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1. You shouldn't be too hasty in deciding to get married.
婚姻大事上你不该过于轻率。英文中hasty是haste的形容词形式,表示“匆忙,轻率”的意思。Hasty in doing something这个固定搭配的意思则是,“行事或决定太过匆忙,欠考虑”。We are not hasty in drawing conclusions. 我们不急于做出结论。You shouldn't be too hasty in deciding to get married. 在婚姻大事上你不该过于轻率。如果决定离开一个人,行动要快一点,快刀斩乱麻;如果决定爱上一个人,时间拉长一点,看清楚是否适合你。


2. I don't want you to follow my example and rush into marriage.
我不希望你效法我,也仓促结婚。刚刚咱们提到的婚姻草率可以表达为hasty in deciding to get married,固定搭配rush into doing同样表示,做事很快,可是心思却没怎么用在这件事上。
I don't want you to follow my example and rush into marriage. 我不希望你效法我,也仓促结婚。1.提一下rush into还有个基本意思——冲进,例如:A boy rushed into the classroom in the middle of the exam. 考试中间,有个男孩冲进了教室。

3. If you gallop through your work, you are more likely to make mistakes.
这句话倒是给了我们一点小启发:你要是匆匆忙忙地干活,就容易出错。Gallop原义是“疾驰、飞奔”,gallop through表示在做事特别快,但有可能也比较粗心。He galloped through his work so that he could leave the office early. 他快速干完他的工作, 以便能早点离开办公室。工作花的时间越长,也一定做得更细致,如果是学生,做作业也要认真一点儿。Don't just gallop through your homework! 别匆匆忙忙地糊弄作业!

这里是为您带来实用口语的《可可茶话会》,今天我们学习了关于匆忙的三个短语:Hasty in doing something, rush into ding, gallop into,更多口语知识,关注《可可茶话会》,我是Canace,新浪微博是Canace洁瑜,感谢收听,再见!