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consideration作名詞,意爲careful thought and attention斟酌,考慮

SeverAl considerations have influenced my decision.好幾個因素影響了我的決定。

ideration for顧及,體貼

He has never shown much consideration for his wife’s needs.他從來不顧及他妻子的需要。

r consideration在討論/考慮中

Several projects are under consideration.好幾個項目在討論中。

There are some proposals under consideration. 有幾個建議在審議中。

sth. into consideration考慮到某事,體諒

Your teachers will take your recent illness into consideration when marking your exams. 你的幾位老師在給你的考試評分時,會考慮你最近生病這一情況的。

e sth. out of consideration 忽略/不重視某事

It was wrong to leave my feelings out of consideration.不顧及我的情感是不對的。

consideration for體諒,顧及

Jeff never shows any consideration for his mother’s feelings.傑夫從來不體諒他母親的感受。

. No / little consideration無關緊要的,不重要的

Whether he would go with us or not was of no consideration. 他是否跟我們一起去是無關緊要的。

consideration of sth.作爲對……的彙報,考慮到

It’s a small payment in consideration of your services.這是答謝您服務的微薄酬金。


ider作動詞,意爲think about sth.考慮,斟酌

常用搭配:consider sth. / doing sth. / where(how, why)+to do /that clause; all things considered通盤考慮,考慮到問題的各個方面。如:

He paused to consider his options.他停下來考慮該如何作選擇。

Any reasonable offer will be considered.任何合理報價都將予以考慮。

I’m considering applying for the job.我在申請那份工作。

We’re still considering where to go.我們仍在考慮去哪。

If you consider that she’s only been studying English for six months, she speaks it very well.如果考慮到她學英語才六個月,那麼她英語講得非常不錯了。

All things considered, we’re doing quite well.通盤考慮,我們目前幹得不錯。

ider作動詞,還可理解爲think of sb. / sth. In a particular way 認爲,看待

常用搭配:consider sb. / sth. to be + adj. / as+n./直接加n. or adj.

Conside sb. to have done.(不可用:consider sb. to do)

Tom is considered as (to be)our best friend. 湯姆被認爲是我們的最好朋友。

A further study is now considered unlikely. 進一步的研究目前被認爲是不可能的。

Lydia was considered an excellent teacher. 莉迪亞被認爲是一位優秀的教師。

Consider yourself luck you weren’t in the car at that time. 你當時不在車裏,你應該感到慶幸。

The Arab was considered to have stolen the cameral.那個阿拉伯人被認爲偷了那頭駱駝。

ider作動詞,亦有“think about sb. or one’s feelings, take(sth.)into account體諒,體貼”之意。如:

God, you’re so selfish! You’ve got to learn to consider other people! 天啊,你太怎麼了!你得學會替別人着想!

We must consider the feelings of other people. 我們必須顧及他人的感情。


iderable作爲形容詞形,意爲:great in amount or size相當多的,相當大的。其副詞形式爲considerably。

She has considerable influence with the President. 她對總統有相當大的影響。

It’s considerably colder today.今天冷得多。

其反義詞inconsiderable,常與not搭配,not inconsiderable意爲:fairly large or important 相當大規模的,相當重要的。

He has built up a not inconsiderable business mall. 他已建立起一個相當大規模的商業購物中心。

iderate作爲形容詞,意爲:careful not to hurt or inconvenience others考慮周到的,關心的,體貼的。如:

Diana is considerate towards her employees. She is willing to listen. 黛安娜是個體諒她僱員的人。她樂於聽取意見。

It was considerate of you not to play the piano while I was asleep. 在我睡覺的時候你不彈鋼琴,真是體貼入微。


It was inconsiderate of him to keep us waiting like that. 讓我們等這麼久,他太不體諒人了。


This is a considered opinion. 這是經過深思熟慮的意見。

Her paintings are very well considered abroad. 她的畫在國外受到好評。


idering作介詞,意爲:in view of, taking into consideration考慮到,鑑於,就……而言

She is very active, considering her age.就她的年齡而言,她是夠活躍的。

Considering the strength of the opposition, we did well to score two goals.考慮到對方實力強大,我們進了兩個球就很不錯了。


Considering he’s only just started, he knows quite a lot about it.考慮到他只是剛剛開始,他對此瞭解已不少了。


Mum didn’t look too bad, considering. 從各方面考慮,媽媽的氣色並不是太差。






