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pleasure 很高興。

2.I’m sorry I’m busy now 對不起,我現在正忙着。

3.I’m glad to, but I’m afraid I don’t have the time 我很樂意,但我恐怕沒時間。

d you mind closing the window for me? 能幫我關一下窗戶嗎?(你介意關下窗戶嗎?)

at all 當然可以。(當然不介意)

se me, madam Could you tell me where the post office is? 對不起,女士,請問郵局在哪裏?

’s just around the corner 轉彎就是。

se me, how can I get to the bus station? 對不起,汽車站怎麼走?

can take the bus and get off at the second stop 你可以坐公共汽車第二站下。

se me Where is No Street? 對不起,第五大街在哪兒?

straight ahead and turn left at the second crossing 一直往前走,在第二個十字路口往左拐。

se me Can you tell me how to get to Mr Hu’s restaurant? 對不起,你能告訴我怎麼去胡先生的餐館嗎?

on for about meters It’s on your left side You can’t miss it 往前走約米,在你左手邊,你不會錯過的。

h one is Mr Jame’s office? 哪間是詹姆司先生的辦公室?

’s Room on the second floor 二樓房間。

I use the lift? 我能用電梯嗎?

y, it’s broken You have to use the stairs 對不起,它壞了,你只能走樓梯了。

e are the stairs? 樓梯在哪裏呢?

along the corridor and it’s on your right side 沿着走廊走,在你右手邊。

k you for directions 感謝你爲我指路。

you married? 你結婚了嗎?

22.I’m single 我現在單身。

have a younger brother, don’t you? 你有個弟弟,是嗎?

is your family? 你的家人怎麼樣?

’s engaged/married to John 她和約翰訂婚/結婚了。

long have you been married? 你們結婚多久了?

’ve been married for years 我們結婚兩年了。

parents got married in 我父母年結婚的。

gave birth to a baby last week 瑪麗上星期做媽媽了。

’ve been divorced 他們已離婚了。

wife died a year ago Now he lives alone 他妻子去年去世了。現在他一個人住。

aunt will come to live with me for a few days 我阿姨會來和我住一些日子。

has his own family now 約翰現在有自己的家了。

you live with your parents? 你和你父母住一起嗎?

I live in my own house 不,我住在自己的房子裏。

you know Mary? 你認識瑪麗嗎?

We have been friends since primary school 當然,我們從小學就是朋友了。

ly? I was introduced to her just last weekend 真的?上週末我才被介紹給她。

is she doing now? 她現在幹些什麼呢?

told me she wanted to start a company 她告訴我她想開公司。

t a company? But I thought she would be a scholar 開公司?我原以爲她會成爲一個學者

le are always changing, aren’t they? 人總是在變,不是嗎?

, you’re right After all, she is smart enough to go into business 是啊,你說的對。畢竟,她完全有經商才智。

she doesn’t have much experience 但她沒有太多經驗。

two don’t have much contact? 你們倆沒怎麼聯繫嗎?

, I only wrote her one letter this year 是的,今年我纔給她寫過一封信。

her? 她呢?

sent me a Christmas card last year 去年寄過一張聖誕卡。

, that’s not good 哦,那可不好。

, we should try to contact more 是的,我們應該聯繫多點。