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That’s true.對。

You’ve done a good job.太棒了。

It’s almost perfect.幾乎完美無暇。

I think your answer is very useful.你的答案很有用。

What you said is meaningful.你說的很有用。

Your answer is interesting.你的答案很有趣。

This question is a bit difficult,try to think about it.這個問題有點難,再想一想。

Don’t worry.You still have a chance.別擔心,還有機會。

Don’t be shy.I’m sure you can do it.別害羞,你肯定行。

Don’t be afraid.Take it easy.別害怕,放鬆點。


Not quite.不完全。

Not really.不太對。

Sorry,I don’t think you are right.抱歉,我想這不太對。

I’m afra id this is wrong.我恐怕它錯了。

I don’t think so.我不認爲這樣。

Really?Could you talk about the story a detail?真的嗎?你能再詳細說說嗎?


I can’t accept this point.我不能接受這觀點。

Your answer isn’t to the point.你的觀點不能切中要害。

I don’t agree.我部同意。

It’s much better this time.這次好多了。

I agree with your point.我不同意你的觀點。

I think so.我認爲也是如此。

This is to the point.切中要害。

Well done.Congratulations.太好了。祝賀你。

Right.Very good.That’s it.Great.A good job.Excellent.Terrific.Exactly.Absolutely right.決對正確。

Completely correct.Sound good.不錯。

That’s correct.正確。

You did good.很棒。

That’s funny.真有趣。

Good idea.好想法。

You’re great.We should clap for you.棒極了,我們應該爲你鼓掌。

Don’t give up.Try your best.別放棄,盡你的全力。


I admire you for your works.我十分佩服你說的話。

Don’t be afraid.Show your confidence.別害怕,拿出你的勇氣

Be confident.自信些。

Don’t lose heart.You can try it again.別灰心,你可再試一次。

Think carefully.Don’t leave it to chance.仔細想想不要碰運氣。你的答案讓我想起了另一點。

Great.Who first think of this idea?好,誰先想到這個主意的

Is everybody here?What’s the matter/wrong with Li Ming?怎麼回事?

Be quiet,students.Now I’m going to call the roll.請安靜,開始點名了。

What’s the date today?今天幾月幾號?

How is the weather today?/What’s the weather like today?今天天氣怎麼樣?

What month is it?幾月份?

Who is on duty today?今天誰值日。

That’s right.I remember now.對了,我記起來了。

You look worried.What’s wrong?你看起來很着急,怎麼回事?
