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1.在以never, hardly,scarcely, rarely, barely, seldom, not only, not until, nor, little, nowhere,hardly…, no sooner…, by no means, under no circumstances等開頭的句子中,主謂要倒裝。這些都是表示否定或半否定意義的詞或詞組。

Never have I come across such a difficultproblem. 我還從沒有遇到過這樣困難的問題。

Seldom do I read such magazines. 我很少讀這種雜誌。

No sooner had they left than the busarrived. 他們剛走,公共汽車就來了。

Not until midnight did it stop raining. 直到半夜雨才停。 (正常語序是:It did notstop raining until midnight.)


Only after the war was over was man able torealize the wickedness of the atomic bomb.


only 引導的狀語從句不倒裝,主句倒裝。

Only then did I realize the importance ofEnglish. 只在那時我才意識到英語的重要性。

Only in this way can we improveourselves. 只有用這種方法我們才能不斷提高自己。

Only after you finish it can youleave. 只有結束它以後,你才能離開。(主句倒裝)

Only 如不在句首,或only 修飾的不是狀語,則不倒裝。

The contract was signed only after bitternegotiations. 只有在艱苦的談判以後,合同才得以簽署。

(改成倒裝:Only after bitter negotiations was the contract signed.)

Only the senior staff are allowed to usethis room. 只許資深的職員使用這個房間。

Only five passengers survived theaccident. 事故中只有五位旅客生存了下來。

3.用於以表示處所、聲音等意義的副詞開頭的句子。用表示運動的不及物動詞(如go, come, rush, fly 等)作謂語時,爲了表示生動,可將某些副詞放在句首,謂語動詞放在主語之前,形成倒裝結構。

Away flew the birds. 鳥兒飛走了。

Down came the rain. 下起大雨來了。

The door burst open and in rushed astranger. 門突然開了,一個陌生人衝了進來。


At the center of the big room over there isa table that is made of wood which is imported from Brazil of SouthAmerica. 在那邊那個大房子的中央有一張用從南美洲的巴西進口的木頭做成的桌子。

(正常語序:A table that is made of wood which is imported from Brazil of SouthAmerica is at the center of the big room over there. 這句話主語和謂語間隔太長,不平衡。)

Present at the meeting were the schoolheadmaster, the English teacher, and the students’ parents. 出席會議的有校長、英語教師和學生們的家長。

Inside the pyramids are the burial roomsfor the kings and queens and long passages to these rooms. 金字塔裏面是國王和王后們的墓穴和通往墓穴的長通道。


Such was Albert Einstein, a simple man ofgreat achievements. 愛因斯坦就是這樣一個取得了偉大成就的單純的人。

Suchwas the story he told me. 這就是他給我講的故事。
