; post


bureau; game; chessboad; limit; office; station

【經】 bureau


post office


1. 我們就住在路的前面,剛過郵局的地方。

We live just up the road, past the post office.

2. 你應該設法在郵局的布告欄上登個廣告,那裏有很多很棒的服務在做廣告。

You should try to pose an advertisement on the notice board of the post office where a lot of great services are advertised.

3. 郵局的對過是旅館。

The hotel is opposite the post office.

4. 我可以申請一個郵局的私人信箱嗎?

Can I apply for a personal mail box at the post office?

5. 下午的時候她把信放進了郵局的郵箱。

That afternoon she dropped it into the letter box at the post office.

6. 郵局的鐘聲最後一次鳴響。

There"s the post office clock chiming for the last time.

7. 你能告訴我從這裏到郵局的路麼?

Could you tell me the way to get to the post office from here?

8. 它就在郵局的旁邊。

It"s right next to the post office.

9. 你能指示我去郵局的方向嗎?

Can you direct me to the post office?

10. 每次去郵局的時候,他都怕自己會想不起密碼組合。

At each visit to the post office, he fears he will forget the combination.

11. 在該信的信封上蓋有普爾市郵局的郵戳,吉斯林説。

An envelope within the letter was postmarked by the Poole post office, Kisling said.

12. 它在郵局的旁邊。

It"s beside the post office.

13. 當地的屠户薩姆.本頓在把存款送往郵局的途中把錢包丟了。

Sam Benton, the local butcher, had lost his wallet while taking his savings to the post office.

14. 這個女人看不見她正在謀殺自己的丈夫,就在這郵局的大廳裏。

The woman does not see how she is murdering her husband, right here in the post office lobby.

15. 六月一日早晨,零陵區郵局的裝甲車像往常一樣在郵政銀行押運現金。

A Lingling post office armored car set off as usual on the morning of June 1 to collect funds from postal savings Banks around town.

16. 私有化是確保郵局服務大眾,而不是大眾服務郵局的最好方式。

Privatisation is the best way to ensure that the public does not, instead, end up serving the post office.

17. 就在今天早晨去郵局的路上,我們最後一次將這本書誇讚了一番。

It was this morning, on our way to the Post Office, that we gave the book its final imprimatur.

18. 送他們繼續上路,在古時候就是這樣,你派出一個信使,那時是沒有郵局的。

Send them on,this is what you do in the ancient world, you give a messenger--there"s no post office you know.

19. 我住在一片危險地區的一間破爛公寓裏,睡在郵局的台階上,到頭來一無所獲。

I was in a very rinky-dink apartment in a dangerous area, and I ended up with nothing, sleeping on the steps of a post office.

20. 一提到郵局的歷史,除了那些特別痴迷的集郵家外,恐怕很難再有誰會感興趣

The history of the post office is rarely of interest to anyone but the uniquely eager philatelist.

21. 我和弗蘭克路過郵局的時候,那裏正聚着很多人圍觀設在牆上的一個新奇玩意兒。

When Frank and I stepped through the post office doors, there was a crowd gathered, gawking at the new fixture on the wall like a chorus of wide-mouthed frogs.

22. 頭朝下腳朝天地摔倒在開滿水仙花的草原上,就像一捆捆棕色紙袋被扔進郵局的輸物管道一樣!

Tumbling head over heels in the asphodel meadows like brown paper parcels pitched down a shoot in the post office!

23. 工作和實習都是結交朋友的好方法,即使是一份郵局的實習工作也對你的社交生活有好處。

Jobs and internships are also a great way to meet people; even an internship working in the mail room can be good for your social life.

24. 警方在事發大約15分鐘後便於一處私人住宅門外將此人抓獲,而該地點與那家郵局的距離約為4公里。

He was apprehended about 15 minutes later in the driveway of a private home, about 4 KMS (2.5 miles) from the post office, the Mainichi said.

25. 但鄰里關係也發生了變化,當地的服務設施比如本應該建在老年社區中心的郵局的數量也減少了。WwW.wENtIyI.cOm

But neighbourhoods have also changed, with the local services such as post offices that tended to form the heart of old communities on the decline.

26. 自從那件事發生之後,她在去郵局的路上已經無數次從警察局經過,有一次她甚至停下來跟剛來接班的克拉克探長打招呼。

She"d coolly walked past the police station on her way to the post office hundreds of times since it happened, even stopping once to speak with Detective Clark, who was coming on shift.

27. 普通消費者一般只是偶爾短時間接觸硬幣,但是許多售貨員,商店、銀行和郵局的收銀員因為工作原因卻要長時間和硬幣打交道。

Whilst ordinary consumers handle COINS infrequently for short periods of time, many shop assistants and cashiers in shops, Banks and post offices handle COINS during large parts of their workday.

28. 然而,它卻被鬼使神差地送到了約150英里以外的Saix。由於無法找到收件人,此信就一直躺在當地郵局的分理室。

Instead it arrived at the village of Saix, some 150 miles away, where it remained in a local sorting office because the addressee could not be found.

29. 他感到郵局的地板在腳下移動,他試圖把視線從她身上挪開,讓他的注視停留在某種結實可靠的東西上:郵箱、天花板上的瓷磚、窗户。

He feels the floor of the post office move beneath him, and he tries to turn his eyes from her, to ground his gaze in something solid: postbox, ceiling tile, window.

30. 他感到郵局的地板在腳下移動,他試圖把視線從她身上挪開,讓他的注視停留在某種結實可靠的東西上:郵箱、天花板上的瓷磚、窗户。

He feels the floor of the post office move beneath him, and he tries to turn his eyes from her, to ground his gaze in something solid: postbox, ceiling tile, window.