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makes it clear that she doesn‘t like swimming她明確地表示她不喜歡游泳。

constitution guards the liberty of the people憲法保護人民的自由。

doctor examined the soldier‘s wound carefully大夫仔細檢查了戰士的傷口。

harder I study, the better my English will be我越努力,我的英語就會越好。

sun was shining and the sky was crystal clear陽光閃爍,天空湛藍。

cellar room is very damp in the rainy season這間地下室在雨季非常潮溼。

uters are becoming a part of our everyday life電子計算機正漸漸成爲我們日常生活的一部分。

y man is fool sometimes, but none at all times每個人都有愚蠢的時候,但是沒有一個人永遠愚蠢。

dreamed of traveling to remote South Sea Islands他曾夢想到遙遠的南海諸島去旅遊。

can I climb up that wall! I wish I were a bird!我怎麼能夠爬得上那堵牆?我要是一隻鳥就好了!

ver, Susan has not really made up her mind yet然而,蘇珊卻還沒有決定。

12.I really think a little exercise would do you good我真的覺得做點運動對你有好處。

13.I will never forget the days that I spent with you我永遠都不會忘記和你一起度過的日子。

got a bad headache, and my nose is running我頭痛得厲害,還流鼻涕。

young girls dream of being a fashion model許多年輕女孩夢想成爲時裝模特兒。

of the earth‘s surface is covered by water大部分的地球表面被水覆蓋着。

body‘s knocking at the door I‘ll answer it有人在敲門,我去開。

number bus will take you to the hospital 路車會帶你去醫院。

celebrated his birthday with a dance party也們舉辦舞會來祝賀他的生日。

misplaced this book under other categories他們把它錯放到另一個類別去了。

played a shameful part in the whole affair他們在這一事件中扮演了可恥的角色。

a matter of fact, he was pretending to be ill實際上,他是在裝病。

23.I will speak against anything I know to be wrong我會對所有我認爲不對的事情直言不諱。

spite of the heavy rain, she went to the shop儘管下着大雨,她還是去了商店。

matter what happened, he would not say a word不管發生什麼事,他也不會說一句話。

one knows the location of the hidden treasure誰也不知道藏寶地點在哪裏。

old lady enjoys a quiet life with her family老太太和她的家人安享寧靜的生活。

population of the city is close to a million這個城市的人口接近一百萬。

are prohibited from smoking on school grounds我們被禁止在校園內抽菸。

th, however, brings new problems and concerns不過,發展也帶來了新的問題和顧慮。

appears to be your friend but I doubt if he is他看上去像是你的朋友,但我懷疑他是否是真心的。

32.I am so full that I would burst with another bite我吃得如此之飽,我感覺我再吃一口肚子就要脹破了。

33.I have two cats One is white, the other is black我有兩隻貓,一隻是白貓,另一隻是黑貓。

34.I‘m sorry, these books are days overdue小姐,對不起,這兩本書已經過期 天了。

has forgotten falling off his bicycle詹露早忘掉他從白行車上摔下來這件事了

36.I appreciate John‘s helping in time 我感謝約翰的及時幫助。

37.I bought it the day it was released 它發行的當天我就買了。

38.I doubted whether the story is true 我懷疑那故事是不是真的。

39.I learnt that I had passed the test 我獲悉我測驗及格了。

40.I will seek from my doctor‘s advice 我將請教醫生的意見。

cream is popular among children 冰淇淋深受孩子們的歡迎。

42.I‘d like to get this film developed 我要衝洗這卷膠捲。

a word,I am tired of everything 總之,我對一切都很厭倦。

us do it by ourselves,will you? 我們自己做這件事,可以嗎?

I know the quantity you require? 請問你們需要多少數量的貨物?

dy has ever solved this problem 沒有人曾解決過這個問題。

school covers square meters 我們學校佔地面積平方米。

le enjoyed the stamps very much 人們非常喜愛這些郵票。

editor over looked a print error 這位編輯漏掉了一個印刷錯誤。

sudden barking frightened Clara 突然的狗叫聲嚇壞了克拉拉。