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詢問工作情況“How’s it going?”近況如何?“How’s your day been so far?”你今天過得怎麼樣?“Any progress on the project?”項目有什麼進展嗎?“Are you busy?”你忙嗎?“Need any help with that?”需要幫忙嗎?提出建議和意見“I think we should consider…”我認爲我們應該考慮……“What if we tried…”要不要試試……“Have you thought about…”你有沒有考慮過……“In my opinion…”我認爲……“Maybe we could…”或許我們可以……請求反饋和意見“What do you think about this idea?”你覺得這個主意怎麼樣?“Can you give me some feedback on this?”你能給我一些關於這個的反饋嗎?“Do you have any suggestions for improvement?”你有什麼改進的建議嗎?“I’d appreciate your input on…”我很感謝你對……的意見。表達感謝和讚揚“Thanks for your hard work on this.”謝謝你在這方面的努力。“Great job!”做得好!“I really appreciate your help.”我真的很感謝你的幫助。“You did an excellent job with…”你在……方面做得很出色。安排會議和討論“Let’s schedule a meeting to discuss this further.”讓我們安排一個會議進一步討論這個問題。“Can we meet later to go over the details?”我們可以晚些時候見面詳細討論一下嗎?“I’ll send out a calendar invite for that.”我會發送一個日曆邀請。“Are you available at [time] for a quick chat?”你在……時間方便聊一下嗎?結束交流“Let me know if you need anything else.”如果你需要其他什麼,請告訴我。“Thanks for the update. Talk to you later.”謝謝你的更新。待會再聊。“I’ll follow up with you on that.”我會跟進這個事情。“Have a good day!”祝你今天愉快!
