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愛情像什麼,有人說如同白開水一樣。是的, 雖然平淡,但不可缺少。它是純潔的,也是樸實的,生活中的美好就是如此,不可能天天都是激情,但有了愛情,就有了家,接下來小編在這裏給大家帶來關於愛情的簡短英語句子,希望對你有所幫助!


your smile,had been flurried my time passag。 謝謝你的微笑,曾慌亂過我的年華。

shortest answer is doing最簡短的回答就是行動。

tant dropping wears the stone 滴水穿石。

sty is the best policy做人以誠信爲本。唯美的句子

a noble and honest life Reviving past times in your old age will help you to enjoy your life again過一種高尚而誠實的生活。當你年老時回想起過去,你就能再一次享受人生。

y noble work is at first impossible每一個偉大的工程最初看起來都是不可能做到的!

't aim for success if you want it; just do what you love and believe in, and it will come naturally如果你想要成功,不要去追求成功;儘管做你自己熱愛的事情並且相信它,成功自然到來。

you turn a walk,do not see my sad。Am I too wayward,regardless of your feelings。 是你轉頭就走,沒看見我的難過。是我太任性,不顧你的感受。

love’s bumpy road,we’d better not say love。 在愛情的坎坷路上,我們最好別說愛。

erday,today you let not again find you。 昨天把你放開,今天不一定再把你找到。

may be a useful person to the company,but you don’t have to be useful to the boss。 也許你是一個對公司有用的人,但你不一定是對上司有用的人。

man or woman is worth your tears,and the one who is,won’t make you cry。 沒有人值得你流淚,值得讓你這麼做的人不會讓你哭泣。

ers do what losers don't want to do勝利者做失敗者不願意做的事!

shortest way to do many things is to only one thing at a time。 做許多事情的捷徑就是一次只做一件事。

15.I would like to say that the fact you good,you do not even know。 我想說其實你很好,你自己卻不知道。

wealth of the mind is the only wealth精神的財富是唯一的財富。

is the flower for which love is the honey。 生命如花,愛情是蜜。

you are able to appreciate beauty in the ordinary, your life will be more vibrant如果你擅於欣賞平凡中的美好,你的生活會更加多姿多彩。

t is the lubricant of success汗水是成功的潤滑劑。

rstand yourself in order to better understanding others知己方能解人。

e there is life, there is hope有生命便有希望。

g love has always been headstrong,but not the flowers only once love。 年少的愛始終任性,不懂花開只一次的愛情。

birth gives me hope and I hope to give you happiness。 你的出生帶給我盼望,而我願望帶給你幸福。

is either a daring adventure or nothing at all生活要麼大膽嘗試,要麼什麼都不是。

man who has made up his mind to win will never say "impossible "凡是決心取得勝利的人是從來不說“不可能的”。

26.I just never read between the lines。 我從未讀懂我們之間的距離。

e that have gone won’t come back again。Those coming back are no longer perfect。 過去的不再回來,回來的不再完美。

well, love lots, and laugh often善待生活,熱愛一切,經常開懷大笑。

29.A smile only takes a moment,but the memory behind that smile sometimes lasts forever。 微笑轉瞬即逝,但有時候,微笑背後的記憶卻能永遠長存。

fact is that the world is out of everyone’s expectation。But some learn to forget,but others insist。 事實上,這個世界不符合所有人的夢想。只是有人可以學會遺忘,有人卻堅持。

d like to ask you,is there a song when you sing,think of me。 很想問你,有沒有一首歌你在唱時,會想起我。

32.I would break every rule I had just to see you be happy。 我可以放棄一切原則,只爲取悅於你。

good seaman is known in bad weather驚濤駭浪,方顯英雄本色。

h is so final, whereas life is so full of possibilities死了可什麼都沒了,而活着就有無限的可能。《權力的遊戲》

r say die永不氣餒!

rstand yourself in order to better understanding others知己方能解人。

the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world對於世界而言,你是一個人;但是對於某個人,你是他的整個世界。

proposes, god disposes謀事在人,成事在天。

rience is the mother of wisdom智慧來自經驗。

not , for one repulse , give up the purpose that you resolved to effect (William Shakespeare , British dramatist)不要只因一次失敗,就放棄你原來決心想達到的目的。(英國劇作家 莎士比亞W)

lerate your efforts加倍努力!

e there is life, there is hope有生命必有希望。

prepare ,then go with your flow充分準備,然後順潮流而動。

is compared to a voyage人生好比是一次航程。

’t compare your life to others,you have no idea what their journey is all about不要把你的生活和別人比,你根本不知道他們的旅程是什麼。

things in their being are good for something天生我才必有用。

47.A contented mind is the greatest blessing a man can enjoy in this world知足是人生在世最大的幸事。

secret of success is constancy to purpose成功的祕密在於始終如一地忠於目標。

time is no time when it is past機不可失,時不再來。

man who has made up his mind to win will never say "impossible " (Bonaparte Napoleon ,French emperor )凡是決心取得勝利的人是從來不說"不可能的"。( 法國皇帝 拿破崙 B)