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英語笑話:The Cat and the Saucer

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An antiques collector was passing a small shop when he noticed a cat on the sidewalk out front, licking milk from a saucer. The man immediately realized the saucer was very old and valuable. He stepped into the shop with an uninterested look and asked to buy the cat. "I'm sorry, " the shop owner said, "but the cat is not for sale: "  "Please, " the collector urged, "I need a cat around my house to catch mice. I'll give you 20 dollars. "   "The cat is yours," the owner said taking the money.   "Listen," the collector added, "I wonder if you could throw in that old saucer as well. The cat seems to like it and I'd hate to have him give it up. "   "Sorry," the shop owner answered, "but that saucer brings me luck. Why, just this week I've sold 68 cats!"一個古董收集者正路過一個小店。他發現店前人行道上一隻貓在舔一個托盤上的牛奶。這個人立刻意識到這個托盤是個值錢的古物。他帶着一種毫無興趣的表情步入店內,要買那隻貓。“對不起,”店主說,“這隻貓是不賣的。” “賣給我吧,”收集者敦促道,“我家裏面需要一隻貓來捉老鼠。我給你20元。”   “貓歸你了,”店主接過錢說道。   “還有,”收集者補充道,“我想你是否能把那隻舊盤子也額外贈送給我。貓好像很喜歡它。我不願意看到它失去這東西。”   “對不起,”店主回答說,“但那隻托盤能給我帶來好運。你不知道,光這一週,我就賣掉68只貓!”

英語笑話:The Cat and the Saucer


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