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1 方便 convenience

2 情感 feeling(or sensibility)

3 經驗 experience

4 成就 achievement

5 效率 efficiency

6 健康 health

7 節儉 thrift(or save money)

8 安全 safety

9 性格培養 character cultivation

10 樂趣 fun

11 耐久endurance

12 環保 environment protection


1. Smoking

For:(means agree or advantages)

1. it is pleasurable and relaxing

2. it is one's right

3. it is difficult to stop smoking

6. it makes socializing easier

7. it is an important source of tax revenue

Against: (means disagree or disadvantages)

1. it is harmful to one's health (e.g., heart disease, bronchial

trouble, lung cancer )

2. it is harmful to those nearby

4. it is addictive (i.e., nicotine)

2. School Uniforms


1. they eliminate class differences

2. they allow students to better concentrate on their studies

3. they are popular with parents and administrators

4. they are inexpensive

5. they are attractive and neat

6. they eliminate the need to choose what to wear every day

7. many countries have them


1. they are disliked by students (students like to primp)

2. they create a military mentality

3. they are an infringement on our freedom (different strokes for different folks)

4. they are ugly and childish

3. Legalized Gambling


1. it is a source of government revenue

2. it is an old practice dating back thousands of years

3. it is pleasurable (e.g., horse racing, casinos)

4. many people play poker and mahjong


1. it can become addictive

2. it can destroy happy families

3. it can lead to suicide

4. it is easily controlled by the Mafia (e.g., bookmakers )

4. City Life


1. it is exciting

2. it offers the best schools, hospitals, and stores

3. it offers many entertainments (e.g., swimming pools, bowling

alleys, and sports stadiums )

4. it offers many chances of employment

5. cities have an efficient public transportation system

Against :

1. it is unhealthy (e.g., water and air pollution in industry )

2. it is not a good environment for children

3. it is noisy and dangerous

4. it makes people nervous

5. cities are overcrowded and expensive

 5. Informing Patients Of Cancer


1. patient’s right to know

2. it is wrong to hide the truth

3. it gives the patient a chance to plan his last days

4. doctors must do it (in some country like the U. S.)


1. it is heartless and cruel

2. it may make the patient give up

3. it causes depression

4. it can lead to suicide



1. indeed 的確

2. surely 無疑,

3. however 然而,

4. obviously 顯然,

5. frankly 坦率地說,

6. naturally 自然,

7. luckily (或happily)for sb. 算某人幸運,

8. fortunately / luckily 幸好,

9. honestly 真的,

10. briefly 簡單地說,

11. strange to say 說也奇怪,

12. needless to say 不用說,

13. most important of all 最爲重要是,

14. in a few words(或 in sum, in short)簡而言之,

15. in other words 換句話說,

16. in a sense 在某種意義上,

17. in general 一般說來,

18. in my view 在我看來,

19. in conclusion 總之,

20. in summary 概括地說,

21. in fact 事實上,

22. in the first place 首先,

23. in addition 此外,

24. of course 當然,

25. to my knowledge 據我所知,

26. for instance (或example)例如,

27. as a matter of fact 事實上,

28. strictly speaking 嚴格地說,

29. generally speaking 一般地說,

30. judging from... 根據...判斷

31. to be sure 無疑,

32. to sum up 概括地說,

33. to tell the truth 老實說,

34. I am sure 我可以肯定地說,

35. I believe 我相信,

36. I wonder 我不知道,

37. that is 也就是說

38. it seems 看來是,

39. as I see it 照我看來,

40. what is important (serious) 重要(嚴重)的是,


1-The discrepancy ins.差異依然存在。

under fire.遭到指責/批評。

es concerns about the safety of the beverages.讓人們關注飲料安全問題。

en fatigue and sometimes improve mood.緩解疲憊,有時改善心情。

5-The effect dwindle.在某方面的影響可能會減少。

6-people at different stages of life不同年齡段的人

7-as time progresses隨着時間的流逝

8-It is an unimpeachably cool idea for someone to do sth.做某事對於某人來說是一個絕佳的好主意。

9-It is the excessive intake that we are concerned about.我們所擔心的是過量的攝入。

10-from a financial standpoint從經濟角度來看,

11-The media massive amount of free advertising.媒體爲...大肆免費做廣告。

12-With anticipation at an all-time high,由於人們的期望值達到歷史最高點,

nce connections between people.加強人與人之間的聯繫。

intended to communicate a message of some sort.旨在傳遞某種信息

15-be supportive of one's going to college.支持某人上大學。

16-be overwhelmed with options.面對選擇不知所措

17-following a lengthy debate經過長時間的爭論之後

18-Tighten controls on Internet use following a spate of online reports在大量網絡報道後,加強監管網絡使用

19-be paranoid about the potentially destabilizing effects of the Internet對網絡存在的潛在的破壞穩定的影響極度擔憂

20-control the dissemination of views控制觀點的傳播



A類作文大體可分爲三部分:介紹(INTRODUCTION)作爲第一段,主體段(MAIN BODY)根據需要分爲若干段落.最後一段是結論(CONCLUSION)作爲結尾.

第一部分:介紹(INTRODUCTION)或開頭即第一段.在A類TASK1中,有主題句和大體概括組成. 而在TASK2中,它的作用是引入話題,並表明態度.G類TASK1中,這部分是告知自己的身份和解釋寫信的原因.

第二部分:主體(MAIN BODY)這部分,可按需要分段.在A類TASK1中,是對圖表中信息的具體描述.而在TASK2中,分段對給出的問題提出反對或支持的分論點和論據(有時也可以舉例說明).而G類TASK1,該部分是解釋情況(問題),或分析詳情或指出收信人該做什麼.


各段寫作大體順序可以是:1.主題句(TOPIC SENTENCE),說明本段意見.2.分論點(SUPPORTING IDEAS),以多個方面證明觀點.3.通過解釋(EXPLANATION),證據(EVIDENCE),或舉例(EXAMPLE)支持論點.