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數字平臺改變就業市場 Digital marketplace reshapes casual labou

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數字平臺改變就業市場 Digital marketplace reshapes casual labou

Dmitry Melnichenko’s wife had doubts about his plan to quit his stable, nine-to-five job to work from home as a freelance web developer; there was the uncertain income stream, the lack of interaction with colleagues and their young daughter to think about.

德米特里蔠利尼琴科(Dmitry Melnichenko)打算辭去朝九晚五的穩定工作,在家當一名自由網絡開發員的時候,他的妻子有過疑慮:收入來源不穩定,缺乏與同事的互動,而且他們還有個小女兒,這些都是需要考慮的問題。

But not only has Mr Melnichenko earned more since going solo than his wife expected, now Mrs Melnichenko, a financial controller with a large Ukrainian agricultural company, is also quitting her job and training as a coder — joining more than 120,000 Ukrainian freelancers pitching for work on online platforms like Upwork.


“Previously I was working with one of the biggest outsourcing companies on supply chain management. But now I can work from home and I have my own clients, so I have much more freedom,” says Mr Melnichenko.


Ukraine’s army of freelancers, the fourth-largest in Upwork’s global network, earned $61m in 2014. For the mainly western companies that dole out jobs on the website, Ukrainian web and mobile developers are cheap, responsive and easily assessed based on verified reviews by previous clients.


Digital platforms like Upwork, which act as marketplaces matching freelancers with work, are bringing new opportunities to many people who were once on the fringes of the global workforce. But they are also becoming a hot political potato on both sides of the Atlantic.


Thanks largely to the backlash against ride-hailing service Uber, the type of work they are creating has come under intense scrutiny — in particular, the impact they are having on more traditional jobs that have come with secure pay and benefits.


Freelancers have long accounted for a significant share of the work in some professions. But platforms like Uber and Upwork — a US-based company formed from the merger of Elance and Odesk — represent a new way to break jobs into piecemeal tasks and reach many more workers, potentially affecting a far wider range of work.


Along with marketplaces for drivers and professionals, companies jumping on this bandwagon include those providing so-called “on-demand” services, from Instacart (grocery shopping) to Handy (home cleaning) and Task Rabbit (for an almost limitless range of small errands).

加入這股潮流的除了面向司機和專業人士的市場平臺,還有提供所謂“按需”服務的公司,包括提供食品雜貨服務的Instacart、提供家庭保潔的Handy,以及提供幾乎各種跑腿服務的Task Rabbit。

In Europe, “these platforms aren’t yet at the scale of the US, they are only just emerging — but we estimate the same trends” will follow, says Jacques Bughin, a partner at McKinsey in Brussels.

麥肯錫(McKinsey)駐布魯塞爾合夥人雅克布金(Jacques Bughin)表示:“這些平臺(在歐洲)纔剛剛出現,還達不到它們在美國的規模,但我們估計這裏也會出現相同的勢頭。”

For the Melnichenkos and others, the rapid expansion of a digital marketplace for casual labour has offered greater flexibility and opportunities they wouldn’t otherwise have had. Mr Melnichenko says the arrival of online freelance platforms has meant he doesn’t have to move to Kiev from his home town of Zaporizhia.


In the first three months of 2015 alone, 16,000 Ukrainian freelancers registered with Upwork; many thousands of them fresh school or university graduates, attracted by the promise of high earnings and flexible conditions. Mobile and web developers are the most highly sought workers but graphic designers and translators are also pitching for jobs.


“All of a sudden, someone with a particular profile — a talent, or work availability — can be matched with a need,” says James Manyika, a partner at McKinsey. That pulls more people into the workforce who were marginalised before, either because they couldn’t find a job or were working fewer hours than they wanted. “This is often lost in the debate,” he says.

麥肯錫合夥人詹姆斯氠尼卡(James Manyika)說:“突然之間,某一特定人羣——擁有專業技能或空餘時間的人,可以與工作需求相匹配了。”這讓更多人進入勞動力市場,這些人以前要麼是找不到工作,要麼是工作時長達不到自己的目標。他說:“在這場辯論中,人們往往忘記了這一點。”

The emergence of new digital platforms will add 2.5 per cent to European employment numbers by 2025, with some countries like Spain potentially seeing twice that growth, according to McKinsey — though the higher numbers are partly the result of making work previously done in the informal “grey economy” visible by pulling it on to online marketplaces.


The overall effect is “greater participation” — a factor that could lift the GDP of the UK and Germany by nearly 1 percentage point over the next decades, consultants say.


In the US, digital platforms already provide a material source of income for many, according to Mary Meeker, a partner at venture capital firm Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers. The average professional finding work on Thumbtack earns $8,000 a year, with Airbnb users making $7,700 and eBay sellers pull in $3,000, she says — meaningful given most see these as supplemental forms of income. Companies like Uber also argue that many of their workers rely on several different platforms to make a living, making it unfair to judge them on the basis of their earnings from a single marketplace.

風投公司凱鵬華盈(Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers)合夥人瑪麗猠克(Mary Meeker)表示,數字平臺在美國已經成爲許多人的重要收入來源。她說在Thumbtack上找活兒的專業人士平均能每年能賺到8000美元,Airbnb用戶和eBay賣家的這個數字分別是7700美元和3000美元,考慮到這對於他們中大多數人只是外快,這已經不是個小數目了。優步等公司也認爲,它們的許多員工都是同時在幾個平臺上接單,基於他們在單一平臺上的收入來評判是不公平的。

But by opening up work to people who were unable to compete easily in a global market for talent, digital marketplaces have already produced some clear winners. Dennis Vorobyov, a web developer whose company, GBKSOFT, also bids for jobs on Upwork, says his mother, a doctor with over 25 years experience, earns less in one month than many of his web developer friends can earn from US clients in one day.

數字市場將工作提供給一些原本無法輕易在全球人才市場上參與競爭的人,由此已經促成了一些明顯的贏家。丹尼斯茠坬比約夫(Dennis Vorobyov)是一名網絡開發人員,他的公司GBKSOFT也在Upwork上尋找工作。丹尼斯說他母親是一名醫生,有25年工作經驗,但她一個月的收入還不如他的網絡開發員朋友從美國客戶那兒一天賺的錢多。

“People are now dreaming of becoming programmers, we have more and more schools offering courses in programming,” he says. “This is a big change in psychology; young Ukrainians these days are brave; they aren’t scared to register online and start freelancing. It’s a different attitude to life and money.”



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