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The businessman who orchestrated ChemChina’s $44bn acquisition of Swiss agrochemical giant Syngenta has left the state-owned chemicals group to join a government-controlled investment fund in Beijing.


Robert Lu, a vice-president at ChemChina who presided over the largest overseas spending spree by a Chinese company to date, has joined China Reform Holdings as a top executive, according to four people informed on the matter.

四名知情人士表示,曾主持中國企業迄今最大一宗海外收購的中國化工集團副總經理陸曉寶(Robert Lu),現已成爲中國國新控股(China Reform Holdings)的高層管理人員。

Fluent in English and with experience in structured finance, Mr Lu’s move to China Reform is a sign that the $30bn fund will look to expand its direct investment overseas, some of these people said.


Mr Lu declined to comment on the matter. ChemChina and China Reform Holdings did not respond to requests for comment. One person briefed on the matter said Mr Lu’s employment at China Reform Holdings was pending regulatory approvals and not yet fully confirmed.


China Reform Holdings was created in 2010 to invest in the restructuring of state-owned enterprises and is supervised directly by the central government.


Among its previous deals, it has taken stakes in China Tower Corp, which makes telecoms masts, and PetroChina. It also bought $7bn of perpetual bonds sold by ChemChina earlier this year to pay for the acquisition of Syngenta.

國新控股在以往的交易中已獲得中國鐵塔股份有限公司(China Tower Corp,負責興建電信基站)以及中石油(PetroChina)的股權。今年早些時候,國新控股還購買了中國化工70億美元的永續債券,這些債券是中國化工爲籌集收購先正達所需的資金而發行的。

Earlier this year, it emerged that China Reform Holdings was in talks with a Chinese private equity fund JD Capital about a $2bn investment in a fund focused on overseas assets.

今年早些時候,有消息稱,國新控股在與中國私募股權基金九鼎投資(JD Capital)就向後者投資20億美元進行接洽。九鼎投資是一支專注海外資產的基金。

China Reform Holdings also backs investors connected to Canyon Bridge, which agreed to buy UK-based mobile graphics processor Imagination for £550m in September.

國新控股旗下的基金還投資了Canyon Bridge,這家企業今年9月同意以5.5億英鎊收購總部位於英國的移動設備圖形處理器設計商Imagination。

Mr Lu built his reputation as the right-hand man to ChemChina chairman Ren Jianxin and was a crucial figure in structuring at least $55bn of overseas acquisitions by the company.


Those deals include the acquisitions of Israeli pesticide producer Adama, Italy’s tyremaker Pirelli and Syngenta, China’s largest and most sensitive outbound investment to date.


ChemChina’s buyout of Syngenta, which was agreed in early 2016 but has yet to fully complete, faced major scrutiny over whether the Chinese group could produce the required funds. The deal involved the syndication of tens of billions of dollars in bonds and other complex financial products between both Chinese and international banks.


Mr Lu’s departure may indicate that the company is slowing its overseas investments, these people added.



Other top dealmakers at ChemChina have left the company since the signing of the Syngenta deal. Chen Junwei, the former head of M&A, left after it was done and has joined Harvest Technology Investment, a Hong Kong-based private equity firm, as its chief executive.

自收購先正達的協議簽署以來,中國化工還有其他一些頂級交易撮合者離職。曾負責中國化工併購業務的陳峻偉,在收購先正達的協議達成後就離開了該公司,現任香港私募股權公司嘉實科技投資管理有限公司(Harvest Technology Investment)總經理。

Sinochem, a rival state chemicals group, is expected to take over core parts of ChemChina’s business in 2018, at which time Mr Ren could step down, people close to the matter say.
