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air speed indicator是什麼意思、英文翻譯及中文解釋

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air speed indicator

ing-bottom: 66.88%;">air speed indicator是什麼意思、英文翻譯及中文解釋

詞語: air speed indicator

解釋: 速度計


詞典: 環境專業英漢詞典

air speed indicator 相關解釋

速度計 dromometer;speed gage;speed gauge;speed indicator;speed meter;speedometer;velocimeter;velocity gage;velometer

速度計 speedometer;tacheometer;tachymeter

速度計 speed indicator;speedmeter;velometer

速度計 speed meter;speedometer;velocity gage

速度計 speedlog;speedometer;velocity gauge;velocity meter;velograph

速度計 VM;speed indicator;velocimeter;velocity meter;velometer

速度計 speed counter;speed gage;speed indicator;velocimeter

速度計 rate meter

速度計 rate indicator;speed indicator;tacheometer;velocimeter

速度計 speed gauge;speed limit controller;speedometer;velocimeter;velocity meter

速度計 speed indicator;speedometer;tacheometer;tachymeter

速度計 speedometer;velocimeter;velometer

速度計 speed counter velocimeter velocity gauge velocity meter velometer



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  • 6Additional Clauses for Supervising the Erection of Plants and Machinery Abroad是什麼意思、英文翻譯及中文解釋大綱
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