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名詞解釋:白酒(Chinese spirits)的標準定義是:以糧谷為主要原料,以大麴、小曲或麩曲及酒母等為糖化發酵劑,經蒸煮、糖化、發酵、蒸餾而製成的蒸餾酒。又稱燒酒、老白乾、燒刀子等。酒質無色(或微黃)透明,氣味芳香純正,入口綿甜爽淨,酒精含量較高,經貯存老熟後,具有以酯類為主體的複合香味。以曲類、酒母為糖化發酵劑,利用澱粉質(糖質)原料,經蒸煮、糖化、發酵、蒸餾、陳釀和勾兑而釀製而成的各類酒。而嚴格意義上講,由食用酒精和食用香料勾兑而成的配製酒則不能算做是白酒,而應該稱之為含有酒精的飲料。你知道怎麼用英語表達嗎?


The baijiu industry has suffered a major setback after plasticizers were allegedly found in alMost all brands of the liquor.

On Monday, shares in the Shenzhen-listed Jiugui Liquor Co, a large baijiu manufacturer based in Hunan province, were suspended from trade after business news website reported the company's products were found to contain excessive plasticizers.

The trading of shares in the company will resume after the relevant facts are verified, the suspension notice said.


 【講解】“白酒”英文我們可以説成Chinese liquor或Chinese spirits,或者可以直接説成baijiu,但是我們不能翻譯成white wine, white wine是指“白葡萄酒”,wine指葡萄酒,而liquor和spirits都是指烈性酒。文中的plasticizer即指“塑化劑”,也可以説成plasticizing agent。