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其實,任何題型的考察都是圍繞着託福閱讀文章本身來的,我們只要理清了託福閱讀文章的“套路”和邏輯,完全可以根據作者的思路和風格去採取正向和逆向雙重思維解決推斷題。OG上將推斷題定義爲檢查考生對文章中強烈建議但絕不明說觀點(strongly implied but not explicitly stated in the text)的理解程度,屬於理解性題目。一般來說,託福閱讀infer題主要有以下三個解題步驟:




託福文章有很清晰的邏輯結構,每個自然段往往是按照TS(Topic Sentence)+SD (Supporting details)展開的,而文章多半是按Introduction + Aspects+Attitudes展開的。只有明白了文章的寫作思路才能更好更快的做對題目,作者必定是按照一定的行文順序編排段落的,如果畫一個水平軸作爲事件發展的順序,推斷題是讓你從這個軸上的某一個點去推測,無非就兩個方向,順着軸發展的方向或者逆着軸發展的方向。具體來看,正向推斷和事實信息題的做題方法一樣,答案就是定位的句子的同義改寫;逆向推斷稍微複雜一點,大致分爲時間和事物對比這兩類。

1)兩類事物對比,往往文中會出現表示對比的關係詞:by contrast, unlike, while, whereas, on the contrary, in comparison to, distinct from, different from等詞。例如官方真題Official 2中的The Origins of Cetaceans的第2題,讓考生推測關於early sea otters的,回到原文中定位,會發現關鍵句中存在着一個unlike,說不像sea otters,想象一下早期鯨類比較困難(not easy = difficult),那我們逆推一下,不就是說想象早期sea otters長什麼樣比較容易,正確答案中出現了not difficult,所以這道題很簡單。當然ETS不會一直都出這麼簡單的推斷題,這裏只是給大家一個答題的方向。

Paragraph 4: These ideas remain controversial. Proponents point to features such as the terraced "beaches" shown in one image, which could conceivably have been left behind as a lake or ocean evaporated and the shoreline receded. But detractors maintain that the terraces could also have been created by geological activity, perhaps related to the geologic forces that depressed the Northern Hemisphere far below the level of the south, in which case they have nothing whatever to do with Martian water. Furthermore, Mars Global Surveyor data released in 2003 seem to indicate that the Martian surface contains too few carbonate rock layers-layers containing compounds of carbon and oxygen-that should have been formed in abundance in an ancient ocean. Their absence supports the picture of a cold, dry Mars that never experienced the extended mild period required to form lakes and oceans. However, more recent data imply that at least some parts of the planet did in fact experience long periods in the past during which liquid water existed on the surface.

10. According to paragraph 4, what do the 2003 Global Surveyor data suggest about Mars?

○Ancient oceans on Mars contained only small amounts of carbon.

○The climate of Mars may not have been suitable for the formation of large bodies of water.

○Liquid water may have existed on some parts of Mars' surface for long periods of time.

○The ancient oceans that formed on Mars dried up during periods of cold, dry weather.

解析:根據關鍵詞我們定位到文段的中間部分:Mars Global Surveyor data released in 2003 seem to indicate that the Martian surface contains too few carbonate rock layers-layers containing compounds of carbon and oxygen-that should have been formed in abundance in an ancient ocean.

這道題可以當做事實信息題去做,但注意不是原文的簡單重複,suggest是原文中indicate的同義轉換,我們只要找到what就好了,原文that後面是重點,出現了too few, should have,情感態度推測一下,持否定態度,也就說說形成 an ancient ocean不太可能,我們看選項,A中說Ancient oceans on Mars contained only small amounts of carbon.主客體與原文矛盾,排除;B選項The climate of Mars may not have been suitable for the formation of large bodies of water.說不適合形成大量的水,持否定態度,符合原文,保留;C選項Liquid water may have existed on some parts of Mars' surface for long periods of time.相關句中未提及,排除;D選項The ancient oceans that formed on Mars dried up during periods of cold, dry weather.說的是ancient oceans沒有,而不是原來有後來乾涸了,與原文不符,排除,所以正確答案爲B。

2)題幹中出現表示時間的信息,比如:after 1932,since early years of the 19th century.例如官方真題Official 20 Passage 1 Western Migration Q1:

Paragraph 1: The story of the westward movement of population in the US is, in the main, the story of the expansion of American agriculture of the development of new areas for the raising of livestock and the cultivation of wheat, corn, tobacco, and cotton. After 1815, improved transportation enabled more and more western farmers to escape a self-sufficient way of life and enter a national market economy during periods when commodity prices were high, the rate of westward migration increased spectacularly.

What can be inferred from paragraph 1 about western farmers prior to 1815?

○They had limited their crop production to wheat, corn, tobacco and cotton.

○They were able to sell their produce at high prices

○They had not been successful in raising cattle.

○They did not operate in a national market economy.

題幹中出現了兩個信息,一個是western farmers,一個是prior to 1815,帶着兩條信息去文中定位,定位在第一段第四行,但是文章中沒有提到1815年之前,只有1815年之後,答案其實很簡單,只要把1815年之後的內容看懂了,並且在這個內容前面加not即可。舉個簡單的例子,“從現在起Jessica是個姑娘”,“請問你能推斷出昨天Jessica怎麼了麼?”可能很多人想到“是不是Jessica做了變性手術?”,其實這就算過分推斷了,答案就是Jessica昨天不是個姑娘。言歸正題,文中說到,改善的交通使得越來越多的西部農民擺脫了自給自足的生活,並且進入了國家性的市場經濟,那個時候貨物的價格很多,所以向西遷移的速率也大幅增長。



問法:According to the passage, what/ which/ why/ when?

技巧:定位原文, 細讀

(1)題幹明確定位 (如給出第幾段, highlight)

(2) 題幹無明確定位

A 找題幹中人名, 地名, 物種名, 大寫, 斜體, 數字年代, 符號.

B 定位某一段, 再定位某一位置

C 用核心名詞定位


注意:既然是infer, imply, 就一定不是原文中明確說的




a 原文直接清楚描述的,排除

b 與原文無關的新內容,排除















一般來說,5篇文章中有2篇難度大一些,比方說:如果 後一篇文章難度大,且12-14道題,在這種情況下,按部就班做題就有可能因時間不夠而做錯好幾道題,帶來巨大的損失。因此首先定位文章難程度,同時目測文章的含金量(即題量分佈),有助於科學分配閱讀部分的做題時間。


所謂結構,即文章的骨架子。託福閱讀文章是純學術體(Academic),是北美國際留學生在大學裏天天都能接觸到的教科書風格的文章,這些文章涉及人文社科和自然科學,均議論文、說明文, 顯著的特點是呈板塊結構。


所以,採取"結構掃描"法讀託福閱讀文章,意味着以 快捷的方式瞭解文章大意,從而正確引導下一步做具體的題,而不至於出現大方向的理解錯誤。